* Andrew Dunstan wrote:

On 04/22/2016 02:46 AM, Michael Paquier wrote:

Progress report:

1. My VS 2015 installations (I now have several) all generate
solution file
    Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
so I propose to set that as the solution file version.
I am wondering why it happens this way for you..

It's not just me. See the reply at
and notice that in both cases the Solution file format is version 12.00.

Try as I may, I cannot get my VS 2015 to write a version 14 .sln file. It's always "12.00". If I change it to 14 by hand, it still opens and appears to work fine.

I tried to find a real-world version 14 solution to see if I can spot a difference between it and the version 12 files, but there appears to be very little out there, and what there is, looks like it was either autogenerated or edited manually. Examples:

- <https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/2d08da92-f16a-4887-935a-e3159104ff2c/> - "converted to VS2015 in anticipation of the release"

- <https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/1909707/getting-empty-folder-in-project-root-after-opening-sln-file-dtar-08e86330-4835-4b5c-9e5a-61f37ae1a077-dtar> - "but I changed the the contents of the .SLN to Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 14.00"

- <https://fossies.org/linux/ACE/examples/Logger/Acceptor-server/Acceptor_server_vc14.sln> - "# This file was generated by MPC."

Google returns not quite two pages of results for "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 14.00"; it *has* to be nonstandard.

My best guess at this point is that the solution format really did not change between 2013 and 2015. Microsoft may just have added support for .sln version 14 for compatibility with people who generate solutions by other means and who are under the impression the .sln version has to be in step with the VS version, when in fact the VisualStudioVersion line in a version 12 .sln file controls which version of VS will open any given file by default, and the MinimumVisualStudioVersion line indicates which VS version supports the project types in the solution.

If my guess is wrong, and anyone knows a way to make VS 2015 write a version 14 .sln file, please tell me.


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