* Andres Freund (and...@anarazel.de) wrote:
> On 2015-05-18 19:59:29 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> > Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de> writes:
> > > Hm, just forcing a collation and restricting the input to ascii should
> > > work, right?
> > 
> > I think that's fragile as can be.
> Hm. I think actually just forcing a collation would bring this on-par
> with name, right? We don't have any guarantees about the contents of
> e.g. pg_database.datname being meaningful in another database with a
> different encoding. In fact even the current database may have a name
> that's in a wrong encoding.
> I'm right now toying with the idea of defining 'varname' as a text
> equivalent that always has a C type collation, and no length
> limitation. That'd generally imo be a good thing to have. A bunch of
> places really don't need the fixed width type and using a variable
> length type will save space. It'll also be a miniscule start twoards
> allowing longer identifiers...

Yes, please?

Would be great to finally make that happen...



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