On 6 October 2015 at 08:05, Nathan Wagner <nw...@hydaspes.if.org> wrote:
> So, in order to do some clean up and see how my pgbugs page
> (https://granicus.if.org/pgbugs/) might actually work I've been going
> through bugs and marking their status.  A lot of questions arise.

/***** DISCLAIMER *****/

My opinion is not important in this issue

/***** END DISCLAIMER *****/

I like how this page is looking now, good work.
Now, AFAIU from previous mails part of the reason to have a bug
tracker is to make easy to know when a bug was fixed. Which should be
interpreted as: which versions this bug affected? and which minor
versions on those branches fix the issue

for example bug # 13636 was reported for 9.4.4 but it existed in older
branches so Tom fixed it in all active branches (ie:
is it possible (even if not yet implemented) to add that information?

also i like that we can search on bugs but we can filter by version.
i'm just guessing that if someone looks for a bug he's probably
worrying about the specific version he is using.

having a bug tracker that allow us to not lose track of bugs is good,
having a bug tracker that allow us to have the whole information on a
bug is better, IMHO.

> A lot of the reports aren't bugs at all, but requests for help.  My
> guess is that the users either don't know where to ask or don't
> understand the difference between a bug and not knowing how to do what
> they want to do.  Perhaps a more thorough explaination on the submission
> form would be useful.

the real problem here is that fill the bug report doesn't force you to
register in a ML, while asking for help in a ML will. and a lot of
people don't want to register in a ML, they just want a specific
question answered so i don't think any change in the form will avoid

Jaime Casanova                      www.2ndQuadrant.com
Professional PostgreSQL: Soporte 24x7 y capacitaciĆ³n

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