On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 8:50 AM, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> I seem to be able to produce these sorting patches at a much greater
> rate than they can be committed, in part because Robert is the only
> one that ever reviews them, and he is only one person. Since you think
> the patch is good work, perhaps you can find the time to formally
> review it.

Finding reviewing volunteers is a good thing, particularly on these
times where we tend to have more patches than reviews, however I would
suggest prioritizing the older items by beginning in what is in the
current CF (47 items waiting for review at I write this message), 3
patches for the sorting work.

FWIW, I think that this series of patches is interesting and have high
value because particularly I have seen clear improvements particularly
with raw dumps on schemas with many indexes (disclaimer: I am the guy
Peter talked to regarding this patch though this was not on the top
head nor of my TODOs).

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