> > Glad to hear that. Usogres was developed in Japan and pretty popular
> > ammong Japanese PostgreSQL community.
> >
> > BTW, there is a commercial product called QueryMaster, which takes
> > similar approach to Usogres. It copies the input query and distribute
> > to multiple PostgreSQL servers. As long as one of a server is working,
> > users even do not notice some of them are failing.
> How come these solutions are such well kept secrets?  I've heard of
> neither in relation to past discussions about replication, or have I just
> missed them? :(

As far as I can remember, Usogres has appeared on this list for
several times.

About QueryMaster: it is born in US and is a fairly new
product. Unfortunately I couldn't find web pages for it. I'll talk to
a person who is selling it in Japan if he could provide info in
Tatsuo Ishii

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