On 2015/12/09 1:13, Robert Haas wrote:
On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 5:49 AM, Etsuro Fujita
<fujita.ets...@lab.ntt.co.jp> wrote:
I'd like to discuss the next
thing about his patch. As I mentioned in [1], the following change in
the patch will break the EXPLAIN output.
@@ -205,6 +218,11 @@ ExecInitForeignScan(ForeignScan *node, EState
*estate, int eflags)
scanstate->fdwroutine = fdwroutine;
scanstate->fdw_state = NULL;
+ /* Initialize any outer plan. */
+ if (outerPlanState(scanstate))
+ outerPlanState(scanstate) =
+ ExecInitNode(outerPlan(node), estate, eflags);
As pointed out by Horiguchi-san, that's not correct, though; we should
initialize the outer plan if outerPlan(node) != NULL, not
outerPlanState(scanstate) != NULL. Attached is an updated version of
his patch.
I'm also attaching an updated version of the postgres_fdw
join pushdown patch.
Is that based on Ashutosh's version of the patch, or are the two of
you developing independent of each other? We should avoid dueling
patches if possible.
That's not based on his version. I'll add to his patch changes I've
made. IIUC, his version is an updated version of Hanada-san's original
patches that I've modified, so I guess that I could do that easily.
(I've added a helper function for creating a local join execution plan
for a given foreign join, but that is a rush work. So, I'll rewrite that.)
You can find the breaking examples by doing the
regression tests in the postgres_fdw patch. Please apply the patches in
the following order:
epq-recheck-v6-efujita (attached)
usermapping_matching.patch in [2]
add_GetUserMappingById.patch in [2]
foreign_join_v16_efujita2.patch (attached)
As I proposed upthread, I think we could fix that by handling the outer
plan as in the patch [3]; a) the core initializes the outer plan and
stores it into somewhere in the ForeignScanState node, not the lefttree
of the ForeignScanState node, during ExecInitForeignScan, and b) when
the RecheckForeignScan routine gets called, the FDW extracts the plan
from the given ForeignScanState node and executes it. What do you think
about that?
I think the actual regression test outputs are fine, and that your
desire to suppress part of the plan tree from showing up in the
EXPLAIN output is misguided. I like it just the way it is. To
prevent user confusion, I think that when we add support to
postgres_fdw for this we might also want to add some documentation
explaining how to interpret this EXPLAIN output, but I don't think
there's any problem with the output itself.
I'm not sure that that's a good idea. one reason for that is I think
that that would be more confusing to users when more than two foreign
tables are involved in a foreign join as shown in the following example.
Note that the outer plans will be shown recursively. Another reason
is there is no consistency between the costs of the outer plans and that
of the main plan.
postgres=# explain verbose select * from foo, bar, baz where foo.a =
bar.a and bar.a = baz.a for update;
LockRows (cost=100.00..100.45 rows=15 width=96)
Output: foo.a, bar.a, baz.a, foo.*, bar.*, baz.*
-> Foreign Scan (cost=100.00..100.30 rows=15 width=96)
Output: foo.a, bar.a, baz.a, foo.*, bar.*, baz.*
Relations: ((public.foo) INNER JOIN (public.bar)) INNER JOIN
Remote SQL: SELECT l.a1, l.a2, l.a3, l.a4, r.a1, r.a2 FROM
(SELECT l.a1, l.a2, r.a1, r.a2 FROM (SELECT l.a9, ROW(l.a9) FROM (SELECT
a a9 FROM p
ublic.foo FOR UPDATE) l) l (a1, a2) INNER JOIN (SELECT r.a9, ROW(r.a9)
FROM (SELECT a a9 FROM public.bar FOR UPDATE) r) r (a1, a2) ON ((l.a1 =
r.a1))) l
(a1, a2, a3, a4) INNER JOIN (SELECT r.a9, ROW(r.a9) FROM (SELECT a a9
FROM public.baz FOR UPDATE) r) r (a1, a2) ON ((l.a1 = r.a1))
-> Hash Join (cost=272.13..272.69 rows=15 width=96)
Output: foo.a, foo.*, bar.a, bar.*, baz.a, baz.*
Hash Cond: (foo.a = baz.a)
-> Foreign Scan (cost=100.00..100.04 rows=2 width=64)
Output: foo.a, foo.*, bar.a, bar.*
Relations: (public.foo) INNER JOIN (public.bar)
Remote SQL: SELECT l.a1, l.a2, r.a1, r.a2 FROM
(SELECT l.a9, ROW(l.a9) FROM (SELECT a a9 FROM public.foo FOR UPDATE) l)
l (a1, a2)
INNER JOIN (SELECT r.a9, ROW(r.a9) FROM (SELECT a a9 FROM public.bar FOR
UPDATE) r) r (a1, a2) ON ((l.a1 = r.a1))
-> Nested Loop (cost=200.00..202.18 rows=2 width=64)
Output: foo.a, foo.*, bar.a, bar.*
Join Filter: (foo.a = bar.a)
-> Foreign Scan on public.foo
(cost=100.00..101.06 rows=2 width=32)
Output: foo.a, foo.*
Remote SQL: SELECT a FROM public.foo
-> Materialize (cost=100.00..101.07 rows=2
Output: bar.a, bar.*
-> Foreign Scan on public.bar
(cost=100.00..101.06 rows=2 width=32)
Output: bar.a, bar.*
public.bar FOR UPDATE
-> Hash (cost=153.86..153.86 rows=1462 width=32)
Output: baz.a, baz.*
-> Foreign Scan on public.baz
(cost=100.00..153.86 rows=1462 width=32)
Output: baz.a, baz.*
Remote SQL: SELECT a FROM public.baz FOR UPDATE
(29 rows)
Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita
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