On 09/29/2015 03:08 PM, Merlin Moncure wrote:
> I've read this email about three times now and it's not clear at all
> to me what a issue/bug tracker brings to the table.

Here are the problems I'd like to solve:

1. "Was this issue fixed in a Postgres update?  Which one?"

2. Not losing track of minor bugs.

3. Having a better way to track bugs which require multi-part solutions
(e.g. multixact).

4. Having a place for downstream projects/packagers to report bugs.

5. Not answering this question ever again: "Why doesn't your project
have a bug tracker?"

Note that all of the above requires a bug *tracker*, that is, a tool
which tracks the bug activity which was happening anyway, just makes it
more visible.  Rather than an Issue Resolution System, which would be
intended to remake our workflow.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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