On 2016/01/12 20:36, Thom Brown wrote:
On 8 January 2016 at 05:08, Etsuro Fujita <fujita.ets...@lab.ntt.co.jp> wrote:

On 2016/01/06 20:37, Thom Brown wrote:
I've run into an issue:

*# UPDATE master_customers SET id = 22 WHERE id = 16 RETURNING
CONTEXT:  Remote SQL command: UPDATE public.customers SET id = 22

While working on this, I noticed that the existing postgres_fdw system shows
similar behavior, so I changed the subject.

IIUC, the reason for that is when the local query specifies "RETURNING
tableoid::regclass", the FDW has fmstate->has_returning=false while the
remote query executed at ModifyTable has "RETURNING NULL", as shown in the
above example; that would cause an abnormal exit in executing the remote
query in postgresExecForeignUpdate, since that the FDW would get
PGRES_TUPLES_OK as a result of the query while the FDW would think that the
right result to get should be PGRES_COMMAND_OK, from the flag

Attached is a patch to fix that.

I can't apply this patch in tandem with FDW DML pushdown patch (either
v2 or v3).

That patch is for fixing the similar issue in the existing postgres_fdw system. So, please apply that patch without the DML pushdown patch. If that patch is reasonable as a fix for the issue, I'll update the DML pushdown patch (v3) on top of that patch.

Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita

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