On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 4:11 PM, Tatsuo Ishii <is...@postgresql.org> wrote:
> Sounds like a great feature!


Attached is a draft patch implementing the idea. To play with it, you
shall create the follow two foreign tables:
create foreign table pg_planner_rels(rel text, content text)server
pglog options(filename '<your_install>/data/debug_planner_relopt.csv',
format 'csv');
create foreign table pg_planner_paths(rel text, path text, replacedby
text, reason int, startupcost float, totalcost float, cheapest text,
innerp text, outerp text, content text) server pglog options(filename
'<your_install>/data/debug_planner_paths.csv', format 'csv');
Example output attached.

1. Which document shall we update? This is more than existing
debug_print_ knobs.
2. GEQO is not supported yet. I would suggest we do that with a
separate check in.
3. Where do we want to put the csv files? Currently I just put them under /data.
4. Do we want to push these two foreign tables into system_view.sql?
One problem is that foreign table needs a absolute path. Any way to
handle this?
5. As the output is csv file: I wrap strings with '"' but not sure
within the string itself if there any. Do we have any guarantee here?



postgres=# select p.rel, p.path, p.replacedby, p.reason,
p.startupcost, p.totalcost, p.cheapest, p.innerp, p.outerp,
substr(p.content, 1,30),r.content from pg_planner_paths p join
pg_planner_rels r on p.rel=r.rel;
    rel    |   path    | replacedby | reason | startupcost | totalcost
|       cheapest       |  innerp   |  outerp   |             substr
         |                    content
 0x2791a10 | 0x279d4b0 |            |        |           0 |      40.1
| +total+startup+param |           |           | ForeignScan(1)
rows=301 cost=0 | RELOPTINFO (1): rows=301 width=244
 0x279f998 | 0x27a2238 |            |        |           0 |       1.1
| +total+startup+param |           |           | ForeignScan(1) rows=1
cost=0.0 | RELOPTINFO (1): rows=1 width=244
 0x279fbd0 | 0x27a28b8 |            |        |           0 |       1.1
| +total+startup+param |           |           | ForeignScan(2) rows=1
cost=0.0 | RELOPTINFO (2): rows=1 width=64
 0x27a2ab0 | 0x27a3c68 |            |        |           0 |      2.21
| +total+startup+param | 0x27a28b8 | 0x27a2238 | NestLoop(1 2) rows=1
cost=0.00 | RELOPTINFO (1 2): rows=1 width=308
 0x27a2ab0 | 0x27a4608 | 0x27a4608  |      2 |        1.11 |      2.23
|                      | 0x27a2238 | 0x27a28b8 | HashJoin(1 2) rows=1
cost=1.11 | RELOPTINFO (1 2): rows=1 width=308
 0x27a2ab0 | 0x27a4498 | 0x27a4498  |      0 |           0 |      2.22
|                      | 0x27a4330 | 0x27a28b8 | NestLoop(1 2) rows=1
cost=0.00 | RELOPTINFO (1 2): rows=1 width=308
 0x27a2ab0 | 0x27a4388 | 0x27a4388  |      0 |           0 |      2.21
|                      | 0x27a2238 | 0x27a28b8 | NestLoop(1 2) rows=1
cost=0.00 | RELOPTINFO (1 2): rows=1 width=308
 0x27a2ab0 | 0x27a4220 | 0x27a4220  |      2 |        2.22 |      2.25
|                      | 0x27a2238 | 0x27a28b8 | MergeJoin(1 2) rows=1
cost=2.2 | RELOPTINFO (1 2): rows=1 width=308
 0x27a2ab0 | 0x27a3f90 | 0x27a3f90  |      2 |        1.11 |      2.23
|                      | 0x27a28b8 | 0x27a2238 | HashJoin(1 2) rows=1
cost=1.11 | RELOPTINFO (1 2): rows=1 width=308
 0x27a2ab0 | 0x27a3e20 | 0x27a3e20  |      0 |           0 |      2.22
|                      | 0x27a3c10 | 0x27a2238 | NestLoop(1 2) rows=1
cost=0.00 | RELOPTINFO (1 2): rows=1 width=308
 0x27a2ab0 | 0x27a3b18 | 0x27a3c68  |      1 |        2.22 |      2.25
|                      | 0x27a28b8 | 0x27a2238 | MergeJoin(1 2) rows=1
cost=2.2 | RELOPTINFO (1 2): rows=1 width=308

Attachment: 0002-local-change.patch
Description: Binary data

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