Greg Stark writes:

> On Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 8:30 PM, Andreas Seltenreich <> 
> wrote:
> When you hit the timeout is this implemented in your fuzzer or using
> statement_timeout? If the former, can you add a statement_timeout of
> just short of the timeout in the fuzzer and find cases where the
> planner might not be calling CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS frequently enough?

It's the latter.  I don't think I can add a client-side timeout into
sqlsmith elegantly.  IMHO it's better to write another test tool that
just re-runs the queries that were logged with a timeout by sqlsmith and
investigates their timeout-behavior more closely.

>> I do have some older numbers for line coverage from before the recent 
>> grammar extension:
> If you have a corpus of queries in a simple format it would be pretty
> convenient to add them in a regression test and then run make coverage
> to get html reports.

Hmm, I thought I found a workflow that would yield sqlsmith's coverage
without integrating it into the regession tests.  This is what I did:

    make install
    initdb /tmp/gcov
    pg_ctl -D /tmp/gcov start
    make installcheck
    pg_ctl -D /tmp/gcov stop
    make coverage-clean
    pg_ctl -D /tmp/gcov start
    sqlsmith --target='dbname=regression' --max-queries=10000
    pg_ctl -D /tmp/gcov stop
    make coverage-html

It seems to yield a pure sqlsmith-only coverage report, as a "make
coverage-html" before the "make coverage-clean" yields a report with
much higher score.  Maybe there are drawbacks to the workflow you are
suggesting?  I just re-did it with the current sqlsmith code, and it's
up by 25% compared to the latest tested revision:

| revision | overall | parser |
| a4c1989  |    26.0 |   20.4 |
| ee099e6  |    33.8 |   25.8 |

I also put the report here, in case someone wants to look at certain
details, or make suggestions into what directions to best extend the
grammar to increase coverage.

> Did you publish the source already? I haven't been following all
> along, sorry if these are all answered questions.

It's not had a proper release yet, but the code is available via github
in all its rapid-prototypesque glory:


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