Hi again. I tried to do some test on my office computer, but after spending
2-3 hours I gave up. I'm going to need a real SSD disk to try these things.
100k rows of my "delivery notes" table use 100MB of disk; and 2Gb of RAM
may be not enough to emulate a fast IO. (I was disabling fsync, activating
write caches, etc)

I downloaded Postgresql 9.5-dev from git sources, compiled everything and
restored there two client databases (10Gb each one). My goal was to test
gin_btree and brin indexes as well, but i gave up before doing a complete
test of gin.

Now I have a better plan, I'm going to use my laptop (intel i5, 4Gb of ram)
and i will put here a spare SSD i wasn't using (OCZ Agility 2 120Gb). Hope
this time I could get some figures closer to production.

By now, my results were a bit disappointing: (comparing gin_btree against
regular btree for a column with very low cardinality)
- create index and updates: about 10-20% faster (i had a primary key, so
btree unique checks may be here blurring the results)
- selects: about 2-5 times slower
- index size: about 2 times smaller

What i've found is, I was wrong on fillfactor. (Maybe something has changed
here since postgresql 8.1). I believed a fillfactor lower than 80 will do
more harm than good. At least that was the case 5 years ago. Now I could
get a noticeable speedup with fillfactor=50 in the case of updating the
whole table.

Hope i could setup this laptop soon and get those tests done.

El sáb., 6 jun. 2015 a las 13:07, k...@rice.edu (<k...@rice.edu>) escribió:

> On Fri, Jun 05, 2015 at 11:54:01PM +0000, deavid wrote:
> > Thanks to everybody for answering. I wasn't expecting this attention;
> this
> > is a great community :-)
> >
> > Jim asked me about something real. Well, the problem is this showed up
> more
> > than five years ago, and keeps popping from time to time since in
> different
> > circumstances. I solved them in different ways each time, depending the
> > exact use-case. I wanted to generalize, because seems a good feature for
> > several situations; and I don't expect a solution for me as each time I
> hit
> > with this I found some way to sort it out.
> > As Jim said, we need here are figures for real examples, and i don't have
> > yet. I'll do my "homework" and email back with exact problems with exact
> > timing. Give me a week or two.
> >
> > Also, some of you are talking about IO. Well, it's hard to say without
> the
> > figures here, but I'm pretty sure I'm hitting CPU time only. We use SSD
> on
> > those big databases, and also in my tests i tried setting fsync=off.
> >
> > So the problem is: i see a low iowait, and CPU time for one core is at
> > 80-90% most of the time. I can buy more ram, better disks, or cpu's with
> > more cores. But one cpu core would have more-or-less the same speed no
> > matter how much money you invest.
> >
> > When someone wants a delayed-write index is similar to setting
> >  "synchronous_commit = off". We want to give an OK to the backend as soon
> > as is possible and do this work in background. But we also want some
> > reliability against crashes.
> >
> > Also, if the task is done in background it may be done from other
> backend,
> > so probably several indexes could be packed at once using different
> backend
> > processes. We could use the entire cpu if our index writes aren't tied to
> > the session who wrote the row.
> >
> > PD: I'm very interested on existent approaches like GIN or BRIN (this one
> > is new to me). Thanks a lot; i'll try them in my tests.
> Hi David,
> Here is an interesting read comparing LSM and Fractal Tree indexing:
> http://highscalability.com/blog/2014/8/6/tokutek-white-paper-a-comparison-of-log-structured-merge-lsm.html
> Regards,
> Ken

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