On 05/22/2015 02:38 PM, Jim Nasby wrote:
On 5/21/15 4:25 PM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
Here is a patch that renames jsonb_replace to jsonb_set with a boolean
create_missing flag that defaults to false (should we default it to
true?). With the flag set it's more or less upsert for jsonb. Without,
it's just update.

I think upsert is probably the more expected behavior.

Though, I'm also wondering if we should allow for throwing an error if path doesn't already exist (it looks like if create_missing is false it silently does nothing right now?)

Yes, that's actually documented in the patch.

As for raising an error, in principle it's doable, but the code to detect it might get messy. Also, I don't want a huge number of knobs. So I'm excited about the idea.



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