On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 10:50 PM, David G. Johnston <
david.g.johns...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 2:34 PM, Bruno Harbulot <
> br...@distributedmatter.net> wrote:
>> While I can imagine a Java PostgreSQL driver that would use the libpq
>> syntax, I can't see it being able to have any useful sort of
>> half-compatibility with JDBC, whether it mimics its interfaces or not. I'm
>> not sure it would be very useful at all, considering how much the existing
>> tooling the the Java world relies on JDBC.
> ​I won't claim to have studied this in great detail but there is a lot
> more to the JDBC spec beyond the semantics of
> "PreparedStatement.parse(String)". No need to throw out the baby with the
> bath water and reinvent ResultSet, Connection and various other interfaces
> that are perfectly usable before and after a suitable query has been fully
> parsed.
> When I say "setInteger(1, new Integer(1000))" I don't care whether I had
> to write "SELECT ? AS int_val" OR "SELECT $1 AS int_val"; though the later
> has the nice property of providing corresponding numbers so that I would
> write something like "SELECT $1 AS int_val, $1 AS int_val_2" and not be
> forced to write "setInteger(2, new Integer(1000))" to pass in a value to
> the second - but identical - parameter.  Maybe it violates the semantics
> defined by the API - which I could be making too lightly of - but having
> the same mechanics involved to solve the same problem - with only minor
> semantic nuances to remember seems within the realm of reasonable.
Yes, you're probably right. Nevertheless, I'm not sure why anyone would
switch to that format, knowing that other tools that are on top of JDBC
would certainly not work very well (e.g. Groovy SQL, JOOQ, or ORMs like
Hibernate, ...).

Best wishes,


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