On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 12:36, Tom Lane wrote:
> Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> This way, we don't need to bother with
> >> touching the sequence at all during a CREATE USER with explicit sysid.
> > Well, the problem is that this could still cause the reuse of a deleted
> > user, no?  Wasn't that the problem we were originally trying to solve?
> Hmm, yeah I guess so.  Okay, we do need to compare an explicit SYSID
> setting to the sequence, and bump up the sequence if it's greater.
> Annoying, but I guess there's no choice.

*puts on 'outside the box' hat*

I'm sure most of you are familiar with at least one flavor of Unix, so
I'm sure I'm not going to leave anyone confused. (I hope.) 

Why not maintain a sequence, but allow implicit UID assignment? ie;
DROP USER user2 --buhbye;
CREATE user2 --Now gets UID3;
CREATE user3 WITH UID2 --user3 now has UID2;

Default behaviour being if a UID has -been- used (not is -in- use) that
it continues on?

-Ketrien Saihr-Kenchedra
 I don't need no steeenking sig!
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