Robert Haas <> writes:
> The new join pushdown code in postgres_fdw does not grok SEMI and ANTI
> joins because there is no straightforward way of reducing those back
> to SQL.  They can originate in multiple ways and not all of those can
> be represented easily.  I think it would be nice to do something to
> fix this.  For example, if a LEFT join WHERE outer_column IS NULL
> turns into an ANTI join, it would be nice if that were marked in some
> way so that postgres_fdw could conveniently emit it in the original
> form.

> Maybe the people who have been working on that patch just haven't been
> creative enough in thinking about how to solve this problem, but it
> makes me greet the idea of more join types that don't map directly
> back to SQL with somewhat mixed feelings.

I can't summon a whole lot of sympathy for that objection.  These cases
won't arise with postgres_fdw as it stands because we'd never be able to
prove uniqueness on a foreign table.  When and if someone tries to improve
that, we can think about how the whole thing ought to map to FDWs.

Having said that, your point does add a bit of weight to David's
suggestion of inventing two new join-type codes rather than overloading
JOIN_SEMI.  I'd still be a bit inclined to display JOIN_INNER_UNIQUE or
whatever we call it as a "Semi" join in EXPLAIN, though, just to minimize
the amount of newness there.

                        regards, tom lane

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