I wrote: > Tom Lane writes: >> Andreas Seltenreich <seltenre...@gmx.de> writes: >>> I've added new grammar rules to sqlsmith and improved some older ones. >>> This was rewarded with a return of "failed to generate plan" errors. >> >> I believe I've dealt with these cases now. Thanks for the report! > > I no longer see "failed to build any n-way joins" after pulling, but > there are still instances of "could not devise a query plan". Samples below.
sorry, I spoke too soon: nine of the former have been logged through the night. I'm attaching a larger set of sample queries this time in case that there are still multiple causes for the observed errors. regards, Andreas
-- select query||';' from error e -- where (msg ~~ 'ERROR: failed to build any%') -- and e.t > now() - interval '8 hours' -- order by length(query) asc; select ref_0.collation_schema as c0 from (select sample_0.is_supported as c0 from information_schema.sql_packages as sample_0 tablesample system (0.8) where 25 > 15 fetch first 60 rows only) as subq_0 right join information_schema.collations as ref_0 on (subq_0.c0 = ref_0.collation_catalog ), lateral (select ref_1.f2 as c0, ref_1.f1 as c1, ref_0.collation_name as c2, ref_0.pad_attribute as c3, subq_0.c0 as c4, subq_0.c0 as c5, subq_0.c0 as c6 from public.func_index_heap as ref_1 where ref_1.f2 ~ ref_1.f1 fetch first 170 rows only) as subq_1, lateral (select sample_8.b as c0, subq_1.c1 as c1, sample_8.a as c2 from public.clstr_tst as sample_8 tablesample system (8.8) left join public.f_star as sample_9 tablesample bernoulli (7.5) on (sample_8.a = sample_9.aa ) left join public.rules_log as sample_10 tablesample bernoulli (7) on (sample_8.b = sample_10.f1 ) where sample_10.tag <> sample_8.c fetch first 126 rows only) as subq_2 where (ref_0.collation_name is NULL) or (subq_2.c1 !~ subq_2.c1) fetch first 56 rows only; select subq_16.c4 as c0 from public.rule_and_refint_t1 as sample_18 tablesample system (9.7) left join (select sample_20.xx as c0, sample_20.xx as c1 from public.inhf as sample_20 tablesample bernoulli (1) where sample_20.xx is not NULL) as subq_11 inner join public.main_table as sample_25 tablesample system (1.2) inner join (select sample_26.b as c0, subq_15.c1 as c1, subq_15.c0 as c2, 32 as c3, subq_15.c0 as c4 from public.dropcolumn as sample_26 tablesample system (7.6) , lateral (select sample_27.t as c0, sample_26.b as c1 from public.radix_text_tbl as sample_27 tablesample system (4.6) where (sample_26.b is not NULL) and (sample_27.t ~~ sample_27.t)) as subq_15 where subq_15.c0 !~ subq_15.c0) as subq_16 on (sample_25.b = subq_16.c0 ) on (subq_11.c0 = subq_16.c2 ) on (sample_18.id1a = sample_25.a ), lateral (select subq_16.c3 as c0, subq_17.c1 as c1, sample_18.id1a as c2, coalesce(subq_16.c0, subq_16.c1) as c3 from public.rtest_vcomp as ref_21, lateral (select sample_28.a as c0, ref_21.size_in_cm as c1, subq_11.c0 as c2, sample_18.id1a as c3 from public.tab1 as sample_28 tablesample system (8.2) where subq_11.c1 <= sample_28.b fetch first 111 rows only) as subq_17 where ref_21.size_in_cm is NULL fetch first 101 rows only) as subq_18 where subq_11.c0 ~>=~ subq_11.c1 fetch first 94 rows only; select subq_33.c0 as c0, subq_33.c0 as c1 from (select sample_95.y as c0, sample_95.z as c1 from public.check2_tbl as sample_95 tablesample system (5.1) where sample_95.y = sample_95.y) as subq_28 right join pg_catalog.pg_user as ref_101 on (subq_28.c0 = ref_101.passwd ) left join pg_catalog.pg_opfamily as sample_96 tablesample bernoulli (9.8) on (ref_101.usesysid = sample_96.opfmethod ), lateral (select subq_31.c0 as c0, sample_97.e as c1, sample_97.e as c2 from public.dropcolumnchild as sample_97 tablesample system (2.4) , lateral (select subq_30.c0 as c0 from public.random_tbl as sample_98 tablesample system (8.4) , lateral (select subq_28.c1 as c0, subq_28.c0 as c1, subq_28.c1 as c2, sample_97.e as c3 from public.undroppable_objs as ref_102 where sample_96.opfnamespace <= ref_101.usesysid fetch first 76 rows only) as subq_29, lateral (select sample_96.opfmethod as c0 from public.inhf as sample_99 tablesample system (10) where sample_96.opfname ~~ subq_28.c0) as subq_30 where sample_96.opfnamespace = sample_96.opfnamespace fetch first 111 rows only) as subq_31 where subq_31.c0 <= subq_31.c0 fetch first 100 rows only) as subq_32, lateral (select sample_100.srvfdw as c0 from pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server as sample_100 tablesample bernoulli (0.7) where (sample_96.opfowner >= subq_32.c0) and (subq_32.c0 <= sample_96.opfmethod) fetch first 117 rows only) as subq_33 where subq_33.c0 <= sample_96.opfowner; select subq_11.c0 as c0 from (select sample_23.srvversion as c0, sample_23.srvfdw as c1 from pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server as sample_23 tablesample bernoulli (9.5) where sample_23.srvowner <= sample_23.srvfdw) as subq_11 right join (select sample_24.f as c0, sample_24.e as c1, sample_24.ee as c2, sample_24.cc as c3, sample_24.a as c4, sample_24.class as c5 from public.f_star as sample_24 tablesample system (4.8) where sample_24.a ~<~ sample_24.a) as subq_12 on (subq_11.c0 = subq_12.c4 ) left join public.rtest_admin as ref_27 inner join (select subq_17.c0 as c0, subq_17.c0 as c1, subq_17.c0 as c2 from public.customer as ref_34, lateral (select ref_35.passwd as c0 from pg_catalog.pg_user as ref_35 where true) as subq_17 where (((subq_17.c0 ~* ref_34.tel) or (((subq_17.c0 @@ subq_17.c0) or (subq_17.c0 ~>~ ref_34.passwd)) or (subq_17.c0 >= subq_17.c0))) and (((ref_34.cid is not NULL) or (ref_34.tel is NULL)) or (subq_17.c0 ~<~ subq_17.c0))) or (ref_34.passwd ~<~ subq_17.c0)) as subq_18 inner join public.room as ref_36 on (subq_18.c2 = ref_36.comment ) on (ref_27.pname = ref_36.comment ) on (subq_11.c0 = ref_36.comment ), lateral (select ref_36.roomno as c0, 19 as c1, subq_18.c0 as c2 from public.clstr_tst_s as sample_36 tablesample bernoulli (7.9) where true fetch first 81 rows only) as subq_19 where ref_36.comment ~>~ subq_12.c4 fetch first 154 rows only; select subq_6.c1 as c0, subq_0.c0 as c1, sample_0.tmplinit as c2 from pg_catalog.pg_ts_template as sample_0 tablesample system (5.1) left join (select ref_0.tgconstrrelid as c0 from pg_catalog.pg_trigger as ref_0 where (ref_0.tgname < ref_0.tgname) and (ref_0.tgtype is NULL) fetch first 49 rows only) as subq_0 right join (select subq_5.c9 as c0, 4 as c1 from public.abstime_tbl as sample_23 tablesample bernoulli (3.8) , lateral (select sample_24.a as c0, sample_24.a as c1, sample_23.f1 as c2, sample_23.f1 as c3, sample_24.a as c4, sample_24.b as c5, sample_24.a as c6, sample_24.a as c7, sample_24.b as c8, sample_23.f1 as c9, sample_23.f1 as c10, sample_23.f1 as c11, sample_23.f1 as c12, sample_23.f1 as c13, sample_24.a as c14, sample_24.a as c15 from testxmlschema.test1 as sample_24 tablesample system (9.4) where sample_23.f1 <> sample_23.f1) as subq_5 where sample_23.f1 <= sample_23.f1) as subq_6 inner join (select sample_25.collowner as c0, sample_25.collowner as c1, sample_25.collctype as c2, 42 as c3, sample_25.collctype as c4, sample_25.collnamespace as c5 from pg_catalog.pg_collation as sample_25 tablesample bernoulli (8.5) where (false) or (sample_25.collname = sample_25.collctype) fetch first 72 rows only) as subq_7 on (subq_6.c1 = subq_7.c3 ) on (subq_0.c0 = subq_7.c0 ) on (sample_0.tmplnamespace = subq_0.c0 ), lateral (select subq_7.c2 as c0, subq_6.c1 as c1 from information_schema.sql_packages as sample_26 tablesample system (1.2) where ((subq_0.c0 = subq_0.c0) and (subq_6.c1 <= 28)) and (subq_0.c0 = coalesce(subq_7.c5, subq_7.c0)) fetch first 101 rows only) as subq_8 where sample_0.tmplnamespace >= subq_0.c0 fetch first 30 rows only; select ref_109.name as c0, ref_109.passwd as c1 from (select subq_30.c2 as c0, ref_94.character_set_schema as c1 from information_schema.collation_character_set_applicability as ref_94, lateral (select ref_94.character_set_name as c0, ref_95.a as c1, ref_95.b as c2 from public.rtest_t9 as ref_95 where ref_95.b ~* ref_95.b fetch first 122 rows only) as subq_30 where subq_30.c2 !~* subq_30.c2) as subq_31 inner join public.tenk2 as sample_106 tablesample system (5.4) right join public.my_property_secure as ref_109 on (sample_106.odd = ref_109.cid ) on (subq_31.c0 = ref_109.name ) right join public.array_op_test as sample_107 tablesample bernoulli (4.8) on (sample_106.twenty = sample_107.seqno ), lateral (select ref_110.x as c0, subq_31.c1 as c1, subq_31.c1 as c2, subq_32.c0 as c3, sample_107.i as c4 from public.tt1 as ref_110, lateral (select sample_107.seqno as c0 from public.path_tbl as sample_108 tablesample bernoulli (2.7) where subq_31.c0 !~~* ref_109.tel fetch first 134 rows only) as subq_32 where (subq_31.c0 !~* subq_31.c0) and (EXISTS ( select ref_111.sh_avail as c0 from public.shoe_data as ref_111 where 7 <= 38 fetch first 109 rows only)) fetch first 130 rows only) as subq_33, lateral (select 8 as c0, subq_34.c0 as c1, sample_107.seqno as c2, ref_112.roomno as c3 from public.room as ref_112, lateral (select subq_31.c1 as c0 from pg_catalog.pg_attribute as ref_113 where subq_31.c0 @@ ref_109.name) as subq_34, lateral (select subq_33.c2 as c0, sample_109.f2 as c1, subq_31.c0 as c2, sample_106.tenthous as c3 from public.rules_src as sample_109 tablesample system (3.2) where ref_112.comment < ref_109.tel fetch first 40 rows only) as subq_35 where sample_107.i is NULL fetch first 110 rows only) as subq_36 where subq_31.c0 is not NULL fetch first 36 rows only; select sample_180.condeferred as c0, subq_46.c4 as c1, subq_46.c3 as c2 from (select ref_158.id as c0 from public.dupindexcols as ref_158 where (EXISTS ( select ref_159.p as c0, subq_39.c2 as c1, subq_39.c0 as c2 from public.gist_point_tbl as ref_159, lateral (select ref_159.id as c0, ref_160.factor as c1, ref_160.factor as c2 from public.rtest_unitfact as ref_160 where (ref_159.p ~= ref_159.p) and ((ref_160.factor is NULL) and (EXISTS ( select ref_161.blks_hit as c0, ref_161.relid as c1, ref_161.schemaname as c2 from pg_catalog.pg_statio_sys_sequences as ref_161 where ref_161.relname < ref_161.schemaname)))) as subq_39 where EXISTS ( select sample_154.x as c0, sample_154.x as c1, sample_154.y as c2, sample_154.x as c3, sample_154.y as c4, sample_154.x as c5 from public.tt0 as sample_154 tablesample system (9.6) where 5 <> 24 fetch first 63 rows only))) and (ref_158.f1 @@ ref_158.f1) fetch first 163 rows only) as subq_40 inner join (select subq_45.c0 as c0, 26 as c1, subq_45.c0 as c2, sample_179.i2 as c3, subq_45.c0 as c4, sample_179.i2 as c5 from public.defaultexpr_tbl as sample_179 tablesample bernoulli (3.1) , lateral (select ref_191.t as c0 from public.btree_tall_tbl as ref_191 where ref_191.id is NULL fetch first 62 rows only) as subq_45 where subq_45.c0 is NULL) as subq_46 right join pg_catalog.pg_constraint as sample_180 tablesample bernoulli (9.5) on (subq_46.c4 = sample_180.consrc ) on (subq_40.c0 = subq_46.c3 ), lateral (select sample_181.comments as c0, sample_180.conffeqop as c1, sample_181.feature_name as c2, subq_40.c0 as c3, subq_46.c2 as c4 from information_schema.sql_packages as sample_181 tablesample system (9) where (subq_46.c2 ~>=~ subq_46.c2) and (subq_46.c1 > 9) fetch first 100 rows only) as subq_47 where sample_180.consrc !~~ subq_46.c4 fetch first 87 rows only; select subq_7.c0 as c0, subq_7.c1 as c1, subq_2.c1 as c2, subq_7.c0 as c3 from (select coalesce(sample_2.b, sample_2.b) as c0, sample_2.b as c1 from public.dropcolumn as sample_2 tablesample system (0.8) where 35 < 14) as subq_2 inner join (select subq_3.c0 as c0, ref_4.action_reference_old_row as c1 from public.a as ref_3 right join information_schema.triggers as ref_4 on (ref_3.aa = ref_4.action_order ), lateral (select ref_3.aa as c0, ref_5.xx as c1, ref_5.xx as c2 from public.inhf as ref_5 where false fetch first 80 rows only) as subq_3, lateral (select subq_3.c0 as c0, subq_3.c2 as c1 from information_schema.udt_privileges as ref_6, lateral (select ref_6.privilege_type as c0, ref_4.event_object_catalog as c1, ref_7.foreign_data_wrapper_name as c2 from information_schema.foreign_servers as ref_7, lateral (select sample_3.a as c0 from public.rewritemetoo1 as sample_3 tablesample system (1.3) where sample_3.a > subq_3.c2) as subq_4 where (subq_4.c0 = subq_4.c0) or (subq_4.c0 <= subq_4.c0) fetch first 90 rows only) as subq_5 where (subq_3.c1 ~<=~ subq_3.c2) and (subq_3.c2 ~~* subq_3.c2) fetch first 83 rows only) as subq_6 where (ref_4.event_manipulation is not NULL) or (((subq_6.c1 is not NULL) or (false)) or (subq_6.c1 >= subq_6.c1))) as subq_7 on (subq_2.c0 = subq_7.c0 ), lateral (select subq_2.c0 as c0, subq_11.c1 as c1 from public.int8_tbl as sample_4 tablesample bernoulli (7.3) , lateral (select subq_10.c1 as c0, subq_9.c0 as c1, subq_2.c0 as c2 from information_schema.column_domain_usage as ref_8, lateral (select sample_5.x as c0 from public.tt6 as sample_5 tablesample system (8.1) , lateral (select subq_2.c0 as c0 from public.rule_and_refint_t1 as ref_9 where ref_9.id1a is not NULL fetch first 146 rows only) as subq_8 where sample_4.q1 is NULL fetch first 150 rows only) as subq_9, lateral (select ref_8.domain_schema as c0, subq_7.c1 as c1 from information_schema.sql_sizing_profiles as sample_6 tablesample system (5.8) where (39 <= 24) and ((18 <= 12) and ((((((sample_6.sizing_name is NULL) or (11 > 32)) and (33 <= 19)) or ((subq_2.c1 is NULL) or (subq_9.c0 is not NULL))) or (6 <> 42)) and (22 > 35)))) as subq_10 where subq_7.c1 is not NULL fetch first 41 rows only) as subq_11 where 17 <> 22) as subq_12 where subq_12.c0 is NULL fetch first 37 rows only; select subq_32.c0 as c0, subq_32.c0 as c1 from public.num_exp_div as ref_135 left join (select ref_136.name as c0, ref_136.prepare_time as c1, ref_136.statement as c2, subq_21.c6 as c3, ref_136.from_sql as c4, subq_21.c4 as c5 from pg_catalog.pg_prepared_statements as ref_136, lateral (select ref_136.prepare_time as c0, ref_136.statement as c1, sample_110.f1 as c2, 33 as c3, sample_110.f1 as c4, sample_110.f1 as c5, 42 as c6, sample_110.f1 as c7, ref_136.parameter_types as c8 from public.check_con_tbl as sample_110 tablesample bernoulli (8.3) where ref_136.name ~ ref_136.name) as subq_21 where true) as subq_22 on (ref_135.id2 = subq_22.c5 ), lateral (select ref_138.slotlink as c0, subq_22.c5 as c1, sample_112.a as c2 from public.phone as ref_138 right join testxmlschema.test1 as sample_112 tablesample bernoulli (9.9) on (ref_138.comment = sample_112.b ), lateral (select ref_138.comment as c0, ref_138.comment as c1 from public.ihighway as sample_113 tablesample system (8.3) where ((sample_113.name ~<~ sample_113.name) or (ref_138.comment ~>=~ ref_138.comment)) and (ref_138.comment ~<~ sample_113.name)) as subq_23 where true) as subq_24, lateral (select subq_22.c3 as c0, subq_22.c0 as c1, ref_139.name as c2, subq_22.c0 as c3, 25 as c4, ref_135.id2 as c5 from public.street as ref_139 where (((subq_22.c3 > subq_22.c3) or (subq_22.c2 ~~* ref_139.name)) and (ref_139.name ~ ref_139.name)) or (ref_139.name ~* ref_139.cname) fetch first 83 rows only) as subq_25, lateral (select ref_135.id1 as c0 from public.ruletest_tbl as ref_144 inner join public.domcontest as sample_116 tablesample system (5.2) on (ref_144.a = sample_116.col1 ), lateral (select ref_145.foreign_data_wrapper_catalog as c0, subq_25.c0 as c1, ref_145.option_name as c2 from information_schema.foreign_data_wrapper_options as ref_145 where ((subq_22.c3 >= subq_22.c3) or (subq_25.c3 ~<~ subq_25.c3)) and (EXISTS ( select sample_117.w as c0, sample_117.d as c1, sample_117.w as c2, sample_117.d as c3, sample_117.d as c4, sample_117.d as c5, sample_117.w as c6 from public.renamecolumn as sample_117 tablesample system (7.1) where 1 <> 38 fetch first 92 rows only)) fetch first 124 rows only) as subq_27, lateral (select subq_24.c1 as c0 from public.ec2 as ref_146 where subq_22.c3 <> subq_27.c1) as subq_28, lateral (select sample_116.col1 as c0, ref_144.a as c1 from public.rtest_unitfact as ref_147, lateral (select sample_116.col1 as c0 from public.rtest_t7 as sample_118 tablesample system (2.5) , lateral (select subq_24.c2 as c0, sample_116.col1 as c1, subq_22.c0 as c2 from information_schema.sql_sizing_profiles as sample_119 tablesample system (6.2) where subq_22.c2 ~>~ sample_118.b fetch first 116 rows only) as subq_29 where 35 <= subq_25.c4) as subq_30 where subq_22.c0 ~* subq_25.c2 fetch first 21 rows only) as subq_31 where subq_22.c0 < subq_22.c2 fetch first 71 rows only) as subq_32 where subq_22.c2 <> subq_22.c0;
select ref_44.umoptions as c0, subq_12.c1 as c1 from pg_catalog.pg_user_mappings as ref_44 right join pg_catalog.pg_stat_xact_all_tables as ref_45 on (ref_44.srvname = ref_45.schemaname ), lateral (select coalesce(ref_46.udt_catalog, ref_46.udt_schema) as c0, ref_44.srvid as c1 from information_schema.column_udt_usage as ref_46 where ref_44.umuser >= ref_45.relid fetch first 84 rows only) as subq_12 where ref_44.umid = coalesce(subq_12.c1, subq_12.c1); select sample_5.slotname as c0, subq_5.c0 as c1 from (select coalesce(ref_1.name, ref_2.y) as c0, ref_2.y as c1 from public.road as ref_1 left join public.insert_tbl as ref_2 on (ref_1.name = ref_2.y ), lateral (select ref_2.z as c0 from public.gist_point_tbl as sample_4 tablesample system (3.8) where ref_1.name ~* ref_2.y fetch first 142 rows only) as subq_4 where ref_1.thepath is NULL) as subq_5 right join public.pslot as sample_5 tablesample system (1.6) on (subq_5.c1 = sample_5.pfname ) where subq_5.c1 !~~ sample_5.pfname fetch first 26 rows only; select subq_1.c0 as c0, sample_0.expr as c1 from public.query as sample_0 tablesample bernoulli (6) left join (select coalesce(ref_0.cid, ref_0.climit) as c0, subq_0.c2 as c1, ref_0.tel as c2 from public.my_credit_card_normal as ref_0, lateral (select ref_1.amt as c0, ref_0.passwd as c1, ref_0.cnum as c2, ref_1.amt as c3 from public.t as ref_1 where (ref_1.type <> ref_0.passwd) and (ref_1.type is not NULL) fetch first 101 rows only) as subq_0 where ref_0.tel is not NULL) as subq_1 on (sample_0.expr = subq_1.c1 ) where sample_0.expr ~>=~ sample_0.expr fetch first 51 rows only; select subq_1.c3 as c0, subq_1.c2 as c1, subq_1.c0 as c2, subq_1.c0 as c3 from (select ref_0.umid as c0, sample_0.opfname as c1, subq_0.c1 as c2, ref_0.umoptions as c3 from pg_catalog.pg_opfamily as sample_0 tablesample system (4.8) left join pg_catalog.pg_user_mappings as ref_0 on (sample_0.opfname = ref_0.srvname ), lateral (select ref_0.usename as c0, ref_0.srvname as c1 from public.phone as sample_1 tablesample bernoulli (4) where sample_0.opfowner <= sample_0.opfnamespace fetch first 117 rows only) as subq_0 where subq_0.c0 >= ref_0.srvname fetch first 143 rows only) as subq_1 where subq_1.c1 <= subq_1.c2 fetch first 100 rows only; select sample_75.rf_a as c0 from (select coalesce(ref_58.name, ref_57.c) as c0 from public.clstr_tst as ref_57 inner join public.person as ref_58 on (ref_57.a = ref_58.age ), lateral (select ref_58.location as c0, ref_58.location as c1 from public.rtest_view3 as sample_71 tablesample bernoulli (1) where (true) or (ref_57.d <> ref_57.d) fetch first 176 rows only) as subq_18 where ref_58.location << subq_18.c0) as subq_19 right join public.clstr_tst_s as sample_75 tablesample system (3.5) inner join public.rtest_view4 as ref_61 on (sample_75.b = ref_61.a ) inner join public.rtest_order2 as ref_62 on (ref_61.c = ref_62.a ) on (subq_19.c0 = ref_61.b ) where subq_19.c0 >= subq_19.c0 fetch first 107 rows only; select sample_222.id2 as c0, sample_223.a as c1, sample_223.a as c2, sample_223.a as c3 from public.num_result as sample_222 tablesample system (5.5) inner join public.rc_test as sample_223 tablesample system (1) on (sample_222.id1 = sample_223.a ) left join (select coalesce(sample_225.a, ref_215.b) as c0 from public.rtest_t9 as sample_225 tablesample system (3.7) inner join public.ruletest_tbl as ref_215 on (sample_225.a = ref_215.a ), lateral (select ref_215.b as c0 from public.tt7 as sample_226 tablesample system (8.8) where sample_225.b !~* sample_225.b fetch first 190 rows only) as subq_62 where (sample_225.b @@ sample_225.b) or (true)) as subq_63 on (sample_222.id1 = subq_63.c0 ) where subq_63.c0 is NULL fetch first 157 rows only; select coalesce(ref_10.a, ref_10.a) as c0, ref_10.a as c1 from public.rewritemetoo2 as ref_10 left join (select coalesce(subq_5.c0, sample_10.pfname) as c0 from public.pslot as sample_10 tablesample system (9.7) , lateral (select ref_11.roname as c0 from pg_catalog.pg_replication_origin as ref_11 where sample_10.pfname >= ref_11.roname fetch first 136 rows only) as subq_5, lateral (select subq_5.c0 as c0, sample_10.pfname as c1, sample_11.y as c2, sample_11.y as c3, subq_5.c0 as c4 from public.tt2 as sample_11 tablesample system (3) where sample_11.y is NULL fetch first 53 rows only) as subq_6 where true) as subq_7 on (ref_10.a = subq_7.c0 ) where subq_7.c0 !~~ subq_7.c0; select subq_1.c2 as c0, subq_1.c0 as c1, subq_1.c8 as c2, sample_1.deptype as c3 from (select ref_0.character_set_catalog as c0, ref_0.udt_catalog as c1, ref_0.data_type as c2, ref_0.numeric_precision_radix as c3, subq_0.c0 as c4, subq_0.c1 as c5, subq_0.c0 as c6, ref_0.scope_name as c7, ref_0.udt_name as c8 from information_schema.domains as ref_0, lateral (select sample_0.age as c0, ref_0.data_type as c1 from public.emp as sample_0 tablesample bernoulli (5.4) where sample_0.manager <> sample_0.manager fetch first 88 rows only) as subq_0 where 32 >= 28) as subq_1 right join pg_catalog.pg_shdepend as sample_1 tablesample bernoulli (9.7) on (subq_1.c4 = sample_1.objsubid ) where sample_1.dbid is NULL fetch first 158 rows only; select subq_15.c1 as c0 from public.tt7 as ref_20 left join (select subq_14.c1 as c0, coalesce(sample_16.aa, ref_22.id1) as c1 from public.num_result as ref_22 inner join public.a as sample_16 tablesample system (9) on (ref_22.id2 = sample_16.aa ), lateral (select ref_23.seq_scan as c0, ref_23.n_tup_upd as c1, ref_22.id2 as c2 from pg_catalog.pg_stat_xact_all_tables as ref_23 where false) as subq_13, lateral (select sample_16.aa as c0, subq_13.c2 as c1 from public.query as ref_24 where true fetch first 99 rows only) as subq_14 where ref_22.result > ref_22.result) as subq_15 on (ref_20.x = subq_15.c0 ) where (ref_20.y < ref_20.y) or (ref_20.y >= ref_20.y) fetch first 161 rows only; select ref_76.srvid as c0, ref_76.umoptions as c1, ref_77.datid as c2, ref_77.tup_inserted as c3, ref_76.umoptions as c4 from pg_catalog.pg_user_mappings as ref_76 right join pg_catalog.pg_stat_database as ref_77 on (ref_76.srvname = ref_77.datname ), lateral (select ref_76.umuser as c0, ref_77.datid as c1 from pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_indexes as ref_100 left join pg_catalog.pg_extension as ref_101 on (ref_100.schemaname = ref_101.extname ), lateral (select ref_100.relname as c0, ref_76.srvname as c1 from public.toyemp as ref_102 where ((ref_100.indexrelname >= ref_100.schemaname) and (ref_77.stats_reset is NULL)) or (ref_76.srvid < ref_76.umid)) as subq_33 where ref_100.schemaname is NULL fetch first 33 rows only) as subq_34 where ref_76.umuser >= subq_34.c1 fetch first 65 rows only; select subq_1.c0 as c0, subq_3.c4 as c1, subq_1.c3 as c2 from (select coalesce(sample_4.e, sample_4.b) as c0, sample_4.e as c1, sample_4.b as c2, sample_4.e as c3 from public.dropcolumnchild as sample_4 tablesample bernoulli (3.3) where 15 >= 36) as subq_1 left join (select ref_2.relid as c0, coalesce(ref_2.relid, ref_2.indexrelid) as c1, subq_2.c0 as c2, ref_2.schemaname as c3, subq_2.c0 as c4, subq_2.c0 as c5 from pg_catalog.pg_stat_sys_indexes as ref_2, lateral (select sample_5.unique2 as c0 from public.onek as sample_5 tablesample system (0.4) where ref_2.indexrelid > ref_2.relid fetch first 138 rows only) as subq_2 where ref_2.idx_scan is not NULL) as subq_3 on (subq_1.c2 = subq_3.c2 ) where subq_3.c1 >= subq_3.c0; select ref_1.aa as c0, subq_1.c1 as c1, coalesce(ref_1.class, ref_1.class) as c2, subq_1.c0 as c3 from (select subq_0.c1 as c0, coalesce(sample_0.a, sample_1.i) as c1 from public.rtest_t9 as sample_0 tablesample bernoulli (5.6) inner join public.iportaltest as sample_1 tablesample bernoulli (9.8) on (sample_0.a = sample_1.i ), lateral (select sample_1.d as c0, ref_0.a as c1, sample_1.p as c2, ref_0.a as c3, ref_0.a as c4, sample_0.b as c5, sample_1.i as c6 from public.rtest_view2 as ref_0 where sample_0.b = sample_0.b fetch first 93 rows only) as subq_0 where sample_0.b ~<=~ sample_0.b) as subq_1 right join public.e_star as ref_1 on (subq_1.c0 = ref_1.aa ) where ref_1.cc < ref_1.cc fetch first 59 rows only; select subq_2.c0 as c0 from information_schema.sql_sizing_profiles as ref_1 left join (select coalesce(ref_6.a, sample_7.random) as c0, subq_1.c1 as c1 from public.bt_i4_heap as sample_7 tablesample system (9.7) inner join public.rtest_t9 as ref_6 on (sample_7.random = ref_6.a ), lateral (select ref_7.idx_tup_fetch as c0, sample_7.seqno as c1, sample_7.seqno as c2, ref_6.b as c3, sample_7.seqno as c4 from pg_catalog.pg_stat_sys_tables as ref_7 where (ref_7.schemaname !~~* ref_6.b) or (ref_6.b !~~ ref_6.b) fetch first 168 rows only) as subq_1 where (ref_6.b < ref_6.b) and (ref_6.b !~ ref_6.b)) as subq_2 on (ref_1.required_value = subq_2.c0 ) where (ref_1.profile_id is NULL) and ((41 > coalesce(1, 4)) and (27 = 35)) fetch first 91 rows only; select sample_69.tmpllibrary as c0, coalesce(sample_69.tmplname, sample_69.tmplname) as c1, subq_33.c0 as c2 from (select coalesce(ref_53.provider, sample_68.typdefault) as c0 from pg_catalog.pg_type as sample_68 tablesample bernoulli (6.9) inner join pg_catalog.pg_shseclabel as ref_53 on (sample_68.typowner = ref_53.objoid ), lateral (select sample_68.typcategory as c0, ref_54.speaker as c1, ref_54.speaker as c2 from public.test_range_excl as ref_54 where (ref_53.label >= ref_53.provider) and (ref_53.label !~* ref_53.provider) fetch first 143 rows only) as subq_32 where ref_53.label ~>~ ref_53.label) as subq_33 right join pg_catalog.pg_pltemplate as sample_69 tablesample bernoulli (9.8) on (subq_33.c0 = sample_69.tmplhandler ) where sample_69.tmplvalidator ~ subq_33.c0 fetch first 131 rows only; select subq_1.c3 as c0, subq_1.c1 as c1, sample_4.x as c2, subq_1.c3 as c3, subq_1.c4 as c4, subq_1.c0 as c5 from (select ref_0.a as c0, subq_0.c2 as c1, ref_0.a as c2, coalesce(ref_0.a, sample_2.random) as c3, ref_0.b as c4 from public.bt_txt_heap as sample_2 tablesample system (8.4) left join public.rtest_nothn3 as ref_0 on (sample_2.seqno = ref_0.b ), lateral (select sample_2.seqno as c0, sample_2.random as c1, sample_2.seqno as c2, sample_2.seqno as c3, ref_0.a as c4 from public.dropcolumnexists as sample_3 tablesample system (2.5) where ref_0.b !~~* sample_2.seqno fetch first 178 rows only) as subq_0 where ref_0.b is not NULL) as subq_1 right join public.insert_tbl as sample_4 tablesample system (7.8) on (subq_1.c4 = sample_4.y ) where subq_1.c1 ~ subq_1.c4; select subq_10.c0 as c0 from (select ref_9.b as c0, subq_8.c0 as c1, coalesce(sample_9.b, ref_9.b) as c2 from public.tab1 as sample_9 tablesample bernoulli (6.5) inner join public.rtest_vview4 as ref_9 on (sample_9.b = ref_9.b ), lateral (select sample_10.f2 as c0, sample_10.ff as c1, sample_10.ff as c2 from public.ec0 as sample_10 tablesample bernoulli (6.8) where sample_9.b !~~ ref_9.b fetch first 106 rows only) as subq_8 where (ref_9.b > sample_9.b) or (sample_9.b >= sample_9.b)) as subq_9 right join (select ref_10.b as c0 from public.rtest_view3 as ref_10 where ref_10.a is NULL) as subq_10 on (subq_9.c0 = subq_10.c0 ) where ((subq_10.c0 ~~* subq_10.c0) or ((subq_9.c2 ~~* subq_10.c0) or (coalesce(subq_10.c0, subq_9.c2) !~ subq_9.c0))) or (false) fetch first 126 rows only; select sample_1.z as c0, subq_2.c0 as c1 from (select subq_1.c0 as c0, coalesce(ref_0.hobby, subq_0.c0) as c1 from public.equipment_r as ref_0, lateral (select ref_1.xx as c0 from public.inhx as ref_1 where ref_1.xx = ref_1.xx fetch first 110 rows only) as subq_0, lateral (select ref_0.name as c0, subq_0.c0 as c1, sample_0.outline as c2, sample_0.pop as c3, sample_0.outline as c4, sample_0.pop as c5 from public.real_city as sample_0 tablesample bernoulli (8.6) where subq_0.c0 @@ subq_0.c0 fetch first 109 rows only) as subq_1 where (true) and (false)) as subq_2 right join public.copy_tbl as sample_1 tablesample bernoulli (9.8) on (subq_2.c1 = sample_1.y ) where (subq_2.c1 < subq_2.c1) and (subq_2.c1 ~* subq_2.c0) fetch first 112 rows only; select subq_42.c0 as c0 from public.depth1 as sample_103 tablesample system (9.5) right join pg_catalog.pg_description as ref_114 on (sample_103.c = ref_114.description ) left join (select subq_41.c0 as c0, subq_41.c0 as c1, coalesce(subq_40.c0, sample_104.lomowner) as c2 from pg_catalog.pg_largeobject_metadata as sample_104 tablesample system (5.6) , lateral (select sample_104.lomowner as c0 from public.tt7 as ref_115 where ref_115.y <> ref_115.y fetch first 105 rows only) as subq_40, lateral (select subq_40.c0 as c0 from public.tt7 as sample_105 tablesample system (9.1) where (subq_40.c0 = sample_104.lomowner) and (sample_105.y < sample_105.y) fetch first 56 rows only) as subq_41 where subq_40.c0 is not NULL) as subq_42 on (ref_114.classoid = subq_42.c0 ) where subq_42.c2 = subq_42.c2 fetch first 103 rows only; select subq_56.c0 as c0, sample_188.opcname as c1, sample_188.opcdefault as c2, subq_56.c0 as c3, sample_188.opcname as c4, subq_56.c0 as c5, sample_188.opckeytype as c6, subq_56.c0 as c7, sample_188.opcname as c8, subq_56.c0 as c9 from (select coalesce(ref_225.tablename, ref_225.rulename) as c0 from pg_catalog.pg_rules as ref_225, lateral (select ref_226.constraint_schema as c0, ref_225.definition as c1, ref_225.tablename as c2, ref_226.constraint_catalog as c3 from information_schema.constraint_table_usage as ref_226 where ref_225.tablename = ref_225.schemaname fetch first 173 rows only) as subq_55 where ref_225.rulename <> ref_225.rulename) as subq_56 right join pg_catalog.pg_opclass as sample_188 tablesample system (9.6) on (subq_56.c0 = sample_188.opcname ) where (sample_188.opcmethod < sample_188.opcowner) or (subq_56.c0 >= sample_188.opcname) fetch first 55 rows only; select subq_48.c0 as c0, coalesce(subq_48.c0, subq_50.c1) as c1 from (select sample_155.d as c0 from public.renamecolumnanother as sample_155 tablesample system (5.7) where 11 > 24 fetch first 164 rows only) as subq_48 left join (select coalesce(sample_167.b, sample_166.a) as c0, sample_166.b as c1, coalesce(subq_49.c1, sample_167.a) as c2, sample_166.b as c3, subq_49.c0 as c4, sample_166.b as c5 from public.test_storage as sample_166 tablesample system (1.5) inner join public.rtest_nothn1 as sample_167 tablesample bernoulli (6.5) on (sample_166.b = sample_167.a ), lateral (select sample_166.b as c0, sample_166.b as c1, sample_167.a as c2 from public.test_inh_check as ref_164 where ref_164.a <= ref_164.a fetch first 43 rows only) as subq_49 where sample_167.a is NULL) as subq_50 on (subq_48.c0 = subq_50.c1 ) where subq_50.c0 ~>~ subq_50.c0; select subq_1.c6 as c0 from (select subq_0.c1 as c0, subq_0.c1 as c1, ref_0.table_schema as c2, ref_0.with_hierarchy as c3, subq_0.c6 as c4, subq_0.c5 as c5, ref_0.is_grantable as c6 from information_schema.table_privileges as ref_0, lateral (select ref_0.privilege_type as c0, ref_1.odd as c1, ref_1.two as c2, ref_1.tenthous as c3, ref_0.with_hierarchy as c4, ref_1.string4 as c5, ref_0.table_schema as c6, ref_0.grantor as c7, ref_0.grantee as c8, ref_0.with_hierarchy as c9 from public.bprime as ref_1 where (ref_1.stringu1 <= ref_1.stringu1) and ((true) or (false)) fetch first 108 rows only) as subq_0 where subq_0.c5 <> subq_0.c5) as subq_1 right join public.bt_f8_heap as ref_2 on (subq_1.c1 = ref_2.random ) where subq_1.c5 < subq_1.c5 fetch first 30 rows only; select subq_2.c0 as c0, coalesce(subq_0.c0, subq_0.c0) as c1, subq_2.c1 as c2, subq_0.c0 as c3, subq_2.c0 as c4 from (select sample_0.x as c0 from public.tab2 as sample_0 tablesample system (3.8) where 23 < 42) as subq_0 left join (select sample_1.id2 as c0, coalesce(sample_1.id2, sample_2.a) as c1 from public.num_result as sample_1 tablesample bernoulli (1.2) inner join public.rtest_t8 as sample_2 tablesample system (5.6) on (sample_1.id2 = sample_2.a ), lateral (select sample_1.id1 as c0, sample_1.result as c1 from information_schema.foreign_server_options as ref_0 where (sample_2.b > sample_2.b) or (((sample_1.result is not NULL) or (sample_1.result <> sample_1.result)) or (true)) fetch first 86 rows only) as subq_1 where subq_1.c1 < subq_1.c1) as subq_2 on (subq_0.c0 = subq_2.c0 ) where (subq_0.c0 is not NULL) or ((7 <> 4) and (11 <= 20)); select ref_138.cname as c0, subq_54.c5 as c1 from (select sample_112.b as c0, subq_53.c5 as c1, sample_113.id as c2, subq_53.c2 as c3, sample_112.b as c4, coalesce(sample_113.id, sample_112.a) as c5 from public.rtest_t9 as sample_112 tablesample system (6.4) inner join public.num_data as sample_113 tablesample bernoulli (4.8) on (sample_112.a = sample_113.id ), lateral (select sample_112.a as c0, sample_113.val as c1, sample_113.id as c2, sample_113.id as c3, sample_112.a as c4, sample_113.id as c5, sample_114.loid as c6, sample_113.id as c7 from pg_catalog.pg_largeobject as sample_114 tablesample system (8.1) where true fetch first 105 rows only) as subq_53 where sample_113.val = sample_113.val) as subq_54 right join public.real_city as ref_138 on (subq_54.c4 = ref_138.cname ) where true fetch first 127 rows only; select subq_18.c0 as c0, ref_33.a as c1 from public.domain_test as ref_32 right join public.rtest_t8 as ref_33 on (ref_32.b = ref_33.a ) inner join public.rewritemetoo2 as sample_35 tablesample bernoulli (7.9) on (ref_33.b = sample_35.a ) right join public.bt_i4_heap as sample_62 tablesample system (9.8) left join public.spgist_point_tbl as ref_61 on (sample_62.seqno = ref_61.id ) on (ref_33.a = ref_61.id ) left join (select coalesce(sample_71.f1, ref_70.objsubid) as c0 from public.check_con_tbl as sample_71 tablesample bernoulli (6.5) inner join pg_catalog.pg_description as ref_70 on (sample_71.f1 = ref_70.objsubid ), lateral (select sample_71.f1 as c0, sample_71.f1 as c1, ref_70.description as c2 from public.person as sample_72 tablesample system (3.1) where sample_72.location is not NULL fetch first 99 rows only) as subq_17 where ref_70.description <= subq_17.c2) as subq_18 on (sample_62.random = subq_18.c0 ) where ref_61.p <^ ref_61.p; select subq_3.c0 as c0 from public.credit_card as sample_1 tablesample bernoulli (4.4) left join public.stud_emp as sample_2 tablesample bernoulli (0.4) on (sample_1.cnum = sample_2.name ) left join (select coalesce(sample_8.b, ref_10.prosrc) as c0, subq_2.c1 as c1 from public.rtest_t6 as sample_8 tablesample bernoulli (7) inner join pg_catalog.pg_proc as ref_10 on (sample_8.b = ref_10.prosrc ), lateral (select ref_10.provolatile as c0, sample_8.b as c1, ref_10.prosrc as c2, sample_8.b as c3 from public.num_exp_sub as sample_9 tablesample system (6.9) where EXISTS ( select ref_11.rf_a as c0 from public.clstr_tst_s as ref_11 where ref_11.rf_a is not NULL fetch first 106 rows only) fetch first 76 rows only) as subq_2 where ref_10.prosrc is not NULL) as subq_3 on (sample_1.cnum = subq_3.c0 ) where (subq_3.c1 ~~* subq_3.c1) or (29 is not NULL) fetch first 31 rows only;
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