On 5/14/15 5:48 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
True, but I have problems with leaders acting in a way that is unfair to
>those with less power.  Have you considered how demoralizing it is to
>work in an unfair environment?  Unfairness happens, but as leaders, we
>are supposed to try to avoid it, not cause it.
TBH, every time somebody beats me up about not having dropped everything
else to spend a month on this patch, it just makes me want to back away
further.  I haven't had the time, and I really could do without
accusations of that being unfair.

FWIW, I don't think that's what people are expressing an issue with. Rather, while you were marked as committer no one else was working on it even thought they might have had you not been marked. I think (or at least hope) people understand that things happen, especially when $JOB intervenes.

OTOH, once you were no longer marked as committer I don't think it's fair to hold you accountable for people not stepping back up.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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