On 7/10/15 4:46 AM, Simon Riggs wrote:
On 10 July 2015 at 09:49, Sawada Masahiko <sawada.m...@gmail.com
<mailto:sawada.m...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    > It is a minor thing, but if there is no other use for this fourth
    > "bit-space", it seems a shame to waste it when there is some use for it.  
    > haven't looked at the code around this area to know how hard it would be 
    > implement the setting and clearing of the bit.

    I think so too, we would be able to use unused fourth status of bits
    Should I include these improvement into this patch?
    This topic should be discussed on another thread after this feature is
    committed, I think.

The impossible state acts as a diagnostic check for us to ensure the
bitmap is not itself corrupt.

-1 for using it for another purpose.

AFAICS empty page is only interesting for vacuum truncate, which is a very short-term thing. It would be better to find a way to handle that differently.

In any case, that should definitely be a separate discussion from this patch.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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