On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.steh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It helped me lot of, thank you

Welcome, I learned quite some from the process as well.

>> There's just the doc part left then.
> done

We're almost there but not quite.

There's still a typo in the docs: excation.

A plpy.SPIError can be raised should be A
<literal>plpy.SPIError</literal> can be raised right?

And most importantly, for Python 3.5 there is a plpython_error_5.out
which is needed because of an alternative exception message in that
version. You didn't update this file, this makes the tests fail on

Since you might not have Python 3.5 easily available I've attached a
patch to plpython_error_5.out which makes the tests pass, you can fold
this into your patch.

Attachment: adjust_py35_expected.patch
Description: binary/octet-stream

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