On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 5:31 AM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.steh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is: SplitIdentifierString or textToQualifiedNameList in varlena.c. My
> first patch was based on these functions. But I cannot to use it.
> 1. major reason: The buildin parser is based on searching the dot "." and
> doesn't search any disallowed identifiers chars. So there is not possible to
> implement non strict mode - find last char of last identifier and ignore
> other.
> 2. minor reason: little bit more precious diagnostics - buildin routines
> returns only true (valid) and false (invalid).

I am moving that to next CF because there is a patch but no actual
reviews, and a couple of hackers have showed interest in having that
based on the latest updates on this thread.

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