On Mon, 2015-09-07 at 18:28 -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> I noticed %t, but I don't think we care since the precision is so poor.
> Making m and n work in unison seems enough.  I think it would be
> reasonably simple to handle %t in the same way, but I'm not sure we
> care.


> I think the extra ugliness is warranted, since it's not THAT much
> additional ugliness, and not doing it could be considered a regression;
> apparently strftime can be slower even than snprintf, so doing it twice
> per log message might be excessive overhead.

Patch attached. Please take a quick look.

        Jeff Davis

*** a/src/backend/utils/error/elog.c
--- b/src/backend/utils/error/elog.c
*** 143,152 **** static int	errordata_stack_depth = -1; /* index of topmost active frame */
  static int	recursion_depth = 0;	/* to detect actual recursion */
! /* buffers for formatted timestamps that might be used by both
!  * log_line_prefix and csv logs.
  #define FORMATTED_TS_LEN 128
  static char formatted_start_time[FORMATTED_TS_LEN];
  static char formatted_log_time[FORMATTED_TS_LEN];
--- 143,156 ----
  static int	recursion_depth = 0;	/* to detect actual recursion */
! /*
!  * Saved timeval and buffers for formatted timestamps that might be used by
!  * both log_line_prefix and csv logs.
+ static struct timeval	saved_timeval;
+ static bool				saved_timeval_set = false;
  #define FORMATTED_TS_LEN 128
  static char formatted_start_time[FORMATTED_TS_LEN];
  static char formatted_log_time[FORMATTED_TS_LEN];
*** 2195,2206 **** write_console(const char *line, int len)
  static void
- 	struct timeval tv;
  	pg_time_t	stamp_time;
  	char		msbuf[8];
! 	gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
! 	stamp_time = (pg_time_t) tv.tv_sec;
  	 * Note: we expect that guc.c will ensure that log_timezone is set up (at
--- 2199,2214 ----
  static void
  	pg_time_t	stamp_time;
  	char		msbuf[8];
! 	if (!saved_timeval_set)
! 	{
! 		gettimeofday(&saved_timeval, NULL);
! 		saved_timeval_set = true;
! 	}
! 	stamp_time = (pg_time_t) saved_timeval.tv_sec;
  	 * Note: we expect that guc.c will ensure that log_timezone is set up (at
*** 2213,2219 **** setup_formatted_log_time(void)
  				pg_localtime(&stamp_time, log_timezone));
  	/* 'paste' milliseconds into place... */
! 	sprintf(msbuf, ".%03d", (int) (tv.tv_usec / 1000));
  	memcpy(formatted_log_time + 19, msbuf, 4);
--- 2221,2227 ----
  				pg_localtime(&stamp_time, log_timezone));
  	/* 'paste' milliseconds into place... */
! 	sprintf(msbuf, ".%03d", (int) (saved_timeval.tv_usec / 1000));
  	memcpy(formatted_log_time + 19, msbuf, 4);
*** 2440,2450 **** log_line_prefix(StringInfo buf, ErrorData *edata)
  			case 'n':
- 					struct	timeval tv;
  					char	strfbuf[128];
! 					gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
! 					sprintf(strfbuf, "%ld.%03d", tv.tv_sec, (int)(tv.tv_usec / 1000));
  					if (padding != 0)
  						appendStringInfo(buf, "%*s", padding, strfbuf);
--- 2448,2463 ----
  			case 'n':
  					char	strfbuf[128];
! 					if (!saved_timeval_set)
! 					{
! 						gettimeofday(&saved_timeval, NULL);
! 						saved_timeval_set = true;
! 					}
! 					sprintf(strfbuf, "%ld.%03d", saved_timeval.tv_sec,
! 							(int)(saved_timeval.tv_usec / 1000));
  					if (padding != 0)
  						appendStringInfo(buf, "%*s", padding, strfbuf);
*** 2825,2830 **** send_message_to_server_log(ErrorData *edata)
--- 2838,2844 ----
+ 	saved_timeval_set = false;
  	formatted_log_time[0] = '\0';
  	log_line_prefix(&buf, edata);
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