Hi Hackers! This post summarizes a few weeks of research of ANALYZE statistics distribution on one of our bigger production databases with some real-world data and proposes a patch to rectify some of the oddities observed.
Introduction ============ We have observed that for certain data sets the distribution of samples between most_common_vals and histogram_bounds can be unstable: so that it may change dramatically with the next ANALYZE run, thus leading to radically different plans. I was revisiting the following performance thread and I've found some interesting details about statistics in our environment: http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/CAMkU=1zxynmn11yl8g7agf7k5u4zhvjn0dqcc_eco1qs49u...@mail.gmail.com#CAMkU=1zxynmn11yl8g7agf7k5u4zhvjn0dqcc_eco1qs49u...@mail.gmail.com My initial interest was in evaluation if distribution of samples could be made more predictable and less dependent on the factor of luck, thus leading to more stable execution plans. Unexpected findings =================== What I have found is that in a significant percentage of instances, when a duplicate sample value is *not* put into the MCV list, it does produce duplicates in the histogram_bounds, so it looks like the MCV cut-off happens too early, even though we have enough space for more values in the MCV list. In the extreme cases I've found completely empty MCV lists and histograms full of duplicates at the same time, with only about 20% of distinct values in the histogram (as it turns out, this happens due to high fraction of NULLs in the sample). Data set and approach ===================== In order to obtain these insights into distribution of statistics samples on one of our bigger databases (~5 TB, 2,300+ tables, 31,000+ individual attributes) I've built some queries which all start with the following CTEs: WITH stats1 AS ( SELECT *, current_setting('default_statistics_target')::int stats_target, array_length(most_common_vals,1) AS num_mcv, (SELECT SUM(f) FROM UNNEST(most_common_freqs) AS f) AS mcv_frac, array_length(histogram_bounds,1) AS num_hist, (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT h) FROM UNNEST(histogram_bounds::text::text[]) AS h) AS distinct_hist FROM pg_stats WHERE schemaname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') ), stats2 AS ( SELECT *, distinct_hist::float/num_hist AS hist_ratio FROM stats1 ) The idea here is to collect the number of distinct values in the histogram bounds vs. the total number of bounds. One of the reasons why there might be duplicates in the histogram is a fully occupied MCV list, so we collect the number of MCVs as well, in order to compare it with the stats_target. These queries assume that all columns use the default statistics target, which was actually the case with the database where I was testing this. (It is straightforward to include per-column stats target in the picture, but to do that efficiently, one will have to copy over the definition of pg_stats view in order to access pg_attribute.attstattarget, and also will have to run this as superuser to access pg_statistic. I wanted to keep the queries simple to make it easier for other interested people to run these queries in their environment, which quite likely excludes superuser access. The more general query is also included[3].) With the CTEs shown above it was easy to assess the following "meta-statistics": WITH ... SELECT count(1), min(hist_ratio)::real, avg(hist_ratio)::real, max(hist_ratio)::real, stddev(hist_ratio)::real FROM stats2 WHERE histogram_bounds IS NOT NULL; -[ RECORD 1 ]---- count | 18980 min | 0.181818 avg | 0.939942 max | 1 stddev | 0.143189 That doesn't look too bad, but the min value is pretty fishy already. If I would run the same query, limiting the scope to non-fully-unique histograms, with "WHERE distinct_hist < num_hist" instead, the picture would be a bit different: -[ RECORD 1 ]---- count | 3724 min | 0.181818 avg | 0.693903 max | 0.990099 stddev | 0.170845 It shows that about 20% of all analyzed columns that have a histogram (3724/18980), also have some duplicates in it, and that they have only about 70% of distinct sample values on average. Select statistics examples ========================== Apart from mere aggregates it is interesting to look at some specific MCVs/histogram examples. The following query is aimed to reconstruct values of certain variables present in analyze.c code of compute_scalar_stats() (again, with the same CTEs as above): WITH ... SELECT schemaname ||'.'|| tablename ||'.'|| attname || (CASE inherited WHEN TRUE THEN ' (inherited)' ELSE '' END) AS columnname, n_distinct, null_frac, num_mcv, most_common_vals, most_common_freqs, mcv_frac, (mcv_frac / (1 - null_frac))::real AS nonnull_mcv_frac, distinct_hist, num_hist, hist_ratio, histogram_bounds FROM stats2 ORDER BY hist_ratio LIMIT 1; And the worst case as shown by this query (real values replaced with placeholders): columnname | xxx.yy1.zz1 n_distinct | 22 null_frac | 0.9893 num_mcv | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | mcv_frac | nonnull_mcv_frac | distinct_hist | 4 num_hist | 22 hist_ratio | 0.181818181818182 histogram_bounds | {aaaa,bbb,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD,zzz} If one pays attention to the value of null_frac here, it should become apparent that it is the reason of such unexpected picture. The code in compute_scalar_stats() goes in such a way that it requires a candidate MCV to count over "samplerows / max(ndistinct / 1.25, num_bins)", but samplerows doesn't account for NULLs, this way we are rejecting would-be MCVs on a wrong basis. Another, one of the next-to-worst cases (the type of this column is actually TEXT, hence the sort order): columnname | xxx.yy2.zz2 (inherited) n_distinct | 30 null_frac | 0 num_mcv | 2 most_common_vals | {101,100} most_common_freqs | {0.806367,0.1773} mcv_frac | 0.983667 nonnull_mcv_frac | 0.983667 distinct_hist | 6 num_hist | 28 hist_ratio | 0.214285714285714 histogram_bounds | {202,202,202,202,202,202,202,202,202, *3001*, 302,302,302,302,302,302,302,302,302,302,302, *3031,3185*, 502,502,502,502,502} (emphasis added around values that are unique) This time there were no NULLs, but still a lot of duplicates got included in the histogram. This happens because there's relatively small number of distinct values, so the candidate MCVs are limited by "samplerows / num_bins". To really avoid duplicates in the histogram, what we want here is "samplerows / (num_hist - 1)", but this brings a "chicken and egg" problem: we don't know the value of num_hist before we determine the number of MCVs we want to keep. Solution proposal ================= The solution I've come up with (and that was also suggested by Jeff Janes in that performance thread mentioned above, as I have now found out) is to move the calculation of the target number of histogram bins inside the loop that evaluates candidate MCVs. At the same time we should account for NULLs more accurately and subtract the MCV counts that we do include in the list, from the count of samples left for the histogram on every loop iteration. A patch implementing this approach is attached. When I have re-analyzed the worst-case columns with the patch applied, I've got the following picture (some boring stuff in the histogram snipped): columnname | xxx.yy1.zz1 n_distinct | 21 null_frac | 0.988333 num_mcv | 5 most_common_vals | {DDD,"Rrrrr","Ddddddd","Kkkkkk","Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr"} most_common_freqs | {0.0108333,0.0001,6.66667e-05,6.66667e-05,6.66667e-05} mcv_frac | 0.0111333 nonnull_mcv_frac | 0.954287 distinct_hist | 16 num_hist | 16 hist_ratio | 1 histogram_bounds | {aaa,bbb,cccccccc,dddd,"dddd ddddd",Eee,...,zzz} Now the "DDD" value was treated like an MCV as it should be. This arguably constitutes a bug fix, the rest are probably just improvements. Here we also see some additional MCVs, which are much less common. Maybe we should also cut them off at some low frequency, but it seems hard to draw a line. I can see that array_typanalyze.c uses a different approach with frequency based cut-off, for example. The mentioned next-to-worst case becomes: columnname | xxx.yy2.zz2 (inherited) n_distinct | 32 null_frac | 0 num_mcv | 15 most_common_vals | {101,100,302,202,502,3001,3059,3029,3031,3140,3041,3095,3100,3102,3192} most_common_freqs | {0.803933,0.179,0.00656667,0.00526667,0.00356667,0.000333333,0.000133333,0.0001,0.0001,0.0001,6.66667e-05,6.66667e-05,6.66667e-05,6.66667e-05,6.66667e-05} mcv_frac | 0.999433 nonnull_mcv_frac | 0.999433 distinct_hist | 17 num_hist | 17 hist_ratio | 1 histogram_bounds | {3007,3011,3027,3056,3067,3073,3084,3087,3088,3106,3107,3118,3134,3163,3204,3225,3247} Now we don't have any duplicates in the histogram at all, and we still have a lot of diversity, i.e. the histogram didn't collapse. The "meta-statistics" also improves if we re-analyze the whole database with the patch: (WHERE histogram_bounds IS NOT NULL) -[ RECORD 1 ]---- count | 18314 min | 0.448276 avg | 0.988884 max | 1 stddev | 0.052899 (WHERE distinct_hist < num_hist) -[ RECORD 1 ]---- count | 1095 min | 0.448276 avg | 0.81408 max | 0.990099 stddev | 0.119637 We could see that both worst case and average have improved. We did lose some histograms because they have collapsed, but it only constitutes about 3.5% of total count. We could also see that 100% of instances where we still have duplicates in the histogram are due to the MCV lists being fully occupied: WITH ... SELECT count(1), num_mcv = stats_target FROM stats2 WHERE distinct_hist < num_hist GROUP BY 2; -[ RECORD 1 ]-- count | 1095 ?column? | t There's not much left to do but increase statistics target for these columns (or globally). Increasing stats target ======================== It can be further demonstrated, that with the current code, there are certain data distributions where increasing statistics target doesn't help, in fact for a while it makes things only worse. I've taken one of the tables where we hit the stats_target limit on the MCV and tried to increase the target gradually, re-analyzing and taking notes of MCV/histogram distribution. The table has around 1.7M rows, but only 950 distinct values in one of the columns. The results of analyzing the table with different statistics target is as follows: stats_target | num_mcv | mcv_frac | num_hist | hist_ratio --------------+---------+----------+----------+------------ 100 | 97 | 0.844133 | 101 | 0.841584 200 | 106 | 0.872267 | 201 | 0.771144 300 | 108 | 0.881244 | 301 | 0.528239 400 | 111 | 0.885992 | 376 | 0.422872 500 | 112 | 0.889973 | 411 | 0.396594 1000 | 130 | 0.914046 | 550 | 0.265455 1500 | 167 | 0.938638 | 616 | 0.191558 1625 | 230 | 0.979393 | 570 | 0.161404 1750 | 256 | 0.994913 | 564 | 0.416667 2000 | 260 | 0.996998 | 601 | 0.63228 One can see that num_mcv grows very slowly, while hist_ratio drops significantly and starts growing back only after around stats_target = 1700 in this case. And in order to hit hist_ratio of 100% one would have to analyze the whole table as a "sample", which implies statistics target of around 6000. If I would do the same test with the patched version, the picture would be dramatically different: stats_target | num_mcv | mcv_frac | num_hist | hist_ratio --------------+---------+----------+----------+------------ 100 | 100 | 0.849367 | 101 | 0.881188 200 | 200 | 0.964367 | 187 | 0.390374 300 | 294 | 0.998445 | 140 | 1 400 | 307 | 0.998334 | 200 | 1 500 | 329 | 0.998594 | 211 | 1 The MCV list tends to take all available space in this case and hist_ratio hits 100% (after a short drop) and it only requires a small increase in stats_target, compared to the unpatched version. Even if only for this particular distribution pattern, that constitutes an improvement, I believe. By increasing default_statistics_target on a patched version, I could verify that the number of instances with duplicates in the histogram due to the full MCV lists, which was 1095 at target 100 (see the latest query in prev. section) can be further reduced to down to ~650 at target 500, then ~300 at target 1000. Apparently there always would be distributions which cannot be covered by increasing stats target, but given that histogram fraction also decreases rather dramatically, this should not bother us a lot. Expected effects on plan stability ================================== We didn't have a chance to test this change in production, but according to a research by my colleague Stefan Litsche, which is summarized in his blog post[1] (and as it was also presented on PGConf.de last week), with the existing code increasing stats target doesn't always help immediately: in fact for certain distributions it leads to less accurate statistics at first. If you look at the last graph in that blog, you can see that for very rare values one needs to increase statistics target really high in order to get the rare value covered by statistics reliably. Attached is the same graph, produced from the patched version of the server: now the average number of MCVs for the discussed test distribution shows monotonic increase when increasing statistics target. Also, for this particular case the statistics target can be increased by a much smaller factor in order to get a good sample coverage. A few word about the patch ========================== + /* estimate # of occurrences in sample of a typical value */ + avgcount = (double) sample_cnt / (double) ndistinct; Here, ndistinct is the int-type variable, as opposed to the original code where it is re-declared at an inner scope with type double and hides the one from the outer scope. Both sample_cnt and ndistinct decrease with every iteration of the loop, and this average calculation is actually accurate: it's not an estimate. + + /* set minimum threshold count to store a value */ + mincount = 1.25 * avgcount; I'm not fond of arbitrary magic coefficients, so I would drop this altogether, but here it goes to make the difference less striking compared to the original code. I've removed the "mincount < 2" check that was present in the original code, because track[i].count is always >= 2, so it doesn't make a difference if we bump it up to 2 here. + + /* don't let threshold exceed 1/K, however */ + maxmincount = (sample_cnt - 1) / (double) (num_hist - 1); Finally, here we cannot set the threshold any higher. As an illustration, consider the following sample (assuming statistics target is > 1): [A A A A A B B B B B C] sample_cnt = 11 ndistinct = 3 num_hist = 3 Then maxmincount calculates to (11 - 1) / (3 - 1) = 10 / 2.0 = 5.0. If we would require the next most common value to be even a tiny bit more popular than this threshold, we would not take the A-sample to the MCV list which we clearly should. The "take all MCVs" condition ============================= Finally, the conditions to include all tracked duplicate samples into MCV list look like not all that easy to hit: - there must be no other non-duplicate values (track_cnt == ndistinct) - AND there must be no too-wide values, not even a single byte too wide (toowide_cnt == 0) - AND the estimate of total number of distinct values must not exceed 10% of the total rows in table (stats->stadistinct > 0) The last condition (track_cnt <= num_mcv) is duplicated from compute_distinct_stats() (former compute_minimal_stats()), but the condition always holds in compute_scalar_stats(), since we never increment track_cnt past num_mcv in this variant of the function. Each of the above conditions introduces a bifurcation point where one of two very different code paths could be taken. Even though the conditions are strict, with the proposed patch there is no need to relax them if we want to achieve better sample value distribution, because the complex code path has more predictable behavior now. In conclusion: this code has not been touched for almost 15 years[2] and it might be scary to change anything, but I believe the evidence presented above makes a pretty good argument to attempt improving it. Thanks for reading, your comments are welcome! -- Alex [1] https://tech.zalando.com/blog/analyzing-extreme-distributions-in-postgresql/ [2] http://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=postgresql.git;a=commitdiff;h=b67fc0079cf1f8db03aaa6d16f0ab8bd5d1a240d b67fc0079cf1f8db03aaa6d16f0ab8bd5d1a240d Author: Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> Date: Wed Jun 6 21:29:17 2001 +0000 Be a little smarter about deciding how many most-common values to save. [3] To include per-attribute stattarget, replace the reference to pg_stats view with the following CTE: WITH stats0 AS ( SELECT s.*, (CASE a.attstattarget WHEN -1 THEN current_setting('default_statistics_target')::int ELSE a.attstattarget END) AS stats_target, -- from pg_stats view n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, a.attname, s.stainherit AS inherited, s.stanullfrac AS null_frac, s.stadistinct AS n_distinct, CASE WHEN s.stakind1 = 1 THEN s.stavalues1 WHEN s.stakind2 = 1 THEN s.stavalues2 WHEN s.stakind3 = 1 THEN s.stavalues3 WHEN s.stakind4 = 1 THEN s.stavalues4 WHEN s.stakind5 = 1 THEN s.stavalues5 ELSE NULL::anyarray END AS most_common_vals, CASE WHEN s.stakind1 = 1 THEN s.stanumbers1 WHEN s.stakind2 = 1 THEN s.stanumbers2 WHEN s.stakind3 = 1 THEN s.stanumbers3 WHEN s.stakind4 = 1 THEN s.stanumbers4 WHEN s.stakind5 = 1 THEN s.stanumbers5 ELSE NULL::real[] END AS most_common_freqs, CASE WHEN s.stakind1 = 2 THEN s.stavalues1 WHEN s.stakind2 = 2 THEN s.stavalues2 WHEN s.stakind3 = 2 THEN s.stavalues3 WHEN s.stakind4 = 2 THEN s.stavalues4 WHEN s.stakind5 = 2 THEN s.stavalues5 ELSE NULL::anyarray END AS histogram_bounds FROM stats_dump_original.pg_statistic AS s JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = s.starelid JOIN pg_attribute a ON c.oid = a.attrelid AND a.attnum = s.staattnum LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE NOT a.attisdropped ),
diff --git a/src/backend/commands/analyze.c b/src/backend/commands/analyze.c new file mode 100644 index ddb68ab..0f93619 *** a/src/backend/commands/analyze.c --- b/src/backend/commands/analyze.c *************** compute_scalar_stats(VacAttrStatsP stats *** 2464,2469 **** --- 2464,2471 ---- * emit duplicate histogram bin boundaries. (We might end up with * duplicate histogram entries anyway, if the distribution is skewed; * but we prefer to treat such values as MCVs if at all possible.) + * We also decrease ndistinct in the process such that going forward + * it refers to the number of distinct values left for the histogram. */ if (track_cnt == ndistinct && toowide_cnt == 0 && stats->stadistinct > 0 && *************** compute_scalar_stats(VacAttrStatsP stats *** 2471,2505 **** { /* Track list includes all values seen, and all will fit */ num_mcv = track_cnt; } else { ! double ndistinct = stats->stadistinct; ! double avgcount, ! mincount, ! maxmincount; - if (ndistinct < 0) - ndistinct = -ndistinct * totalrows; - /* estimate # of occurrences in sample of a typical value */ - avgcount = (double) samplerows / ndistinct; - /* set minimum threshold count to store a value */ - mincount = avgcount * 1.25; - if (mincount < 2) - mincount = 2; - /* don't let threshold exceed 1/K, however */ - maxmincount = (double) samplerows / (double) num_bins; - if (mincount > maxmincount) - mincount = maxmincount; if (num_mcv > track_cnt) num_mcv = track_cnt; ! for (i = 0; i < num_mcv; i++) { ! if (track[i].count < mincount) ! { ! num_mcv = i; break; } } } --- 2473,2533 ---- { /* Track list includes all values seen, and all will fit */ num_mcv = track_cnt; + + /* Nothing left for the histogram */ + num_hist = 0; + ndistinct = 0; } else { ! /* ! * Starting number of values left for the histogram: samplerows ! * sans nulls and too wide ones. ! */ ! int sample_cnt = values_cnt; if (num_mcv > track_cnt) num_mcv = track_cnt; ! for (i = 0; /* i < num_mcv */; i++) { ! /* ! * We have to put this before the loop condition, otherwise ! * we'll have to repeat this code before the loop and after ! * decreasing ndistinct. ! */ ! num_hist = ndistinct; ! if (num_hist > num_bins) ! num_hist = num_bins + 1; ! ! /* Another way to say "while (i < num_mcv)" */ ! if (i >= num_mcv) break; + + if (num_hist >= 2) + { + double avgcount, + mincount, + maxmincount; + + /* estimate # of occurrences in sample of a typical value */ + avgcount = (double) sample_cnt / (double) ndistinct; + + /* set minimum threshold count to store a value */ + mincount = 1.25 * avgcount; + + /* don't let threshold exceed 1/K, however */ + maxmincount = (sample_cnt - 1) / (double) (num_hist - 1); + if (mincount > maxmincount) + mincount = maxmincount; + if (track[i].count < mincount) + { + num_mcv = i; + break; + } } + /* Narrow our view of samples left for the histogram */ + sample_cnt -= track[i].count; + ndistinct--; } } *************** compute_scalar_stats(VacAttrStatsP stats *** 2542,2550 **** * values not accounted for in the MCV list. (This ensures the * histogram won't collapse to empty or a singleton.) */ - num_hist = ndistinct - num_mcv; - if (num_hist > num_bins) - num_hist = num_bins + 1; if (num_hist >= 2) { MemoryContext old_context; --- 2570,2575 ----
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