VACUUM VERBOSE spits out two different messages for the heap, one of
which is rather confusing:
INFO: "trades": removed 625664 row versions in 20967 pages
INFO: "trades": found 3282 removable, 56891627 nonremovable row
versions in 1986034 out of 1986034 pages
After discussion with RhodiumToad I think I now understand how this can
20:00 < RhodiumToad> the LP_DEAD slot is where the index entries for the
deleted row point to, so that has to stay
20:01 < RhodiumToad> so for example, if you delete a lot of rows, then
try and do a lot of updates (which will hint the
pages as needing pruning),
20:01 < RhodiumToad> then do more updates or a seqscan (to let prune
look at the pages),
20:02 < RhodiumToad> then do a vacuum, the vacuum will see a lot of
LP_DEAD slots to remove index entries for, but not
actual tuples
This example is from a table that was VACUUM FULL'd this weekend and had
a nightly batch process run last night. That process INSERTs a bunch of
rows and then does a bunch of UPDATEs on different subsets of those
rows. I don't believe there would have been a large amount of deletes;
I'll check with them tomorrow.
IMHO we need to change the messages so they are explicit about line
pointers vs actual tuples. Trying to obfuscate that just leads to
confusion. heap_page_prune needs to report only non-rootlp tuples that
were pruned. (None of the other callers care about the return value.)
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
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