Lamar Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Incidentally, has anyone else noticed the security update onslaught from Red 
> Hat for older PostgreSQL versions?  They even backported the fixes to 6.5.3 
> from Red Hat 6.2 (as well as for 7.0 and 7.1 as released in the respective 
> Red Hat Linux versions).  Should I forward that notice here?

Some of the guys in Toronto got excited about it, but I can't see a lot
of value there myself.  If you're still running 6.5.3, is it likely you
notice updates from anywhere?

Red Hat 6.2 is still nominally supported (until March 31, it says here)
so I suppose there's a corporate compulsion to back-patch anything
that's labeled a security issue.  But let's get real ... PG 6.anything
is stone-age code now.

                        regards, tom lane
                        Red Hat Database project

PS: I'm not taking a position on Justin's suggestion that there should
be a 7.2.4.  Marc and Bruce would be the ones who have to do the work,
so they get to make the decision...

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