Hello, Hackers!

I worked on a patch[1] allows "EXTRACT(epoch FROM
+-Inf::timestamp[tz])" to return "+-Inf::float8".
There is an opposite function "to_timestamp(float8)" which now defined as:
SELECT ('epoch'::timestamptz + $1 * '1 second'::interval)

Since intervals do not support infinity values, it is impossible to do
something like:
SELECT to_timestamp('infinity'::float8);

... which is not good.

Supporting of such converting is in the TODO list[2] (by "converting
between infinity timestamp and float8").

Proposed patch implements it.

There is an other patch in the CF[3] 2016-03 implements checking of
timestamp[tz] for being in allowed range. Since it is wise to set
(fix) the upper boundary of timestamp[tz]s, I've included the file
"src/include/datatype/timestamp.h" from there to check that an input
value and a result are in the allowed range.

There is no changes in a documentation because allowed range is the
same as officially supported[4] (i.e. until 294277 AD).


Best regards,
Vitaly Burovoy

Attachment: to_timestamp_infs.v001.patch
Description: Binary data

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