Folks, Someone contacted me in IRC about a bug in PL/PgSQL. I've confirmed that the example SQL they sent me causes a segfault on my machine (CVS HEAD), but I've so far not had a lot of success tracking down the exact cause of the problem.
Backtrace: #0 0x403ed17a in compatible_tupdesc (td1=0x82c621c, td2=0x0) at pl_exec.c:3715 #1 0x403eabb6 in exec_stmt_return_next (estate=0xbfffec50, stmt=0x82d2e68) at pl_exec.c:1630 #2 0x403e9f20 in exec_stmt (estate=0xbfffec50, stmt=0x82d2e68) at pl_exec.c:949 #3 0x403e9e09 in exec_stmts (estate=0xbfffec50, stmts=0x82d29c8) at pl_exec.c:873 #4 0x403ea486 in exec_stmt_fori (estate=0xbfffec50, stmt=0x82d2eb0) at pl_exec.c:1276 #5 0x403e9ed4 in exec_stmt (estate=0xbfffec50, stmt=0x82d2eb0) at pl_exec.c:929 #6 0x403e9e09 in exec_stmts (estate=0xbfffec50, stmts=0x82d2580) at pl_exec.c:873 #7 0x403ea486 in exec_stmt_fori (estate=0xbfffec50, stmt=0x82d2f28) at pl_exec.c:1276 #8 0x403e9ed4 in exec_stmt (estate=0xbfffec50, stmt=0x82d2f28) at pl_exec.c:929 #9 0x403e9e09 in exec_stmts (estate=0xbfffec50, stmts=0x82d2148) at pl_exec.c:873 #10 0x403ea60b in exec_stmt_fors (estate=0xbfffec50, stmt=0x82d2fa0) at pl_exec.c:1386 #11 0x403e9ee2 in exec_stmt (estate=0xbfffec50, stmt=0x82d2fa0) at pl_exec.c:933 #12 0x403e9e09 in exec_stmts (estate=0xbfffec50, stmts=0x82d1ec0) at pl_exec.c:873 #13 0x403e9ca7 in exec_stmt_block (estate=0xbfffec50, block=0x82d3078) at pl_exec.c:829 #14 0x403e910b in plpgsql_exec_function (func=0x82a9b70, fcinfo=0xbfffed50) at pl_exec.c:323 #15 0x403e6c94 in plpgsql_call_handler (fcinfo=0xbfffed50) at pl_handler.c:133 #16 0x080e89c2 in ExecMakeTableFunctionResult (funcexpr=0x82c6a2c, econtext=0x82c5d38, expectedDesc=0x82c621c, returnDesc=0xbfffee38) at execQual.c:993 #17 0x080f03d2 in FunctionNext (node=0x82c5bc0) at nodeFunctionscan.c:78 #18 0x080ea002 in ExecScan (node=0x82c5bc0, accessMtd=0x80f0368 <FunctionNext>) at execScan.c:94 #19 0x080f041f in ExecFunctionScan (node=0x82c5bc0) at nodeFunctionscan.c:127 #20 0x080e7606 in ExecProcNode (node=0x82c5bc0) at execProcnode.c:324 #21 0x080e62c1 in ExecutePlan (estate=0x82c5aec, planstate=0x82c5bc0, operation=CMD_SELECT, numberTuples=0, direction=137126428, destfunc=0x82c5cc4) at execMain.c:926 #22 0x080e5936 in ExecutorRun (queryDesc=0x82c2f3c, direction=ForwardScanDirection, count=0) at execMain.c:220 #23 0x0813b05b in ProcessQuery (parsetree=0x82a4d70, plan=0x82c2f3c, dest=Remote, completionTag=0xbffff000 "") at pquery.c:205 #24 0x0813975d in pg_exec_query_string (query_string=0xbffff000, dest=Remote, parse_context=0x827026c) at postgres.c:838 #25 0x0813a6f4 in PostgresMain (argc=4, argv=0xbffff270, username=0x826b841 "nconway") at postgres.c:2013 #26 0x0811f2a2 in DoBackend (port=0x826b710) at postmaster.c:2314 #27 0x0811ee1a in BackendStartup (port=0x826b710) at postmaster.c:1930 #28 0x0811df8d in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:1017 #29 0x0811d9e9 in PostmasterMain (argc=1, argv=0x825eb08) at postmaster.c:796 #30 0x080fa390 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffbf4) at main.c:209 A SQL script that triggers the problem is attached. Any help on tracking down the problem would be much appreciated. Once this has been diagnosed and fixed, I think it's suitable for 7.3.2. Cheers, Neil
CREATE TABLE banner_banners( id SERIAL UNIQUE NOT NULL, site INT4, name TEXT, url TEXT NOT NULL, image TEXT NOT NULL, target TEXT DEFAULT '_self', priority INT4[] DEFAULT '{1}', type INT2 DEFAULT 1, start_time TIMESTAMPTZ[] DEFAULT '{\'now\'}', duration INTERVAL[] DEFAULT '{\'1 millennium\'}', createdate TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), modifydate TIMESTAMPTZ, builddate TIMESTAMPTZ ); DROP TYPE banner_type CASCADE; CREATE TYPE banner_type AS ( uid INT4, id INT4, site INT4, name TEXT, url TEXT, image TEXT, target TEXT, priority INT4, type INT2, start_time TIMESTAMPTZ, duration INTERVAL, createdate TIMESTAMPTZ, modifydate TIMESTAMPTZ, builddate TIMESTAMPTZ ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION banner_expand() RETURNS SETOF banner_type AS ' DECLARE myrec RECORD; finalrec RECORD; low INTEGER; high INTEGER; weight INTEGER; tsta INT4; tstb TIMESTAMPTZ; tstc INTERVAL; i INTEGER; j INTEGER; BEGIN CREATE TEMP SEQUENCE uid_seq INCREMENT 1 MINVALUE 0 START 1; FOR myrec IN SELECT * FROM banner_banners LOOP SELECT INTO low replace(split_part(array_dims(myrec.priority), '':'', 1), ''['','''')::INT4; SELECT INTO high replace(split_part(array_dims(myrec.priority), '':'', 2), '']'','''')::INT4; FOR i IN low..high LOOP SELECT INTO tsta myrec.priority[i]; SELECT INTO tstb myrec.start_time[i]; SELECT INTO tstc myrec.duration[i]; FOR j IN 1..tsta LOOP raise notice ''[%:%] i:% j:%=%'', low, high, i, j, tsta; raise notice ''(loop number %) priority[%] % start_time[%] % duration[%] %'',j, i, tsta, i, tstb, i, tstc; SELECT INTO finalrec nextval(''uid_seq'')::INT4 AS uid,,,, myrec.url, myrec.image,, tsta, myrec.type, tstb, tstc, myrec.createdate, myrec.modifydate, myrec.builddate WHERE now() BETWEEN tstb AND (tstb + (tstc - ''1 second'')); raise notice ''Returning''; RETURN NEXT finalrec; raise notice '' Done''; END LOOP; j:=0; END LOOP; i:=0; END LOOP; DROP SEQUENCE uid_seq; RETURN; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE VIEW banner_expand AS SELECT * FROM banner_expand(); INSERT INTO banner_banners(site, name, url, image, target, priority, type, start_time, duration) VALUES (208,'Put Money Today','','_self','/banners/banner3.gif','{3,7}',5, '{"2002-01-01 00:00:00","2003-01-01 00:00:00"}', '{"100 years","1 week"}'); SELECT * FROM banner_banners; SELECT * FROM banner_expand;
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