On 2015-08-19 09:41:32 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> In fact, they'd still need to use DNS balancing for Postgres,
> because not everything connects with libpq (think JDBC for instance).

It already does support this though.

https://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentation/head/connect.html :

> Connection Fail-over
> To support simple connection fail-over it is possible to define multiple
> endpoints (host and port pairs) in the connection url separated by
> commas. The driver will try to once connect to each of them in order
> until the connection succeeds. If none succeed, a normal connection
> exception is thrown.
> The syntax for the connection url is:
> jdbc:postgresql://host1:port1,host2:port2/database

> So I think we ought to reject this proposal, full stop.  I see no
> reason to re-invent this wheel, and there are good reasons not to.

I don't really buy this argument. Allowing to connect to several
endpoints isn't exactly "new tech" either. A lot of database connectors
do support something very close to the above pgjdbc feature.


Andres Freund

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