Michael Paquier wrote:

> OK... I have merged TestLib and PostgresNode of the previous patch
> into PostgresNode into the way suggested by Noah. TestBase has been
> renamed back to TestLib, and includes as well the base test functions
> like command_ok.

Great, thanks.  Here's one more version, hopefully the last one.

- I discovered that not setting PGPORT was causing some of the tests
  that fail (using command_fails) to fail to test what was being tested.
  The problem is that the command was failing with "could not connect to
  server" instead of failing because of trying to cluster a nonexistant
  table, etc.  Unfortunately the only way to verify this is by looking
  at the regress_log_xxx_foobar file.  Not ideal, but not this patch's

- I changed the routines moved to PostgresNode so that they are instance
  methods, i.e. $node->poll_until_query; also psql and
  issues_query_like.  The latter also sets "local $PGPORT" so that the
  command is run with the correct port.

- It would be nice to have command_ok and command_fails in PostgresNode
  too; that would remove the need for setting $ENV{PGPORT} but it's
  possible to run commands outside a node too, so we'd need duplicates,
  which would be worse.

- I changed start/stop/restart so that they keep track of the postmaster
  PID; also added a DESTROY sub to PostgresNode that sends SIGQUIT.
  This means that when the test finishes, the server gets an immediate
  stop signal.  We were getting a lot of errors in the server log about
  failing to write to the stats file otherwise, until the node noticed
  that the datadir was gone.

- I removed the @active_nodes array, which is now unnecessary (per

- I moved the "delete $ENV{PGxxx}" back to a BEGIN block in TestLib.
  I did it because it's possible to write test scripts without
  PostgresNode, and it's not nice to have those pick up the environment.
  This still affects anything using PostgresNode because that one uses

Finally, I ran perltidy on all the files, which strangely changed stuff
that I didn't expect it to change.  I wonder if this is related to the
perltidy version.  Do you see further changes if you run perltidy on the
patched tree?  This is my version:

$ perltidy --version
This is perltidy, v20140328 

Copyright 2000-2014, Steve Hancock

Perltidy is free software and may be copied under the terms of the GNU
General Public License, which is included in the distribution files.

Complete documentation for perltidy can be found using 'man perltidy'
or on the internet at http://perltidy.sourceforge.net.

Álvaro Herrera                http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services
diff --git a/src/bin/initdb/t/001_initdb.pl b/src/bin/initdb/t/001_initdb.pl
index 299dcf5..f64186d 100644
--- a/src/bin/initdb/t/001_initdb.pl
+++ b/src/bin/initdb/t/001_initdb.pl
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 14;
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/t/010_pg_basebackup.pl b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/t/010_pg_basebackup.pl
index dc96bbf..86cc14e 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/t/010_pg_basebackup.pl
+++ b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/t/010_pg_basebackup.pl
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Cwd;
 use Config;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 51;
@@ -9,8 +10,15 @@ program_help_ok('pg_basebackup');
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $tempdir = TestLib::tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
+# Initialize node without replication settings
+$node->init(hba_permit_replication => 0);
+my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
+$ENV{PGPORT} = $node->port;
 	'pg_basebackup needs target directory specified');
@@ -26,19 +34,19 @@ if (open BADCHARS, ">>$tempdir/pgdata/FOO\xe0\xe0\xe0BAR")
 	close BADCHARS;
-configure_hba_for_replication "$tempdir/pgdata";
-system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-D', "$tempdir/pgdata", 'reload';
+system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-D', $pgdata, 'reload';
 	[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup" ],
 	'pg_basebackup fails because of WAL configuration');
-open CONF, ">>$tempdir/pgdata/postgresql.conf";
+open CONF, ">>$pgdata/postgresql.conf";
 print CONF "max_replication_slots = 10\n";
 print CONF "max_wal_senders = 10\n";
 print CONF "wal_level = archive\n";
 close CONF;
 command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup" ],
 	'pg_basebackup runs');
@@ -81,13 +89,13 @@ command_fails(
 # Tar format doesn't support filenames longer than 100 bytes.
 my $superlongname = "superlongname_" . ("x" x 100);
-my $superlongpath = "$tempdir/pgdata/$superlongname";
+my $superlongpath = "$pgdata/$superlongname";
 open FILE, ">$superlongpath" or die "unable to create file $superlongpath";
 close FILE;
 command_fails([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup_l1", '-Ft' ],
 	'pg_basebackup tar with long name fails');
-unlink "$tempdir/pgdata/$superlongname";
+unlink "$pgdata/$superlongname";
 # The following tests test symlinks. Windows doesn't have symlinks, so
 # skip on Windows.
@@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ SKIP: {
 	# to our physical temp location.  That way we can use shorter names
 	# for the tablespace directories, which hopefully won't run afoul of
 	# the 99 character length limit.
-	my $shorter_tempdir = tempdir_short . "/tempdir";
+	my $shorter_tempdir = TestLib::tempdir_short . "/tempdir";
 	symlink "$tempdir", $shorter_tempdir;
 	mkdir "$tempdir/tblspc1";
-	psql 'postgres',
-	"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc1 LOCATION '$shorter_tempdir/tblspc1';";
-	psql 'postgres', "CREATE TABLE test1 (a int) TABLESPACE tblspc1;";
+	$node->psql('postgres',
+	"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc1 LOCATION '$shorter_tempdir/tblspc1';");
+	$node->psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLE test1 (a int) TABLESPACE tblspc1;");
 	command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup2", '-Ft' ],
 			   'tar format with tablespaces');
 	ok(-f "$tempdir/tarbackup2/base.tar", 'backup tar was created');
@@ -120,7 +128,7 @@ SKIP: {
 			"-T$shorter_tempdir/tblspc1=$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1" ],
 		'plain format with tablespaces succeeds with tablespace mapping');
 	ok(-d "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1", 'tablespace was relocated');
-	opendir(my $dh, "$tempdir/pgdata/pg_tblspc") or die;
+	opendir(my $dh, "$pgdata/pg_tblspc") or die;
 	ok( (   grep {
 		-l "$tempdir/backup1/pg_tblspc/$_"
 			and readlink "$tempdir/backup1/pg_tblspc/$_" eq
@@ -130,23 +138,23 @@ SKIP: {
 	closedir $dh;
 	mkdir "$tempdir/tbl=spc2";
-	psql 'postgres', "DROP TABLE test1;";
-	psql 'postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc1;";
-	psql 'postgres',
-	"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc2 LOCATION '$shorter_tempdir/tbl=spc2';";
+	$node->psql('postgres', "DROP TABLE test1;");
+	$node->psql('postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc1;");
+	$node->psql('postgres',
+	"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc2 LOCATION '$shorter_tempdir/tbl=spc2';");
 		[   'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup3", '-Fp',
 			"-T$shorter_tempdir/tbl\\=spc2=$tempdir/tbackup/tbl\\=spc2" ],
 		'mapping tablespace with = sign in path');
 	ok(-d "$tempdir/tbackup/tbl=spc2", 'tablespace with = sign was relocated');
-	psql 'postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc2;";
+	$node->psql('postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc2;");
 	mkdir "$tempdir/$superlongname";
-	psql 'postgres',
-	"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc3 LOCATION '$tempdir/$superlongname';";
+	$node->psql('postgres',
+	"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc3 LOCATION '$tempdir/$superlongname';");
 	command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup_l3", '-Ft' ],
 			   'pg_basebackup tar with long symlink target');
-	psql 'postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc3;";
+	$node->psql('postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc3;");
 command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupR", '-R' ],
@@ -170,12 +178,12 @@ command_fails([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/fail", '-S', 'slot1' ],
 command_fails([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_sl_fail", '-X', 'stream', '-S', 'slot1' ],
 	'pg_basebackup fails with nonexistent replication slot');
-psql 'postgres', q{SELECT * FROM pg_create_physical_replication_slot('slot1')};
-my $lsn = psql 'postgres', q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot1'};
+$node->psql('postgres', q{SELECT * FROM pg_create_physical_replication_slot('slot1')});
+my $lsn = $node->psql('postgres', q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot1'});
 is($lsn, '', 'restart LSN of new slot is null');
 command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_sl", '-X', 'stream', '-S', 'slot1' ],
 	'pg_basebackup -X stream with replication slot runs');
-$lsn = psql 'postgres', q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot1'};
+$lsn = $node->psql('postgres', q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot1'});
 like($lsn, qr!^0/[0-9A-Z]{7,8}$!, 'restart LSN of slot has advanced');
 command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_sl_R", '-X', 'stream', '-S', 'slot1', '-R' ],
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_controldata/t/001_pg_controldata.pl b/src/bin/pg_controldata/t/001_pg_controldata.pl
index e2b0d42..ae45f41 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_controldata/t/001_pg_controldata.pl
+++ b/src/bin/pg_controldata/t/001_pg_controldata.pl
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 13;
-my $tempdir = TestLib::tempdir;
 command_fails(['pg_controldata'], 'pg_controldata without arguments fails');
 command_fails([ 'pg_controldata', 'nonexistent' ],
 	'pg_controldata with nonexistent directory fails');
-standard_initdb "$tempdir/data";
-command_like([ 'pg_controldata', "$tempdir/data" ],
+my $node = get_new_node();
+command_like([ 'pg_controldata', $node->data_dir ],
 	qr/checkpoint/, 'pg_controldata produces output');
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_ctl/t/001_start_stop.pl b/src/bin/pg_ctl/t/001_start_stop.pl
index f57abce..a224ece 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_ctl/t/001_start_stop.pl
+++ b/src/bin/pg_ctl/t/001_start_stop.pl
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Config;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 17;
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_ctl/t/002_status.pl b/src/bin/pg_ctl/t/002_status.pl
index 31f7c72..f1c131b 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_ctl/t/002_status.pl
+++ b/src/bin/pg_ctl/t/002_status.pl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 3;
@@ -9,14 +11,15 @@ my $tempdir_short = TestLib::tempdir_short;
 command_exit_is([ 'pg_ctl', 'status', '-D', "$tempdir/nonexistent" ],
 	4, 'pg_ctl status with nonexistent directory');
-standard_initdb "$tempdir/data";
+my $node = get_new_node();
-command_exit_is([ 'pg_ctl', 'status', '-D', "$tempdir/data" ],
+command_exit_is([ 'pg_ctl', 'status', '-D', $node->data_dir ],
 	3, 'pg_ctl status with server not running');
 system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-l', "$tempdir/logfile", '-D',
-  "$tempdir/data", '-w', 'start';
-command_exit_is([ 'pg_ctl', 'status', '-D', "$tempdir/data" ],
+  $node->data_dir, '-w', 'start';
+command_exit_is([ 'pg_ctl', 'status', '-D', $node->data_dir ],
 	0, 'pg_ctl status with server running');
-system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', 'stop', '-D', "$tempdir/data", '-m', 'fast';
+system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', 'stop', '-D', $node->data_dir, '-m', 'fast';
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_rewind/RewindTest.pm b/src/bin/pg_rewind/RewindTest.pm
index a4c1737..55bbc9c 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_rewind/RewindTest.pm
+++ b/src/bin/pg_rewind/RewindTest.pm
@@ -9,22 +9,20 @@ package RewindTest;
 # To run a test, the test script (in t/ subdirectory) calls the functions
 # in this module. These functions should be called in this sequence:
-# 1. init_rewind_test - sets up log file etc.
+# 1. setup_cluster - creates a PostgreSQL cluster that runs as the master
-# 2. setup_cluster - creates a PostgreSQL cluster that runs as the master
+# 2. start_master - starts the master server
-# 3. start_master - starts the master server
-# 4. create_standby - runs pg_basebackup to initialize a standby server, and
+# 3. create_standby - runs pg_basebackup to initialize a standby server, and
 #    sets it up to follow the master.
-# 5. promote_standby - runs "pg_ctl promote" to promote the standby server.
+# 4. promote_standby - runs "pg_ctl promote" to promote the standby server.
 # The old master keeps running.
-# 6. run_pg_rewind - stops the old master (if it's still running) and runs
+# 5. run_pg_rewind - stops the old master (if it's still running) and runs
 # pg_rewind to synchronize it with the now-promoted standby server.
-# 7. clean_rewind_test - stops both servers used in the test, if they're
+# 6. clean_rewind_test - stops both servers used in the test, if they're
 # still running.
 # The test script can use the helper functions master_psql and standby_psql
@@ -37,27 +35,23 @@ package RewindTest;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use Config;
+use Exporter 'import';
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Path qw(rmtree);
+use IPC::Run;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More;
-use Config;
-use File::Copy;
-use File::Path qw(rmtree);
-use IPC::Run qw(run start);
-use Exporter 'import';
 our @EXPORT = qw(
-  $connstr_master
-  $connstr_standby
-  $test_master_datadir
-  $test_standby_datadir
+  $node_master
+  $node_standby
-  append_to_file
-  init_rewind_test
@@ -66,32 +60,24 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
-our $test_master_datadir  = "$tmp_check/data_master";
-our $test_standby_datadir = "$tmp_check/data_standby";
-# Define non-conflicting ports for both nodes.
-my $port_master  = $ENV{PGPORT};
-my $port_standby = $port_master + 1;
-my $connstr_master  = "port=$port_master";
-my $connstr_standby = "port=$port_standby";
-$ENV{PGDATABASE} = "postgres";
+# Our nodes.
+our $node_master;
+our $node_standby;
 sub master_psql
 	my $cmd = shift;
-	system_or_bail 'psql', '-q', '--no-psqlrc', '-d', $connstr_master,
-	  '-c', "$cmd";
+	system_or_bail 'psql', '-q', '--no-psqlrc', '-d',
+	  $node_master->connstr('postgres'), '-c', "$cmd";
 sub standby_psql
 	my $cmd = shift;
-	system_or_bail 'psql', '-q', '--no-psqlrc', '-d', $connstr_standby,
-	  '-c', "$cmd";
+	system_or_bail 'psql', '-q', '--no-psqlrc', '-d',
+      $node_standby->connstr('postgres'), '-c', "$cmd";
 # Run a query against the master, and check that the output matches what's
@@ -102,9 +88,9 @@ sub check_query
 	my ($stdout, $stderr);
 	# we want just the output, no formatting
-	my $result = run [
+	my $result = IPC::Run::run [
 		'psql',          '-q', '-A', '-t', '--no-psqlrc', '-d',
-		$connstr_master, '-c', $query ],
+		$node_master->connstr('postgres'), '-c', $query ],
 	  '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
 	# We don't use ok() for the exit code and stderr, because we want this
@@ -125,56 +111,14 @@ sub check_query
-# Run a query once a second, until it returns 't' (i.e. SQL boolean true).
-sub poll_query_until
-	my ($query, $connstr) = @_;
-	my $max_attempts = 30;
-	my $attempts     = 0;
-	my ($stdout, $stderr);
-	while ($attempts < $max_attempts)
-	{
-		my $cmd = [ 'psql', '-At', '-c', "$query", '-d', "$connstr" ];
-		my $result = run $cmd, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
-		chomp($stdout);
-		$stdout =~ s/\r//g if $Config{osname} eq 'msys';
-		if ($stdout eq "t")
-		{
-			return 1;
-		}
-		# Wait a second before retrying.
-		sleep 1;
-		$attempts++;
-	}
-	# The query result didn't change in 30 seconds. Give up. Print the stderr
-	# from the last attempt, hopefully that's useful for debugging.
-	diag $stderr;
-	return 0;
-sub append_to_file
-	my ($filename, $str) = @_;
-	open my $fh, ">>", $filename or die "could not open file $filename";
-	print $fh $str;
-	close $fh;
 sub setup_cluster
 	# Initialize master, data checksums are mandatory
-	rmtree($test_master_datadir);
-	standard_initdb($test_master_datadir);
+	$node_master = get_new_node();
+	$node_master->init;
 	# Custom parameters for master's postgresql.conf
-	append_to_file(
-		"$test_master_datadir/postgresql.conf", qq(
+	$node_master->append_conf("postgresql.conf", qq(
 wal_level = hot_standby
 max_wal_senders = 2
 wal_keep_segments = 20
@@ -185,17 +129,11 @@ hot_standby = on
 autovacuum = off
 max_connections = 10
-	# Accept replication connections on master
-	configure_hba_for_replication $test_master_datadir;
 sub start_master
-	system_or_bail('pg_ctl' , '-w',
-				   '-D' , $test_master_datadir,
-				   '-l',  "$log_path/master.log",
-				   "-o", "-p $port_master", 'start');
+	$node_master->start;
 	#### Now run the test-specific parts to initialize the master before setting
 	# up standby
@@ -203,24 +141,19 @@ sub start_master
 sub create_standby
+	$node_standby = get_new_node();
+	$node_master->backup('my_backup');
+	$node_standby->init_from_backup($node_master, 'my_backup');
+	my $connstr_master = $node_master->connstr('postgres');
-	# Set up standby with necessary parameter
-	rmtree $test_standby_datadir;
-	# Base backup is taken with xlog files included
-	system_or_bail('pg_basebackup', '-D', $test_standby_datadir,
-				   '-p', $port_master, '-x');
-	append_to_file(
-		"$test_standby_datadir/recovery.conf", qq(
+	$node_standby->append_conf("recovery.conf", qq(
 primary_conninfo='$connstr_master application_name=rewind_standby'
 	# Start standby
-	system_or_bail('pg_ctl', '-w', '-D', $test_standby_datadir,
-				   '-l', "$log_path/standby.log",
-				   '-o', "-p $port_standby", 'start');
+	$node_standby->start;
 	# The standby may have WAL to apply before it matches the primary.  That
 	# is fine, because no test examines the standby before promotion.
@@ -234,14 +167,14 @@ sub promote_standby
 	# Wait for the standby to receive and write all WAL.
 	my $wal_received_query =
 "SELECT pg_current_xlog_location() = write_location FROM pg_stat_replication WHERE application_name = 'rewind_standby';";
-	poll_query_until($wal_received_query, $connstr_master)
+	$node_master->poll_query_until('postgres', $wal_received_query)
 	  or die "Timed out while waiting for standby to receive and write WAL";
 	# Now promote slave and insert some new data on master, this will put
 	# the master out-of-sync with the standby. Wait until the standby is
 	# out of recovery mode, and is ready to accept read-write connections.
-	system_or_bail('pg_ctl', '-w', '-D', $test_standby_datadir, 'promote');
-	poll_query_until("SELECT NOT pg_is_in_recovery()", $connstr_standby)
+	system_or_bail('pg_ctl', '-w', '-D', $node_standby->data_dir, 'promote');
+	$node_standby->poll_query_until('postgres', "SELECT NOT pg_is_in_recovery()")
 	  or die "Timed out while waiting for promotion of standby";
 	# Force a checkpoint after the promotion. pg_rewind looks at the control
@@ -256,9 +189,13 @@ sub promote_standby
 sub run_pg_rewind
 	my $test_mode = shift;
+	my $master_pgdata = $node_master->data_dir;
+	my $standby_pgdata = $node_standby->data_dir;
+	my $standby_connstr = $node_standby->connstr('postgres');
+	my $tmp_folder = TestLib::tempdir;
 	# Stop the master and be ready to perform the rewind
-	system_or_bail('pg_ctl', '-D', $test_master_datadir, '-m', 'fast', 'stop');
+	$node_master->stop;
 	# At this point, the rewind processing is ready to run.
 	# We now have a very simple scenario with a few diverged WAL record.
@@ -267,20 +204,19 @@ sub run_pg_rewind
 	# Keep a temporary postgresql.conf for master node or it would be
 	# overwritten during the rewind.
-	copy("$test_master_datadir/postgresql.conf",
-		 "$tmp_check/master-postgresql.conf.tmp");
+	copy("$master_pgdata/postgresql.conf",
+		 "$tmp_folder/master-postgresql.conf.tmp");
 	# Now run pg_rewind
 	if ($test_mode eq "local")
 		# Do rewind using a local pgdata as source
 		# Stop the master and be ready to perform the rewind
-		system_or_bail('pg_ctl', '-D', $test_standby_datadir,
-					   '-m', 'fast', 'stop');
+		$node_standby->stop;
-					"--source-pgdata=$test_standby_datadir",
-					"--target-pgdata=$test_master_datadir"],
+					"--source-pgdata=$standby_pgdata",
+					"--target-pgdata=$master_pgdata"],
 				   'pg_rewind local');
 	elsif ($test_mode eq "remote")
@@ -289,33 +225,30 @@ sub run_pg_rewind
-					"port=$port_standby dbname=postgres",
-					"--target-pgdata=$test_master_datadir"],
+					$standby_connstr,
+					"--target-pgdata=$master_pgdata"],
 				   'pg_rewind remote');
 		# Cannot come here normally
 		die("Incorrect test mode specified");
 	# Now move back postgresql.conf with old settings
-	move("$tmp_check/master-postgresql.conf.tmp",
-		 "$test_master_datadir/postgresql.conf");
+	move("$tmp_folder/master-postgresql.conf.tmp",
+		 "$master_pgdata/postgresql.conf");
 	# Plug-in rewound node to the now-promoted standby node
-	append_to_file(
-		"$test_master_datadir/recovery.conf", qq(
+	my $port_standby = $node_standby->port;
+	$node_master->append_conf('recovery.conf', qq(
 	# Restart the master to check that rewind went correctly
-	system_or_bail('pg_ctl', '-w', '-D', $test_master_datadir,
-				   '-l', "$log_path/master.log",
-				   '-o', "-p $port_master", 'start');
+	$node_master->restart;
 	#### Now run the test-specific parts to check the result
@@ -323,22 +256,8 @@ recovery_target_timeline='latest'
 # Clean up after the test. Stop both servers, if they're still running.
 sub clean_rewind_test
-	if ($test_master_datadir)
-	{
-		system
-		  'pg_ctl', '-D', $test_master_datadir, '-m', 'immediate', 'stop';
-	}
-	if ($test_standby_datadir)
-	{
-		system
-		  'pg_ctl', '-D', $test_standby_datadir, '-m', 'immediate', 'stop';
-	}
+	$node_master->teardown_node if defined $node_master;
+	$node_standby->teardown_node if defined $node_standby;
-# Stop the test servers, just in case they're still running.
-	my $save_rc = $?;
-	clean_rewind_test();
-	$? = $save_rc;
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_rewind/t/003_extrafiles.pl b/src/bin/pg_rewind/t/003_extrafiles.pl
index d317f53..cedde14 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_rewind/t/003_extrafiles.pl
+++ b/src/bin/pg_rewind/t/003_extrafiles.pl
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ sub run_test
-	my $test_master_datadir = $RewindTest::test_master_datadir;
+	my $test_master_datadir = $node_master->data_dir;
 	# Create a subdir and files that will be present in both
 	mkdir "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir";
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ sub run_test
 	# Create different subdirs and files in master and standby
+	my $test_standby_datadir = $node_standby->data_dir;
 	mkdir "$test_standby_datadir/tst_standby_dir";
 	append_to_file "$test_standby_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_file1",
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_rewind/t/004_pg_xlog_symlink.pl b/src/bin/pg_rewind/t/004_pg_xlog_symlink.pl
index c5f72e2..bdcab56 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_rewind/t/004_pg_xlog_symlink.pl
+++ b/src/bin/pg_rewind/t/004_pg_xlog_symlink.pl
@@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ sub run_test
 	my $test_mode = shift;
-	my $master_xlogdir = "$tmp_check/xlog_master";
+	my $master_xlogdir = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/xlog_master";
+	my $test_master_datadir = $node_master->data_dir;
 	# turn pg_xlog into a symlink
 	print("moving $test_master_datadir/pg_xlog to $master_xlogdir\n");
 	move("$test_master_datadir/pg_xlog", $master_xlogdir) or die;
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/010_clusterdb.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/010_clusterdb.pl
index dc0d78a..756ae38 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/010_clusterdb.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/010_clusterdb.pl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 13;
@@ -7,20 +9,23 @@ program_help_ok('clusterdb');
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
-	[ 'clusterdb', 'postgres' ],
+$ENV{PGPORT} = $node->port;
+	[ 'clusterdb' ],
 	qr/statement: CLUSTER;/,
 	'SQL CLUSTER run');
-command_fails([ 'clusterdb', '-t', 'nonexistent', 'postgres' ],
-	'fails with nonexistent table');
+command_fails([ 'clusterdb', '-t', 'nonexistent' ],
+			  'fails with nonexistent table');
-psql 'postgres',
-'CREATE TABLE test1 (a int); CREATE INDEX test1x ON test1 (a); CLUSTER test1 USING test1x';
-	[ 'clusterdb', '-t', 'test1', 'postgres' ],
+	'CREATE TABLE test1 (a int); CREATE INDEX test1x ON test1 (a); CLUSTER test1 USING test1x');
+	[ 'clusterdb', '-t', 'test1' ],
 	qr/statement: CLUSTER test1;/,
 	'cluster specific table');
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/011_clusterdb_all.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/011_clusterdb_all.pl
index 7769f70..f0c4e19 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/011_clusterdb_all.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/011_clusterdb_all.pl
@@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 2;
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
+# clusterdb -a is not compatible with -d, hence enforce environment variables
+# correctly.
+$ENV{PGDATABASE} = 'postgres';
 	[ 'clusterdb', '-a' ],
 	qr/statement: CLUSTER.*statement: CLUSTER/s,
 	'cluster all databases');
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/020_createdb.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/020_createdb.pl
index a44283c..09efdc6 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/020_createdb.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/020_createdb.pl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 13;
@@ -7,14 +9,16 @@ program_help_ok('createdb');
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
+$ENV{PGPORT} = $node->port;
 	[ 'createdb', 'foobar1' ],
 	qr/statement: CREATE DATABASE foobar1/,
 	[ 'createdb', '-l', 'C', '-E', 'LATIN1', '-T', 'template0', 'foobar2' ],
 	qr/statement: CREATE DATABASE foobar2 ENCODING 'LATIN1'/,
 	'create database with encoding');
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/030_createlang.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/030_createlang.pl
index 7ff0a3e..867f8b2 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/030_createlang.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/030_createlang.pl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 14;
@@ -7,18 +9,22 @@ program_help_ok('createlang');
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
+$ENV{PGDATABASE} = 'postgres';
+$ENV{PGPORT} = $node->port;
-	[ 'createlang', 'plpgsql', 'postgres' ],
+	[ 'createlang', 'plpgsql' ],
 	'fails if language already exists');
-psql 'postgres', 'DROP EXTENSION plpgsql';
-	[ 'createlang', 'plpgsql', 'postgres' ],
+$node->psql('postgres', 'DROP EXTENSION plpgsql');
+	[ 'createlang', 'plpgsql' ],
 	qr/statement: CREATE EXTENSION "plpgsql"/,
-command_like([ 'createlang', '--list', 'postgres' ],
+command_like([ 'createlang', '--list' ],
 	qr/plpgsql/, 'list output');
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/040_createuser.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/040_createuser.pl
index 4d44e14..760b437 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/040_createuser.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/040_createuser.pl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 17;
@@ -7,22 +9,25 @@ program_help_ok('createuser');
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
+$ENV{PGPORT} = $node->port;
 	[ 'createuser', 'user1' ],
 	[ 'createuser', '-L', 'role1' ],
 	'create a non-login role');
 	[ 'createuser', '-r', 'user2' ],
 	'create a CREATEROLE user');
 	[ 'createuser', '-s', 'user3' ],
 	'create a superuser');
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/050_dropdb.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/050_dropdb.pl
index 3065e50..50ee604 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/050_dropdb.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/050_dropdb.pl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 11;
@@ -7,11 +9,13 @@ program_help_ok('dropdb');
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
+$ENV{PGPORT} = $node->port;
-psql 'postgres', 'CREATE DATABASE foobar1';
+$node->psql('postgres', 'CREATE DATABASE foobar1');
 	[ 'dropdb', 'foobar1' ],
 	qr/statement: DROP DATABASE foobar1/,
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/060_droplang.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/060_droplang.pl
index 6a21d7e..43720fb 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/060_droplang.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/060_droplang.pl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 11;
@@ -7,10 +9,12 @@ program_help_ok('droplang');
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
+$ENV{PGPORT} = $node->port;
 	[ 'droplang', 'plpgsql', 'postgres' ],
 	qr/statement: DROP EXTENSION "plpgsql"/,
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/070_dropuser.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/070_dropuser.pl
index bbb3b79..5a452c4 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/070_dropuser.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/070_dropuser.pl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 11;
@@ -7,11 +9,13 @@ program_help_ok('dropuser');
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
+$ENV{PGPORT} = $node->port;
-psql 'postgres', 'CREATE ROLE foobar1';
+$node->psql('postgres', 'CREATE ROLE foobar1');
 	[ 'dropuser', 'foobar1' ],
 	qr/statement: DROP ROLE foobar1/,
 	'SQL DROP ROLE run');
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/080_pg_isready.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/080_pg_isready.pl
index f432505..ca512c1 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/080_pg_isready.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/080_pg_isready.pl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 10;
@@ -9,7 +11,10 @@ program_options_handling_ok('pg_isready');
 command_fails(['pg_isready'], 'fails with no server running');
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
+$ENV{PGPORT} = $node->port;
 command_ok(['pg_isready'], 'succeeds with server running');
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/090_reindexdb.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/090_reindexdb.pl
index 42628c2..68b2291 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/090_reindexdb.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/090_reindexdb.pl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 20;
@@ -7,35 +9,36 @@ program_help_ok('reindexdb');
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
 $ENV{PGOPTIONS} = '--client-min-messages=WARNING';
 	[ 'reindexdb', 'postgres' ],
 	qr/statement: REINDEX DATABASE postgres;/,
 	'SQL REINDEX run');
-psql 'postgres',
-  'CREATE TABLE test1 (a int); CREATE INDEX test1x ON test1 (a);';
+  'CREATE TABLE test1 (a int); CREATE INDEX test1x ON test1 (a);');
 	[ 'reindexdb', '-t', 'test1', 'postgres' ],
 	qr/statement: REINDEX TABLE test1;/,
 	'reindex specific table');
 	[ 'reindexdb', '-i', 'test1x', 'postgres' ],
 	qr/statement: REINDEX INDEX test1x;/,
 	'reindex specific index');
 	[ 'reindexdb', '-S', 'pg_catalog', 'postgres' ],
 	qr/statement: REINDEX SCHEMA pg_catalog;/,
 	'reindex specific schema');
 	[ 'reindexdb', '-s', 'postgres' ],
 	qr/statement: REINDEX SYSTEM postgres;/,
 	'reindex system tables');
 	[ 'reindexdb', '-v', '-t', 'test1', 'postgres' ],
 	qr/statement: REINDEX \(VERBOSE\) TABLE test1;/,
 	'reindex with verbose output');
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/091_reindexdb_all.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/091_reindexdb_all.pl
index ffadf29..d47b18b 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/091_reindexdb_all.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/091_reindexdb_all.pl
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use TestLib;
+use PostgresNode;
 use Test::More tests => 2;
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
 $ENV{PGOPTIONS} = '--client-min-messages=WARNING';
 	[ 'reindexdb', '-a' ],
 	qr/statement: REINDEX.*statement: REINDEX/s,
 	'reindex all databases');
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/100_vacuumdb.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/100_vacuumdb.pl
index ac160ba..387d2b4 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/100_vacuumdb.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/100_vacuumdb.pl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 18;
@@ -7,26 +9,27 @@ program_help_ok('vacuumdb');
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
 	[ 'vacuumdb', 'postgres' ],
 	qr/statement: VACUUM;/,
 	'SQL VACUUM run');
 	[ 'vacuumdb', '-f', 'postgres' ],
 	qr/statement: VACUUM \(FULL\);/,
 	'vacuumdb -f');
 	[ 'vacuumdb', '-F', 'postgres' ],
 	qr/statement: VACUUM \(FREEZE\);/,
 	'vacuumdb -F');
 	[ 'vacuumdb', '-z', 'postgres' ],
 	qr/statement: VACUUM \(ANALYZE\);/,
 	'vacuumdb -z');
 	[ 'vacuumdb', '-Z', 'postgres' ],
 	qr/statement: ANALYZE;/,
 	'vacuumdb -Z');
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/101_vacuumdb_all.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/101_vacuumdb_all.pl
index e90f321..8f1536f 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/101_vacuumdb_all.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/101_vacuumdb_all.pl
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use TestLib;
+use PostgresNode;
 use Test::More tests => 2;
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
 	[ 'vacuumdb', '-a' ],
 	qr/statement: VACUUM.*statement: VACUUM/s,
 	'vacuum all databases');
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/102_vacuumdb_stages.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/102_vacuumdb_stages.pl
index 57b980e..4cb5b64 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/102_vacuumdb_stages.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/102_vacuumdb_stages.pl
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use TestLib;
+use PostgresNode;
 use Test::More tests => 4;
-my $tempdir = tempdir;
-start_test_server $tempdir;
+my $node = get_new_node();
 	[ 'vacuumdb', '--analyze-in-stages', 'postgres' ],
 qr/.*statement:\ SET\ default_statistics_target=1;\ SET\ vacuum_cost_delay=0;
                    .*statement:\ ANALYZE.*
@@ -16,8 +18,7 @@ qr/.*statement:\ SET\ default_statistics_target=1;\ SET\ vacuum_cost_delay=0;
                    .*statement:\ ANALYZE/sx,
 	'analyze three times');
 	[ 'vacuumdb', '--analyze-in-stages', '--all' ],
 qr/.*statement:\ SET\ default_statistics_target=1;\ SET\ vacuum_cost_delay=0;
                    .*statement:\ ANALYZE.*
diff --git a/src/test/perl/PostgresNode.pm b/src/test/perl/PostgresNode.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d03fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/perl/PostgresNode.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+# PostgresNode, class representing a data directory and postmaster.
+# This contains a basic set of routines able to work on a PostgreSQL node,
+# allowing to start, stop, backup and initialize it with various options.
+# The set of nodes managed by a given test is also managed by this module.
+package PostgresNode;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Config;
+use Cwd;
+use Exporter 'import';
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Temp ();
+use IPC::Run;
+use PostgresNode;
+use RecursiveCopy;
+use Test::More;
+use TestLib;
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+  get_new_node
+our ($test_pghost, $last_port_assigned, @all_nodes);
+	# PGHOST is set once and for all through a single series of tests when
+	# this module is loaded.
+	$test_pghost = $windows_os ? "" : TestLib::tempdir_short();
+	$ENV{PGHOST} = $test_pghost;
+	$ENV{PGDATABASE} = 'postgres';
+	# Tracking of last port value assigned to accelerate free port lookup.
+	# XXX: Should this use PG_VERSION_NUM?
+	$last_port_assigned = 90600 % 16384 + 49152;
+	# Node tracking
+	@all_nodes = ();
+sub new
+	my $class  = shift;
+	my $pghost = shift;
+	my $pgport = shift;
+	my $self   = {
+		_port     => $pgport,
+		_host     => $pghost,
+		_basedir  => TestLib::tempdir,
+		_applname => "node_$pgport",
+		_logfile  => "$TestLib::log_path/node_$pgport.log" };
+	bless $self, $class;
+	$self->dump_info;
+	return $self;
+sub port
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	return $self->{_port};
+sub host
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	return $self->{_host};
+sub basedir
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	return $self->{_basedir};
+sub applname
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	return $self->{_applname};
+sub logfile
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	return $self->{_logfile};
+sub connstr
+	my ($self, $dbname) = @_;
+	my $pgport = $self->port;
+	my $pghost = $self->host;
+	if (!defined($dbname))
+	{
+		return "port=$pgport host=$pghost";
+	}
+	return "port=$pgport host=$pghost dbname=$dbname";
+sub data_dir
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	my $res = $self->basedir;
+	return "$res/pgdata";
+sub archive_dir
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	my $basedir = $self->basedir;
+	return "$basedir/archives";
+sub backup_dir
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	my $basedir = $self->basedir;
+	return "$basedir/backup";
+# Dump node information
+sub dump_info
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	print "Data directory: " . $self->data_dir . "\n";
+	print "Backup directory: " . $self->backup_dir . "\n";
+	print "Archive directory: " . $self->archive_dir . "\n";
+	print "Connection string: " . $self->connstr . "\n";
+	print "Application name: " . $self->applname . "\n";
+	print "Log file: " . $self->logfile . "\n";
+sub set_replication_conf
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	my $pgdata = $self->data_dir;
+	open my $hba, ">>$pgdata/pg_hba.conf";
+	print $hba "\n# Allow replication (set up by PostgresNode.pm)\n";
+	if (!$windows_os)
+	{
+		print $hba "local replication all trust\n";
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		print $hba
+"host replication all sspi include_realm=1 map=regress\n";
+	}
+	close $hba;
+# Initialize a new cluster for testing.
+# Authentication is set up so that only the current OS user can access the
+# cluster. On Unix, we use Unix domain socket connections, with the socket in
+# a directory that's only accessible to the current user to ensure that.
+# On Windows, we use SSPI authentication to ensure the same (by pg_regress
+# --config-auth).
+sub init
+	my ($self, %params) = @_;
+	my $port   = $self->port;
+	my $pgdata = $self->data_dir;
+	my $host   = $self->host;
+	$params{hba_permit_replication} = 1 if (!defined($params{hba_permit_replication}));
+	mkdir $self->backup_dir;
+	mkdir $self->archive_dir;
+	system_or_bail('initdb', '-D', $pgdata, '-A', 'trust', '-N');
+	system_or_bail($ENV{PG_REGRESS}, '--config-auth', $pgdata);
+	open my $conf, ">>$pgdata/postgresql.conf";
+	print $conf "\n# Added by TestLib.pm)\n";
+	print $conf "fsync = off\n";
+	print $conf "log_statement = all\n";
+	print $conf "port = $port\n";
+	if ($windows_os)
+	{
+		print $conf "listen_addresses = '$host'\n";
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		print $conf "unix_socket_directories = '$host'\n";
+		print $conf "listen_addresses = ''\n";
+	}
+	close $conf;
+	$self->set_replication_conf if ($params{hba_permit_replication});
+sub append_conf
+	my ($self, $filename, $str) = @_;
+	my $conffile = $self->data_dir . '/' . $filename;
+	append_to_file($conffile, $str);
+sub backup
+	my ($self, $backup_name) = @_;
+	my $backup_path = $self->backup_dir . '/' . $backup_name;
+	my $port        = $self->port;
+	print "# Taking backup $backup_name from node with port $port\n";
+	system_or_bail("pg_basebackup -D $backup_path -p $port -x");
+	print "# Backup finished\n";
+sub init_from_backup
+	my ($self, $root_node, $backup_name) = @_;
+	my $backup_path = $root_node->backup_dir . '/' . $backup_name;
+	my $port        = $self->port;
+	my $root_port   = $root_node->port;
+	print
+"Initializing node $port from backup \"$backup_name\" of node $root_port\n";
+	die "Backup $backup_path does not exist" unless -d $backup_path;
+	mkdir $self->backup_dir;
+	mkdir $self->archive_dir;
+	my $data_path = $self->data_dir;
+	rmdir($data_path);
+	RecursiveCopy::copypath($backup_path, $data_path);
+	chmod(0700, $data_path);
+	# Base configuration for this node
+	$self->append_conf('postgresql.conf',
+		qq(
+port = $port
+	$self->set_replication_conf;
+sub start
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	my $port   = $self->port;
+	my $pgdata = $self->data_dir;
+	print("### Starting test server in $pgdata\n");
+	my $ret = system_log('pg_ctl', '-w', '-D', $self->data_dir,
+		'-l', $self->logfile, 'start');
+	if ($ret != 0)
+	{
+		print "# pg_ctl failed; logfile:\n";
+		print slurp_file($self->logfile);
+		BAIL_OUT("pg_ctl failed");
+	}
+	$self->_update_pid;
+sub stop
+	my ($self, $mode) = @_;
+	my $port   = $self->port;
+	my $pgdata = $self->data_dir;
+	$mode = 'fast' if (!defined($mode));
+	print "### Stopping node in $pgdata with port $port using mode $mode\n";
+	system_log('pg_ctl', '-D', $pgdata, '-m', $mode, 'stop');
+	$self->{_pid} = undef;
+	$self->_update_pid;
+sub restart
+	my ($self)  = @_;
+	my $port    = $self->port;
+	my $pgdata  = $self->data_dir;
+	my $logfile = $self->logfile;
+	system_log('pg_ctl', '-D', $pgdata, '-w', '-l', $logfile, 'restart');
+	$self->_update_pid;
+sub _update_pid
+	my $self = shift;
+	# If we can open the PID file, read its first line and that's the PID we
+	# want.  If the file cannot be opened, presumably the server is not
+	# running; don't be noisy in that case.
+	open my $pidfile, $self->data_dir . "/postmaster.pid";
+	if (not defined $pidfile)
+	{
+		$self->{_pid} = undef;
+		print "# No postmaster PID\n";
+		return;
+	}
+	$self->{_pid} = <$pidfile>;
+	print "# Postmaster PID is $self->{_pid}\n";
+	close $pidfile;
+# Cluster management functions
+# Build a new PostgresNode object, assigning a free port number.
+# We also register the node, to avoid the port number from being reused
+# for another node even when this one is not active.
+sub get_new_node
+	my $found = 0;
+	my $port  = $last_port_assigned;
+	while ($found == 0)
+	{
+		$port++;
+		print "# Checking for port $port\n";
+		my $devnull = $windows_os ? "nul" : "/dev/null";
+		if (!run_log([ 'pg_isready', '-p', $port ]))
+		{
+			$found = 1;
+			# Found a potential candidate port number.  Check first that it is
+			# not included in the list of registered nodes.
+			foreach my $node (@all_nodes)
+			{
+				$found = 0 if ($node->port == $port);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	print "# Found free port $port\n";
+	# Lock port number found by creating a new node
+	my $node = new PostgresNode($test_pghost, $port);
+	# Add node to list of nodes
+	push(@all_nodes, $node);
+	# And update port for next time
+	$last_port_assigned = $port;
+	return $node;
+	my $self = shift;
+	return if not defined $self->{_pid};
+	print "# signalling QUIT to $self->{_pid}\n";
+	kill 'QUIT', $self->{_pid};
+sub teardown_node
+	my $self = shift;
+	$self->stop('immediate');
+sub psql
+	my ($self, $dbname, $sql) = @_;
+	my ($stdout, $stderr);
+	print("# Running SQL command: $sql\n");
+	IPC::Run::run [ 'psql', '-XAtq', '-d', $self->connstr($dbname), '-f', '-' ],
+	  '<', \$sql, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr or die;
+	if ($stderr ne "")
+	{
+		print "#### Begin standard error\n";
+		print $stderr;
+		print "#### End standard error\n";
+	}
+	chomp $stdout;
+	$stdout =~ s/\r//g if $Config{osname} eq 'msys';
+	return $stdout;
+# Run a query once a second, until it returns 't' (i.e. SQL boolean true).
+sub poll_query_until
+	my ($self, $dbname, $query) = @_;
+	my $max_attempts = 30;
+	my $attempts     = 0;
+	my ($stdout, $stderr);
+	while ($attempts < $max_attempts)
+	{
+		my $cmd = [ 'psql', '-At', '-c', $query, '-d', $self->connstr($dbname) ];
+		my $result = IPC::Run::run $cmd, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
+		chomp($stdout);
+		$stdout =~ s/\r//g if $Config{osname} eq 'msys';
+		if ($stdout eq "t")
+		{
+			return 1;
+		}
+		# Wait a second before retrying.
+		sleep 1;
+		$attempts++;
+	}
+	# The query result didn't change in 30 seconds. Give up. Print the stderr
+	# from the last attempt, hopefully that's useful for debugging.
+	diag $stderr;
+	return 0;
+# Run a command on the node, then verify that $expected_sql appears in the
+# server log file.
+sub issues_sql_like
+	my ($self, $cmd, $expected_sql, $test_name) = @_;
+	local $ENV{PGPORT} = $self->port;
+	truncate $self->logfile, 0;
+	my $result = run_log($cmd);
+	ok($result, "@$cmd exit code 0");
+	my $log = slurp_file($self->logfile);
+	like($log, $expected_sql, "$test_name: SQL found in server log");
diff --git a/src/test/perl/RecursiveCopy.pm b/src/test/perl/RecursiveCopy.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e58ad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/perl/RecursiveCopy.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# RecursiveCopy, a simple recursive copy implementation
+package RecursiveCopy;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Copy;
+sub copypath
+	my $srcpath  = shift;
+	my $destpath = shift;
+	die "Cannot operate on symlinks" if -l $srcpath or -l $destpath;
+	# This source path is a file, simply copy it to destination with the
+	# same name.
+	die "Destination path $destpath exists as file" if -f $destpath;
+	if (-f $srcpath)
+	{
+		copy($srcpath, $destpath)
+			or die "copy $srcpath -> $destpath failed: $!";
+		return 1;
+	}
+	die "Destination needs to be a directory" unless -d $srcpath;
+	mkdir($destpath) or die "mkdir($destpath) failed: $!";
+	# Scan existing source directory and recursively copy everything.
+	opendir(my $directory, $srcpath) or die "could not opendir($srcpath): $!";
+	while (my $entry = readdir($directory))
+	{
+		next if ($entry eq '.' || $entry eq '..');
+		RecursiveCopy::copypath("$srcpath/$entry", "$destpath/$entry")
+			or die "copypath $srcpath/$entry -> $destpath/$entry failed";
+	}
+	closedir($directory);
+	return 1;
diff --git a/src/test/perl/TestLib.pm b/src/test/perl/TestLib.pm
index 02533eb..3a01b7a 100644
--- a/src/test/perl/TestLib.pm
+++ b/src/test/perl/TestLib.pm
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+# TestLib, low-level routines and actions regression tests.
+# This module contains a set of routines dedicated to environment setup for
+# a PostgreSQL regression test tun, and includes some low-level routines
+# aimed at controlling command execution, logging and test functions. This
+# module should never depend on any other PostgreSQL regression test modules.
 package TestLib;
 use strict;
@@ -5,16 +12,17 @@ use warnings;
 use Config;
 use Exporter 'import';
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Temp ();
+use IPC::Run qw(run);
+use SimpleTee;
+use Test::More;
 our @EXPORT = qw(
-  tempdir
-  tempdir_short
-  standard_initdb
-  configure_hba_for_replication
-  start_test_server
-  restart_test_server
-  psql
+  append_to_file
@@ -26,88 +34,80 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
-  issues_sql_like
-  $tmp_check
-  $log_path
-use Cwd;
-use File::Basename;
-use File::Spec;
-use File::Temp ();
-use IPC::Run qw(run start);
+our ($windows_os, $tmp_check, $log_path, $test_logfile);
-use SimpleTee;
-use Test::More;
-our $windows_os = $Config{osname} eq 'MSWin32' || $Config{osname} eq 'msys';
-# Open log file. For each test, the log file name uses the name of the
-# file launching this module, without the .pl suffix.
-our ($tmp_check, $log_path);
-$tmp_check = $ENV{TESTDIR} ? "$ENV{TESTDIR}/tmp_check" : "tmp_check";
-$log_path = "$tmp_check/log";
-mkdir $tmp_check;
-mkdir $log_path;
-my $test_logfile = basename($0);
-$test_logfile =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
-$test_logfile = "$log_path/regress_log_$test_logfile";
-open TESTLOG, '>', $test_logfile or die "Cannot open STDOUT to logfile: $!";
-# Hijack STDOUT and STDERR to the log file
-open(STDOUT, ">&TESTLOG");
-open(STDERR, ">&TESTLOG");
-# The test output (ok ...) needs to be printed to the original STDOUT so
-# that the 'prove' program can parse it, and display it to the user in
-# real time. But also copy it to the log file, to provide more context
-# in the log.
-my $builder = Test::More->builder;
-my $fh = $builder->output;
-tie *$fh, "SimpleTee", *ORIG_STDOUT, *TESTLOG;
-$fh = $builder->failure_output;
-tie *$fh, "SimpleTee", *ORIG_STDERR, *TESTLOG;
-# Enable auto-flushing for all the file handles. Stderr and stdout are
-# redirected to the same file, and buffering causes the lines to appear
-# in the log in confusing order.
-autoflush STDOUT 1;
-autoflush STDERR 1;
-autoflush TESTLOG 1;
-# Set to untranslated messages, to be able to compare program output
-# with expected strings.
-delete $ENV{LANGUAGE};
-delete $ENV{LC_ALL};
-delete $ENV{PGDATA};
-delete $ENV{PGSERVICE};
-delete $ENV{PGSSLMODE};
-delete $ENV{PGUSER};
-if (!$ENV{PGPORT})
-	$ENV{PGPORT} = 65432;
+	# Set to untranslated messages, to be able to compare program output
+	# with expected strings.
+	delete $ENV{LANGUAGE};
+	delete $ENV{LC_ALL};
+	delete $ENV{PGDATA};
+	delete $ENV{PGDATABASE};
+	delete $ENV{PGHOSTADDR};
+	delete $ENV{PGSERVICE};
+	delete $ENV{PGSSLMODE};
+	delete $ENV{PGUSER};
+	delete $ENV{PGPORT};
+	delete $ENV{PGHOST};
+	# Must be set early
+	$windows_os = $Config{osname} eq 'MSWin32' || $Config{osname} eq 'msys';
-$ENV{PGPORT} = int($ENV{PGPORT}) % 65536;
+	# Determine output directories, and create them.  The base path is the
+	# TESTDIR environment variable, which is normally set by the invoking
+	# Makefile.
+	$tmp_check = $ENV{TESTDIR} ? "$ENV{TESTDIR}/tmp_check" : "tmp_check";
+	$log_path = "$tmp_check/log";
+	mkdir $tmp_check;
+	mkdir $log_path;
+	# Open the test log file, whose name depends on the test name.
+	$test_logfile = basename($0);
+	$test_logfile =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
+	$test_logfile = "$log_path/regress_log_$test_logfile";
+	open TESTLOG, '>', $test_logfile
+	  or die "could not open STDOUT to logfile \"$test_logfile\": $!";
+	# Hijack STDOUT and STDERR to the log file
+	open(ORIG_STDOUT, ">&STDOUT");
+	open(ORIG_STDERR, ">&STDERR");
+	open(STDOUT,      ">&TESTLOG");
+	open(STDERR,      ">&TESTLOG");
+	# The test output (ok ...) needs to be printed to the original STDOUT so
+	# that the 'prove' program can parse it, and display it to the user in
+	# real time. But also copy it to the log file, to provide more context
+	# in the log.
+	my $builder = Test::More->builder;
+	my $fh      = $builder->output;
+	tie *$fh, "SimpleTee", *ORIG_STDOUT, *TESTLOG;
+	$fh = $builder->failure_output;
+	tie *$fh, "SimpleTee", *ORIG_STDERR, *TESTLOG;
+	# Enable auto-flushing for all the file handles. Stderr and stdout are
+	# redirected to the same file, and buffering causes the lines to appear
+	# in the log in confusing order.
+	autoflush STDOUT 1;
+	autoflush STDERR 1;
+	autoflush TESTLOG 1;
 # Helper functions
 sub tempdir
 	return File::Temp::tempdir(
@@ -118,123 +118,36 @@ sub tempdir
 sub tempdir_short
 	# Use a separate temp dir outside the build tree for the
 	# Unix-domain socket, to avoid file name length issues.
 	return File::Temp::tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
-# Initialize a new cluster for testing.
-# The PGHOST environment variable is set to connect to the new cluster.
-# Authentication is set up so that only the current OS user can access the
-# cluster. On Unix, we use Unix domain socket connections, with the socket in
-# a directory that's only accessible to the current user to ensure that.
-# On Windows, we use SSPI authentication to ensure the same (by pg_regress
-# --config-auth).
-sub standard_initdb
+sub system_log
-	my $pgdata = shift;
-	system_or_bail('initdb', '-D', "$pgdata", '-A' , 'trust', '-N');
-	system_or_bail($ENV{PG_REGRESS}, '--config-auth', $pgdata);
-	my $tempdir_short = tempdir_short;
-	open CONF, ">>$pgdata/postgresql.conf";
-	print CONF "\n# Added by TestLib.pm)\n";
-	print CONF "fsync = off\n";
-	if ($windows_os)
-	{
-		print CONF "listen_addresses = ''\n";
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		print CONF "unix_socket_directories = '$tempdir_short'\n";
-		print CONF "listen_addresses = ''\n";
-	}
-	close CONF;
-	$ENV{PGHOST}         = $windows_os ? "" : $tempdir_short;
+	print("# Running: " . join(" ", @_) . "\n");
+	return system(@_);
-# Set up the cluster to allow replication connections, in the same way that
-# standard_initdb does for normal connections.
-sub configure_hba_for_replication
+sub system_or_bail
-	my $pgdata = shift;
-	open HBA, ">>$pgdata/pg_hba.conf";
-	print HBA "\n# Allow replication (set up by TestLib.pm)\n";
-	if (! $windows_os)
+	if (system_log(@_) != 0)
-		print HBA "local replication all trust\n";
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		print HBA "host replication all sspi include_realm=1 map=regress\n";
-	}
-	close HBA;
-my ($test_server_datadir, $test_server_logfile);
-# Initialize a new cluster for testing in given directory, and start it.
-sub start_test_server
-	my ($tempdir) = @_;
-	my $ret;
-	print("### Starting test server in $tempdir\n");
-	standard_initdb "$tempdir/pgdata";
-	$ret = system_log('pg_ctl', '-D', "$tempdir/pgdata", '-w', '-l',
-	  "$log_path/postmaster.log", '-o', "--log-statement=all",
-	  'start');
-	if ($ret != 0)
-	{
-		print "# pg_ctl failed; logfile:\n";
-		system('cat', "$log_path/postmaster.log");
-		BAIL_OUT("pg_ctl failed");
-	}
-	$test_server_datadir = "$tempdir/pgdata";
-	$test_server_logfile = "$log_path/postmaster.log";
-sub restart_test_server
-	print("### Restarting test server\n");
-	system_log('pg_ctl', '-D', $test_server_datadir, '-w', '-l',
-	  $test_server_logfile, 'restart');
-	if ($test_server_datadir)
-	{
-		system_log('pg_ctl', '-D', $test_server_datadir, '-m',
-		  'immediate', 'stop');
+		BAIL_OUT("system $_[0] failed");
-sub psql
+sub run_log
-	my ($dbname, $sql) = @_;
-	my ($stdout, $stderr);
-	print("# Running SQL command: $sql\n");
-	run [ 'psql', '-X', '-A', '-t', '-q', '-d', $dbname, '-f', '-' ], '<', \$sql, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr or die;
-	chomp $stdout;
-	$stdout =~ s/\r//g if $Config{osname} eq 'msys';
-	return $stdout;
+	print("# Running: " . join(" ", @{ $_[0] }) . "\n");
+	return run(@_);
 sub slurp_dir
 	my ($dir) = @_;
-	opendir(my $dh, $dir) or die;
+	opendir(my $dh, $dir)
+	  or die "could not opendir \"$dir\": $!";
 	my @direntries = readdir $dh;
 	closedir $dh;
 	return @direntries;
@@ -249,32 +162,18 @@ sub slurp_file
 	return $contents;
-sub system_or_bail
+sub append_to_file
-	if (system_log(@_) != 0)
-	{
-		BAIL_OUT("system $_[0] failed: $?");
-	}
+	my ($filename, $str) = @_;
-sub system_log
-	print("# Running: " . join(" ", @_) ."\n");
-	return system(@_);
+	open my $fh, ">>", $filename or die "could not open \"$filename\": $!";
+	print $fh $str;
+	close $fh;
-sub run_log
-	print("# Running: " . join(" ", @{$_[0]}) ."\n");
-	return run (@_);
 # Test functions
 sub command_ok
 	my ($cmd, $test_name) = @_;
@@ -292,8 +191,8 @@ sub command_fails
 sub command_exit_is
 	my ($cmd, $expected, $test_name) = @_;
-	print("# Running: " . join(" ", @{$cmd}) ."\n");
-	my $h = start $cmd;
+	print("# Running: " . join(" ", @{$cmd}) . "\n");
+	my $h = IPC::Run::start $cmd;
 	# On Windows, the exit status of the process is returned directly as the
@@ -303,8 +202,10 @@ sub command_exit_is
 	# assuming the Unix convention, which will always return 0 on Windows as
 	# long as the process was not terminated by an exception. To work around
 	# that, use $h->full_result on Windows instead.
-	my $result = ($Config{osname} eq "MSWin32") ?
-		($h->full_results)[0] : $h->result(0);
+	my $result =
+	    ($Config{osname} eq "MSWin32")
+	  ? ($h->full_results)[0]
+	  : $h->result(0);
 	is($result, $expected, $test_name);
@@ -313,7 +214,7 @@ sub program_help_ok
 	my ($cmd) = @_;
 	my ($stdout, $stderr);
 	print("# Running: $cmd --help\n");
-	my $result = run [ $cmd, '--help' ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
+	my $result = IPC::Run::run [ $cmd, '--help' ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
 	ok($result, "$cmd --help exit code 0");
 	isnt($stdout, '', "$cmd --help goes to stdout");
 	is($stderr, '', "$cmd --help nothing to stderr");
@@ -324,7 +225,7 @@ sub program_version_ok
 	my ($cmd) = @_;
 	my ($stdout, $stderr);
 	print("# Running: $cmd --version\n");
-	my $result = run [ $cmd, '--version' ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
+	my $result = IPC::Run::run [ $cmd, '--version' ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
 	ok($result, "$cmd --version exit code 0");
 	isnt($stdout, '', "$cmd --version goes to stdout");
 	is($stderr, '', "$cmd --version nothing to stderr");
@@ -335,8 +236,8 @@ sub program_options_handling_ok
 	my ($cmd) = @_;
 	my ($stdout, $stderr);
 	print("# Running: $cmd --not-a-valid-option\n");
-	my $result = run [ $cmd, '--not-a-valid-option' ], '>', \$stdout, '2>',
-	  \$stderr;
+	my $result = IPC::Run::run [ $cmd, '--not-a-valid-option' ], '>', \$stdout,
+	  '2>', \$stderr;
 	ok(!$result, "$cmd with invalid option nonzero exit code");
 	isnt($stderr, '', "$cmd with invalid option prints error message");
@@ -346,20 +247,10 @@ sub command_like
 	my ($cmd, $expected_stdout, $test_name) = @_;
 	my ($stdout, $stderr);
 	print("# Running: " . join(" ", @{$cmd}) . "\n");
-	my $result = run $cmd, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
+	my $result = IPC::Run::run $cmd, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
 	ok($result, "@$cmd exit code 0");
 	is($stderr, '', "@$cmd no stderr");
 	like($stdout, $expected_stdout, "$test_name: matches");
-sub issues_sql_like
-	my ($cmd, $expected_sql, $test_name) = @_;
-	truncate $test_server_logfile, 0;
-	my $result = run_log($cmd);
-	ok($result, "@$cmd exit code 0");
-	my $log = slurp_file($test_server_logfile);
-	like($log, $expected_sql, "$test_name: SQL found in server log");
diff --git a/src/test/ssl/ServerSetup.pm b/src/test/ssl/ServerSetup.pm
index a6c77b5..4e93184 100644
--- a/src/test/ssl/ServerSetup.pm
+++ b/src/test/ssl/ServerSetup.pm
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ package ServerSetup;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use File::Basename;
 use File::Copy;
@@ -45,17 +46,19 @@ sub copy_files
 sub configure_test_server_for_ssl
-	my $tempdir    = $_[0];
+	my $node       = $_[0];
 	my $serverhost = $_[1];
+	my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
 	# Create test users and databases
-	psql 'postgres', "CREATE USER ssltestuser";
-	psql 'postgres', "CREATE USER anotheruser";
-	psql 'postgres', "CREATE DATABASE trustdb";
-	psql 'postgres', "CREATE DATABASE certdb";
+	$node->psql('postgres', "CREATE USER ssltestuser");
+	$node->psql('postgres', "CREATE USER anotheruser");
+	$node->psql('postgres', "CREATE DATABASE trustdb");
+	$node->psql('postgres', "CREATE DATABASE certdb");
 	# enable logging etc.
-	open CONF, ">>$tempdir/pgdata/postgresql.conf";
+	open CONF, ">>$pgdata/postgresql.conf";
 	print CONF "fsync=off\n";
 	print CONF "log_connections=on\n";
 	print CONF "log_hostname=on\n";
@@ -68,17 +71,17 @@ sub configure_test_server_for_ssl
 	close CONF;
 # Copy all server certificates and keys, and client root cert, to the data dir
-	copy_files("ssl/server-*.crt", "$tempdir/pgdata");
-	copy_files("ssl/server-*.key", "$tempdir/pgdata");
-	chmod(0600, glob "$tempdir/pgdata/server-*.key") or die $!;
-	copy_files("ssl/root+client_ca.crt", "$tempdir/pgdata");
-	copy_files("ssl/root+client.crl",    "$tempdir/pgdata");
+	copy_files("ssl/server-*.crt", $pgdata);
+	copy_files("ssl/server-*.key", $pgdata);
+	chmod(0600, glob "$pgdata/server-*.key") or die $!;
+	copy_files("ssl/root+client_ca.crt", $pgdata);
+	copy_files("ssl/root+client.crl",    $pgdata);
   # Only accept SSL connections from localhost. Our tests don't depend on this
   # but seems best to keep it as narrow as possible for security reasons.
   # When connecting to certdb, also check the client certificate.
-	open HBA, ">$tempdir/pgdata/pg_hba.conf";
+	open HBA, ">$pgdata/pg_hba.conf";
 	print HBA
 "# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD\n";
 	print HBA
@@ -96,12 +99,13 @@ sub configure_test_server_for_ssl
 # the server so that the configuration takes effect.
 sub switch_server_cert
-	my $tempdir  = $_[0];
+	my $node     = $_[0];
 	my $certfile = $_[1];
+	my $pgdata   = $node->data_dir;
 	diag "Restarting server with certfile \"$certfile\"...";
-	open SSLCONF, ">$tempdir/pgdata/sslconfig.conf";
+	open SSLCONF, ">$pgdata/sslconfig.conf";
 	print SSLCONF "ssl=on\n";
 	print SSLCONF "ssl_ca_file='root+client_ca.crt'\n";
 	print SSLCONF "ssl_cert_file='$certfile.crt'\n";
@@ -110,5 +114,5 @@ sub switch_server_cert
 	close SSLCONF;
 	# Stop and restart server to reload the new config.
-	restart_test_server();
+	$node->restart;
diff --git a/src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl b/src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl
index 0d6f339..dcc541d 100644
--- a/src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl
+++ b/src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
+use TestLib;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More tests => 38;
 use ServerSetup;
@@ -25,8 +27,6 @@ BEGIN
 # postgresql-ssl-regression.test.
-my $tempdir = TestLib::tempdir;
 # Define a couple of helper functions to test connecting to the server.
 my $common_connstr;
@@ -74,10 +74,16 @@ chmod 0600, "ssl/client.key";
 #### Part 0. Set up the server.
-diag "setting up data directory in \"$tempdir\"...";
-configure_test_server_for_ssl($tempdir, $SERVERHOSTADDR);
-switch_server_cert($tempdir, 'server-cn-only');
+diag "setting up data directory...";
+my $node = get_new_node();
+# PGHOST is enforced here to set up the node, subsequent connections
+# will use a dedicated connection string.
+$ENV{PGHOST} = $node->host;
+$ENV{PGPORT} = $node->port;
+configure_test_server_for_ssl($node, $SERVERHOSTADDR);
+switch_server_cert($node, 'server-cn-only');
 ### Part 1. Run client-side tests.
@@ -150,7 +156,7 @@ test_connect_ok("sslmode=verify-ca host=wronghost.test");
 test_connect_fails("sslmode=verify-full host=wronghost.test");
 # Test Subject Alternative Names.
-switch_server_cert($tempdir, 'server-multiple-alt-names');
+switch_server_cert($node, 'server-multiple-alt-names');
 diag "test hostname matching with X509 Subject Alternative Names";
 $common_connstr =
@@ -165,7 +171,7 @@ test_connect_fails("host=deep.subdomain.wildcard.pg-ssltest.test");
 # Test certificate with a single Subject Alternative Name. (this gives a
 # slightly different error message, that's all)
-switch_server_cert($tempdir, 'server-single-alt-name');
+switch_server_cert($node, 'server-single-alt-name');
 diag "test hostname matching with a single X509 Subject Alternative Name";
 $common_connstr =
@@ -178,7 +184,7 @@ test_connect_fails("host=deep.subdomain.wildcard.pg-ssltest.test");
 # Test server certificate with a CN and SANs. Per RFCs 2818 and 6125, the CN
 # should be ignored when the certificate has both.
-switch_server_cert($tempdir, 'server-cn-and-alt-names');
+switch_server_cert($node, 'server-cn-and-alt-names');
 diag "test certificate with both a CN and SANs";
 $common_connstr =
@@ -190,7 +196,7 @@ test_connect_fails("host=common-name.pg-ssltest.test");
 # Finally, test a server certificate that has no CN or SANs. Of course, that's
 # not a very sensible certificate, but libpq should handle it gracefully.
-switch_server_cert($tempdir, 'server-no-names');
+switch_server_cert($node, 'server-no-names');
 $common_connstr =
 "user=ssltestuser dbname=trustdb sslcert=invalid sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt hostaddr=$SERVERHOSTADDR";
@@ -199,7 +205,7 @@ test_connect_fails("sslmode=verify-full host=common-name.pg-ssltest.test");
 # Test that the CRL works
 diag "Testing client-side CRL";
-switch_server_cert($tempdir, 'server-revoked');
+switch_server_cert($node, 'server-revoked');
 $common_connstr =
 "user=ssltestuser dbname=trustdb sslcert=invalid hostaddr=$SERVERHOSTADDR host=common-name.pg-ssltest.test";
@@ -233,7 +239,3 @@ test_connect_fails(
 "user=ssltestuser sslcert=ssl/client-revoked.crt sslkey=ssl/client-revoked.key"
-# All done! Save the log, before the temporary installation is deleted
-copy("$tempdir/client-log", "./client-log");
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/t/010_pg_basebackup.pl b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/t/010_pg_basebackup.pl
index 86cc14e..bc4afce 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/t/010_pg_basebackup.pl
+++ b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/t/010_pg_basebackup.pl
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ program_options_handling_ok('pg_basebackup');
 my $tempdir = TestLib::tempdir;
 my $node = get_new_node();
 # Initialize node without replication settings
 $node->init(hba_permit_replication => 0);
@@ -52,9 +53,10 @@ command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup" ],
 	'pg_basebackup runs');
 ok(-f "$tempdir/backup/PG_VERSION", 'backup was created');
-		  [sort qw(. .. archive_status)],
-		  'no WAL files copied');
+	[ sort(slurp_dir("$tempdir/backup/pg_xlog/")) ],
+	[ sort qw(. .. archive_status) ],
+	'no WAL files copied');
 	[   'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup2", '--xlogdir',
@@ -99,8 +101,9 @@ unlink "$pgdata/$superlongname";
 # The following tests test symlinks. Windows doesn't have symlinks, so
 # skip on Windows.
-SKIP: {
-    skip "symlinks not supported on Windows", 10 if ($windows_os);
+	skip "symlinks not supported on Windows", 10 if ($windows_os);
 	# Create a temporary directory in the system location and symlink it
 	# to our physical temp location.  That way we can use shorter names
@@ -111,10 +114,10 @@ SKIP: {
 	mkdir "$tempdir/tblspc1";
-	"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc1 LOCATION '$shorter_tempdir/tblspc1';");
+		"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc1 LOCATION '$shorter_tempdir/tblspc1';");
 	$node->psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLE test1 (a int) TABLESPACE tblspc1;");
 	command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup2", '-Ft' ],
-			   'tar format with tablespaces');
+		'tar format with tablespaces');
 	ok(-f "$tempdir/tarbackup2/base.tar", 'backup tar was created');
 	my @tblspc_tars = glob "$tempdir/tarbackup2/[0-9]*.tar";
 	is(scalar(@tblspc_tars), 1, 'one tablespace tar was created');
@@ -130,9 +133,9 @@ SKIP: {
 	ok(-d "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1", 'tablespace was relocated');
 	opendir(my $dh, "$pgdata/pg_tblspc") or die;
 	ok( (   grep {
-		-l "$tempdir/backup1/pg_tblspc/$_"
-			and readlink "$tempdir/backup1/pg_tblspc/$_" eq
-			"$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1"
+				-l "$tempdir/backup1/pg_tblspc/$_"
+				  and readlink "$tempdir/backup1/pg_tblspc/$_" eq
+				  "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1"
 			} readdir($dh)),
 		"tablespace symlink was updated");
 	closedir $dh;
@@ -141,19 +144,20 @@ SKIP: {
 	$node->psql('postgres', "DROP TABLE test1;");
 	$node->psql('postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc1;");
-	"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc2 LOCATION '$shorter_tempdir/tbl=spc2';");
+		"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc2 LOCATION '$shorter_tempdir/tbl=spc2';");
 		[   'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup3", '-Fp',
 			"-T$shorter_tempdir/tbl\\=spc2=$tempdir/tbackup/tbl\\=spc2" ],
 		'mapping tablespace with = sign in path');
-	ok(-d "$tempdir/tbackup/tbl=spc2", 'tablespace with = sign was relocated');
+	ok(-d "$tempdir/tbackup/tbl=spc2",
+		'tablespace with = sign was relocated');
 	$node->psql('postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc2;");
 	mkdir "$tempdir/$superlongname";
-	"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc3 LOCATION '$tempdir/$superlongname';");
+		"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc3 LOCATION '$tempdir/$superlongname';");
 	command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup_l3", '-Ft' ],
-			   'pg_basebackup tar with long symlink target');
+		'pg_basebackup tar with long symlink target');
 	$node->psql('postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc3;");
@@ -161,33 +165,57 @@ command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupR", '-R' ],
 	'pg_basebackup -R runs');
 ok(-f "$tempdir/backupR/recovery.conf", 'recovery.conf was created');
 my $recovery_conf = slurp_file "$tempdir/backupR/recovery.conf";
 # using a character class for the final "'" here works around an apparent
 # bug in several version of the Msys DTK perl
-like($recovery_conf, qr/^standby_mode = 'on[']$/m, 'recovery.conf sets standby_mode');
-like($recovery_conf, qr/^primary_conninfo = '.*port=$ENV{PGPORT}.*'$/m, 'recovery.conf sets primary_conninfo');
+	$recovery_conf,
+	qr/^standby_mode = 'on[']$/m,
+	'recovery.conf sets standby_mode');
+	$recovery_conf,
+	qr/^primary_conninfo = '.*port=$ENV{PGPORT}.*'$/m,
+	'recovery.conf sets primary_conninfo');
 command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxf", '-X', 'fetch' ],
 	'pg_basebackup -X fetch runs');
-ok(grep(/^[0-9A-F]{24}$/, slurp_dir("$tempdir/backupxf/pg_xlog")), 'WAL files copied');
+ok(grep(/^[0-9A-F]{24}$/, slurp_dir("$tempdir/backupxf/pg_xlog")),
+	'WAL files copied');
 command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs", '-X', 'stream' ],
 	'pg_basebackup -X stream runs');
-ok(grep(/^[0-9A-F]{24}$/, slurp_dir("$tempdir/backupxf/pg_xlog")), 'WAL files copied');
+ok(grep(/^[0-9A-F]{24}$/, slurp_dir("$tempdir/backupxf/pg_xlog")),
+	'WAL files copied');
-command_fails([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/fail", '-S', 'slot1' ],
+	[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/fail", '-S', 'slot1' ],
 	'pg_basebackup with replication slot fails without -X stream');
-command_fails([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_sl_fail", '-X', 'stream', '-S', 'slot1' ],
+	[   'pg_basebackup',             '-D',
+		"$tempdir/backupxs_sl_fail", '-X',
+		'stream',                    '-S',
+		'slot1' ],
 	'pg_basebackup fails with nonexistent replication slot');
-$node->psql('postgres', q{SELECT * FROM pg_create_physical_replication_slot('slot1')});
-my $lsn = $node->psql('postgres', q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot1'});
+	q{SELECT * FROM pg_create_physical_replication_slot('slot1')});
+my $lsn = $node->psql('postgres',
+	q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot1'}
 is($lsn, '', 'restart LSN of new slot is null');
-command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_sl", '-X', 'stream', '-S', 'slot1' ],
+	[   'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_sl", '-X',
+		'stream',        '-S', 'slot1' ],
 	'pg_basebackup -X stream with replication slot runs');
-$lsn = $node->psql('postgres', q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot1'});
+$lsn = $node->psql('postgres',
+	q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot1'}
 like($lsn, qr!^0/[0-9A-Z]{7,8}$!, 'restart LSN of slot has advanced');
-command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_sl_R", '-X', 'stream', '-S', 'slot1', '-R' ],
+	[   'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_sl_R", '-X',
+		'stream',        '-S', 'slot1',                  '-R' ],
 	'pg_basebackup with replication slot and -R runs');
-	 qr/^primary_slot_name = 'slot1'$/m,
-	 'recovery.conf sets primary_slot_name');
+	slurp_file("$tempdir/backupxs_sl_R/recovery.conf"),
+	qr/^primary_slot_name = 'slot1'$/m,
+	'recovery.conf sets primary_slot_name');
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_ctl/t/001_start_stop.pl b/src/bin/pg_ctl/t/001_start_stop.pl
index a224ece..cbe99d7 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_ctl/t/001_start_stop.pl
+++ b/src/bin/pg_ctl/t/001_start_stop.pl
@@ -18,13 +18,11 @@ command_exit_is([ 'pg_ctl', 'start', '-D', "$tempdir/nonexistent" ],
 command_ok([ 'pg_ctl', 'initdb', '-D', "$tempdir/data", '-o', '-N' ],
 	'pg_ctl initdb');
-	[ $ENV{PG_REGRESS}, '--config-auth',
-		"$tempdir/data" ],
+command_ok([ $ENV{PG_REGRESS}, '--config-auth', "$tempdir/data" ],
 	'configure authentication');
 open CONF, ">>$tempdir/data/postgresql.conf";
 print CONF "fsync = off\n";
-if (! $windows_os)
+if (!$windows_os)
 	print CONF "listen_addresses = ''\n";
 	print CONF "unix_socket_directories = '$tempdir_short'\n";
@@ -36,6 +34,7 @@ else
 close CONF;
 command_ok([ 'pg_ctl', 'start', '-D', "$tempdir/data", '-w' ],
 	'pg_ctl start -w');
 # sleep here is because Windows builds can't check postmaster.pid exactly,
 # so they may mistake a pre-existing postmaster.pid for one created by the
 # postmaster they start.  Waiting more than the 2 seconds slop time allowed
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_rewind/RewindTest.pm b/src/bin/pg_rewind/RewindTest.pm
index 55bbc9c..f2c0ca9 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_rewind/RewindTest.pm
+++ b/src/bin/pg_rewind/RewindTest.pm
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ sub standby_psql
 	my $cmd = shift;
 	system_or_bail 'psql', '-q', '--no-psqlrc', '-d',
-      $node_standby->connstr('postgres'), '-c', "$cmd";
+	  $node_standby->connstr('postgres'), '-c', "$cmd";
 # Run a query against the master, and check that the output matches what's
@@ -89,8 +89,9 @@ sub check_query
 	# we want just the output, no formatting
 	my $result = IPC::Run::run [
-		'psql',          '-q', '-A', '-t', '--no-psqlrc', '-d',
-		$node_master->connstr('postgres'), '-c', $query ],
+		'psql', '-q', '-A', '-t', '--no-psqlrc', '-d',
+		$node_master->connstr('postgres'),
+		'-c', $query ],
 	  '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
 	# We don't use ok() for the exit code and stderr, because we want this
@@ -118,7 +119,8 @@ sub setup_cluster
 	# Custom parameters for master's postgresql.conf
-	$node_master->append_conf("postgresql.conf", qq(
+	$node_master->append_conf(
+		"postgresql.conf", qq(
 wal_level = hot_standby
 max_wal_senders = 2
 wal_keep_segments = 20
@@ -146,7 +148,8 @@ sub create_standby
 	$node_standby->init_from_backup($node_master, 'my_backup');
 	my $connstr_master = $node_master->connstr('postgres');
-	$node_standby->append_conf("recovery.conf", qq(
+	$node_standby->append_conf(
+		"recovery.conf", qq(
 primary_conninfo='$connstr_master application_name=rewind_standby'
@@ -174,7 +177,8 @@ sub promote_standby
 	# the master out-of-sync with the standby. Wait until the standby is
 	# out of recovery mode, and is ready to accept read-write connections.
 	system_or_bail('pg_ctl', '-w', '-D', $node_standby->data_dir, 'promote');
-	$node_standby->poll_query_until('postgres', "SELECT NOT pg_is_in_recovery()")
+	$node_standby->poll_query_until('postgres',
+		"SELECT NOT pg_is_in_recovery()")
 	  or die "Timed out while waiting for promotion of standby";
 	# Force a checkpoint after the promotion. pg_rewind looks at the control
@@ -188,11 +192,11 @@ sub promote_standby
 sub run_pg_rewind
-	my $test_mode = shift;
-	my $master_pgdata = $node_master->data_dir;
-	my $standby_pgdata = $node_standby->data_dir;
+	my $test_mode       = shift;
+	my $master_pgdata   = $node_master->data_dir;
+	my $standby_pgdata  = $node_standby->data_dir;
 	my $standby_connstr = $node_standby->connstr('postgres');
-	my $tmp_folder = TestLib::tempdir;
+	my $tmp_folder      = TestLib::tempdir;
 	# Stop the master and be ready to perform the rewind
@@ -204,8 +208,9 @@ sub run_pg_rewind
 	# Keep a temporary postgresql.conf for master node or it would be
 	# overwritten during the rewind.
-	copy("$master_pgdata/postgresql.conf",
-		 "$tmp_folder/master-postgresql.conf.tmp");
+	copy(
+		"$master_pgdata/postgresql.conf",
+		"$tmp_folder/master-postgresql.conf.tmp");
 	# Now run pg_rewind
 	if ($test_mode eq "local")
@@ -213,21 +218,21 @@ sub run_pg_rewind
 		# Do rewind using a local pgdata as source
 		# Stop the master and be ready to perform the rewind
-		command_ok(['pg_rewind',
-					"--debug",
-					"--source-pgdata=$standby_pgdata",
-					"--target-pgdata=$master_pgdata"],
-				   'pg_rewind local');
+		command_ok(
+			[   'pg_rewind',
+				"--debug",
+				"--source-pgdata=$standby_pgdata",
+				"--target-pgdata=$master_pgdata" ],
+			'pg_rewind local');
 	elsif ($test_mode eq "remote")
 		# Do rewind using a remote connection as source
-		command_ok(['pg_rewind',
-					"--debug",
-					"--source-server",
-					$standby_connstr,
-					"--target-pgdata=$master_pgdata"],
-				   'pg_rewind remote');
+		command_ok(
+			[   'pg_rewind',       "--debug",
+				"--source-server", $standby_connstr,
+				"--target-pgdata=$master_pgdata" ],
+			'pg_rewind remote');
@@ -236,12 +241,14 @@ sub run_pg_rewind
 	# Now move back postgresql.conf with old settings
-	move("$tmp_folder/master-postgresql.conf.tmp",
-		 "$master_pgdata/postgresql.conf");
+	move(
+		"$tmp_folder/master-postgresql.conf.tmp",
+		"$master_pgdata/postgresql.conf");
 	# Plug-in rewound node to the now-promoted standby node
 	my $port_standby = $node_standby->port;
-	$node_master->append_conf('recovery.conf', qq(
+	$node_master->append_conf(
+		'recovery.conf', qq(
@@ -256,7 +263,7 @@ recovery_target_timeline='latest'
 # Clean up after the test. Stop both servers, if they're still running.
 sub clean_rewind_test
-	$node_master->teardown_node if defined $node_master;
+	$node_master->teardown_node  if defined $node_master;
 	$node_standby->teardown_node if defined $node_standby;
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/010_clusterdb.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/010_clusterdb.pl
index 756ae38..b1d4185 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/010_clusterdb.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/010_clusterdb.pl
@@ -16,15 +16,16 @@ $node->start;
 $ENV{PGPORT} = $node->port;
-	[ 'clusterdb' ],
+	['clusterdb'],
 	qr/statement: CLUSTER;/,
 	'SQL CLUSTER run');
 command_fails([ 'clusterdb', '-t', 'nonexistent' ],
-			  'fails with nonexistent table');
+	'fails with nonexistent table');
-	'CREATE TABLE test1 (a int); CREATE INDEX test1x ON test1 (a); CLUSTER test1 USING test1x');
+'CREATE TABLE test1 (a int); CREATE INDEX test1x ON test1 (a); CLUSTER test1 USING test1x'
 	[ 'clusterdb', '-t', 'test1' ],
 	qr/statement: CLUSTER test1;/,
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/030_createlang.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/030_createlang.pl
index 867f8b2..a323bbf 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/030_createlang.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/030_createlang.pl
@@ -14,10 +14,9 @@ $node->init;
 $ENV{PGDATABASE} = 'postgres';
-$ENV{PGPORT} = $node->port;
+$ENV{PGPORT}     = $node->port;
-	[ 'createlang', 'plpgsql' ],
+command_fails([ 'createlang', 'plpgsql' ],
 	'fails if language already exists');
 $node->psql('postgres', 'DROP EXTENSION plpgsql');
@@ -26,5 +25,4 @@ $node->issues_sql_like(
 	qr/statement: CREATE EXTENSION "plpgsql"/,
-command_like([ 'createlang', '--list' ],
-	qr/plpgsql/, 'list output');
+command_like([ 'createlang', '--list' ], qr/plpgsql/, 'list output');
diff --git a/src/bin/scripts/t/090_reindexdb.pl b/src/bin/scripts/t/090_reindexdb.pl
index 68b2291..fd4eac3 100644
--- a/src/bin/scripts/t/090_reindexdb.pl
+++ b/src/bin/scripts/t/090_reindexdb.pl
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $node->issues_sql_like(
 	'SQL REINDEX run');
-  'CREATE TABLE test1 (a int); CREATE INDEX test1x ON test1 (a);');
+	'CREATE TABLE test1 (a int); CREATE INDEX test1x ON test1 (a);');
 	[ 'reindexdb', '-t', 'test1', 'postgres' ],
 	qr/statement: REINDEX TABLE test1;/,
diff --git a/src/test/perl/PostgresNode.pm b/src/test/perl/PostgresNode.pm
index 0d03fdb..76a935d 100644
--- a/src/test/perl/PostgresNode.pm
+++ b/src/test/perl/PostgresNode.pm
@@ -169,7 +169,8 @@ sub init
 	my $pgdata = $self->data_dir;
 	my $host   = $self->host;
-	$params{hba_permit_replication} = 1 if (!defined($params{hba_permit_replication}));
+	$params{hba_permit_replication} = 1
+	  if (!defined($params{hba_permit_replication}));
 	mkdir $self->backup_dir;
 	mkdir $self->archive_dir;
@@ -236,7 +237,8 @@ sub init_from_backup
 	chmod(0700, $data_path);
 	# Base configuration for this node
-	$self->append_conf('postgresql.conf',
+	$self->append_conf(
+		'postgresql.conf',
 port = $port
@@ -373,8 +375,9 @@ sub psql
 	my ($stdout, $stderr);
 	print("# Running SQL command: $sql\n");
-	IPC::Run::run [ 'psql', '-XAtq', '-d', $self->connstr($dbname), '-f', '-' ],
-	  '<', \$sql, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr or die;
+	IPC::Run::run [ 'psql', '-XAtq', '-d', $self->connstr($dbname), '-f',
+		'-' ], '<', \$sql, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr
+	  or die;
 	if ($stderr ne "")
@@ -398,7 +401,8 @@ sub poll_query_until
 	while ($attempts < $max_attempts)
-		my $cmd = [ 'psql', '-At', '-c', $query, '-d', $self->connstr($dbname) ];
+		my $cmd =
+		  [ 'psql', '-At', '-c', $query, '-d', $self->connstr($dbname) ];
 		my $result = IPC::Run::run $cmd, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
diff --git a/src/test/perl/RecursiveCopy.pm b/src/test/perl/RecursiveCopy.pm
index 4e58ad3..9362aa8 100644
--- a/src/test/perl/RecursiveCopy.pm
+++ b/src/test/perl/RecursiveCopy.pm
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ sub copypath
 	if (-f $srcpath)
 		copy($srcpath, $destpath)
-			or die "copy $srcpath -> $destpath failed: $!";
+		  or die "copy $srcpath -> $destpath failed: $!";
 		return 1;
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ sub copypath
 		next if ($entry eq '.' || $entry eq '..');
 		RecursiveCopy::copypath("$srcpath/$entry", "$destpath/$entry")
-			or die "copypath $srcpath/$entry -> $destpath/$entry failed";
+		  or die "copypath $srcpath/$entry -> $destpath/$entry failed";
 	return 1;
diff --git a/src/test/perl/TestLib.pm b/src/test/perl/TestLib.pm
index 3a01b7a..b4f1080 100644
--- a/src/test/perl/TestLib.pm
+++ b/src/test/perl/TestLib.pm
@@ -214,7 +214,8 @@ sub program_help_ok
 	my ($cmd) = @_;
 	my ($stdout, $stderr);
 	print("# Running: $cmd --help\n");
-	my $result = IPC::Run::run [ $cmd, '--help' ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
+	my $result = IPC::Run::run [ $cmd, '--help' ], '>', \$stdout, '2>',
+	  \$stderr;
 	ok($result, "$cmd --help exit code 0");
 	isnt($stdout, '', "$cmd --help goes to stdout");
 	is($stderr, '', "$cmd --help nothing to stderr");
@@ -225,7 +226,8 @@ sub program_version_ok
 	my ($cmd) = @_;
 	my ($stdout, $stderr);
 	print("# Running: $cmd --version\n");
-	my $result = IPC::Run::run [ $cmd, '--version' ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
+	my $result = IPC::Run::run [ $cmd, '--version' ], '>', \$stdout, '2>',
+	  \$stderr;
 	ok($result, "$cmd --version exit code 0");
 	isnt($stdout, '', "$cmd --version goes to stdout");
 	is($stderr, '', "$cmd --version nothing to stderr");
@@ -236,7 +238,8 @@ sub program_options_handling_ok
 	my ($cmd) = @_;
 	my ($stdout, $stderr);
 	print("# Running: $cmd --not-a-valid-option\n");
-	my $result = IPC::Run::run [ $cmd, '--not-a-valid-option' ], '>', \$stdout,
+	my $result = IPC::Run::run [ $cmd, '--not-a-valid-option' ], '>',
+	  \$stdout,
 	  '2>', \$stderr;
 	ok(!$result, "$cmd with invalid option nonzero exit code");
 	isnt($stderr, '', "$cmd with invalid option prints error message");
diff --git a/src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl b/src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl
index dcc541d..92f16e4 100644
--- a/src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl
+++ b/src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ chmod 0600, "ssl/client.key";
 diag "setting up data directory...";
 my $node = get_new_node();
 # PGHOST is enforced here to set up the node, subsequent connections
 # will use a dedicated connection string.
 $ENV{PGHOST} = $node->host;
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