For grins I tried running the TAP tests on my ancient HPUX box that
hosts pademelon and gaur.  At first they showed a lot of failures,
which I eventually determined were happening because slurp_file was
only retrieving part of the postmaster logfile, causing issues_sql_like
to mistakenly report a failure.  I don't know exactly why slurp_file
is misbehaving; it may well be a bug in perl 5.8.9.  But anyway,
rewriting it like this makes the problem go away:

diff --git a/src/test/perl/ b/src/test/perl/
*** a/src/test/perl/
--- b/src/test/perl/
*************** sub slurp_dir
*** 158,166 ****
  sub slurp_file
        local $/;
!       local @ARGV = @_;
!       my $contents = <>;
        $contents =~ s/\r//g if $Config{osname} eq 'msys';
        return $contents;
--- 158,169 ----
  sub slurp_file
+       my ($filename) = @_;
        local $/;
!       open(my $in, $filename)
!         or die "could not read \"$filename\": $!";
!       my $contents = <$in>;
!       close $in;
        $contents =~ s/\r//g if $Config{osname} eq 'msys';
        return $contents;

To my admittedly-no-perl-expert eye, the existing coding is too cute
by half anyway, eg what it will do in error situations is documented
nowhere that I can find in man perlop.

Any objections to pushing this?

                        regards, tom lane

PS: I'm not planning to turn on TAP testing on pademelon/gaur; looks like
that would add about 40 minutes to what's already an hour and a half per
buildfarm run.  But it might be good to check it manually every so often.

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