On 2015-06-03 00:42:55 -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Thomas Munro wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 9:30 AM, Alvaro Herrera <alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com> 
> > wrote:
> > > My guess is that the file existed, and perhaps had one or more pages,
> > > but the wanted page doesn't exist, so we tried to read but got 0 bytes
> > > back.  read() returns 0 in this case but doesn't set errno.
> > >
> > > I didn't find a way to set things so that the file exists but is of
> > > shorter contents than oldestMulti by the time the checkpoint record is
> > > replayed.
> > 
> > I'm just starting to learn about the recovery machinery, so forgive me
> > if I'm missing something basic here, but I just don't get this.  As I
> > understand it, offsets/0046 should either have been copied with that
> > page present in it if it existed before the backup started (apparently
> > not in this case), or extended to contain it by WAL records that come
> > after the backup label but before the checkpoint record that
> > references it (also apparently not in this case).

That's not necessarily the case though, given how the code currently
works. In a bunch of places the SLRUs are accessed *before* having been
made consistent by WAL replay. Especially if several checkpoints/vacuums
happened during the base backup the assumed state (i.e. the mxacts
checkpoints refer to) of the data directory soon after the initial
start, and the state of pg_multixact/ won't necessarily match at all.

> Exactly --- that's the spot at which I am, also.  I have had this
> spinning in my head for three days now, and tried every single variation
> that I could think of, but like you I was unable to reproduce the issue.
> However, our customer took a second base backup and it failed in exactly
> the same way, module some changes to the counters (the file that
> didn't exist was 004B rather than 0046).  I'm still at a loss at what
> the failure mode is.  We must be missing some crucial detail ...

I might have missed it in this already long thread. Could you share a
bunch of details about hte case? It'd be very interesting to see the
contents of the backup label (to see where start/end are), the contents
of the initial checkpoint (to see which mxacts we assume to exist at
start) and what the initial contents of pg_multixact are (to match up).


Andres Freund

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