Hello, Heikki.

You wrote:

HL> 21 patches remain in Needs Review state, in the July commitfest. Some of
HL> them have a reviewer signed up. I have highlighted some of them below 
HL> that worry me the most. What are we going to do about these? For each of
HL> them, I'd like the authors to have some idea on what they need to do to
HL> get the patch into committable state (or if the whole approach is going
HL> to be rejected), but I don't know what that advise should be.


HL> No consensus on whether to add this to the server's COPY command, or as
HL> a new psql backslash option.

I did quick review for this, however I need some more time for tests. May be I 
do it next week. There is a consensus, only detailed review needed.

HL> -- 

HL> - Heikki

With best wishes,
 Pavel                          mailto:pa...@gf.microolap.com

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