Magnus Hagander wrote:
> On Jan 20, 2016 18:57, "Alvaro Herrera" <> wrote:

> > Here's one area where the commitfest app could help the CFM.  I would
> > like to have a report that shows, for each person, the list of patches
> > where they are author, and the list of patches where they are reviewer.
> > Then I can check his reviewer score by skimming a couple of threads and
> > say "you don't have enough author credits, go away".
> I assume you mean a summary review? You can already use the filter feature
> to get this information if you want to look at an individual contributor,
> but I'm guessing you're looking for a global overview?

Yes, a summary.  I tried using the filters but it's too cumbersome.

> And you want the actual patches, and not just a count?

Yes, the actual patches, so that I can go and see the threads.
Otherwise it's easy to mark oneself as reviewer and not actually review
anything ...

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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