If I use the btree_gin extension to build a gin index on a scalar value, it doesn't work well with BETWEEN queries. It looks like it scans the whole index, with the part of the index between the endpoints getting scanned twice. It is basically executed as if "col1 between x and y" were "col1 between -inf and y and col1 between x and +inf".
It puts the correct tuples into the bitmap, because whichever inequality is not being used to set the query endpoint currently is used as a filter instead. So I could just not build that index. But I want it for other reasons, and the problem is that the planner thinks the index can implement the BETWEEN query efficiently. So even if it has truly better options available, it switches to using a falsely attractive btree_gin index. create table foo as select random() as btree, random() as gin from generate_series(1,3000000); create index on foo using gin (gin); create index on foo using btree (btree); explain ( analyze, buffers) select count(*) from foo where btree between 0.001 and 0.00105; explain ( analyze, buffers) select count(*) from foo where gin between 0.001 and 0.00105; It would be nice if btree_gin supported BETWEEN and other range queries efficiently, or at least if the planner knew it couldn't support them efficiently. But I don't see where to begin on either one of these tasks. Is either one of them plausible? Cheers, Jeff