On 7 Dec 2002, Rod Taylor wrote:

> > What too many people fail to realize is that in a commercial environment
> > many companies want another company to point the finger at in case of
> > disaster.  Sybase failed, or HP failed, or IBM failed, or Microsoft
> > failed.  They feel they can do something about that.  If they lose a
> > few million they have someone they can go after, who are they going to
> > go after if PostgreSQL fails them?  Marc?  Bruce?
> This is when you start to shout that RedHat offers commercial support,
> licencing, etc. INCLUDING a free, non-restrictive source licence to the
> core components of RHDB.

I had considered mentioning redhat but didn't want to blur things.  Red
hat markets PostgreSQL under a different name and they're offering a
complete package (including support as you note).  The PGDG isn't doing
that and they shouldn't be.

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