2015-05-14 19:12 GMT+02:00 Jim Nasby <jim.na...@bluetreble.com>:

> On 5/14/15 1:36 AM, Pavel Stehule wrote:
>>     I don't think we want to log statements, but we should be able to
>>     log when a job has run and whether it succeeded or not. (log in a
>>     table, not just a logfile).
>>     This isn't something that can be done at higher layers either; only
>>     the scheduler will know if the job failed to even start, or whether
>>     it tried to run the job.
>> I don't agree - generic scheduler can run your procedure, and there you
>> can log start, you can run other commands and you can log result (now
>> there is no problem to catch any production nonfatal exception).
> And what happens when the job fails to even start? You get no logging.

Is only one case - when job is not started due missing worker. Else where
is started topend executor, that can run in protected block.

>  Personally I afraid about responsibility to maintain this log table -
>> when and by who it should be cleaned, who can see results, ... This is
>> job for top end scheduler.
> Only if the top-end scheduler has callbacks for everytime the bottom-end
> scheduler tries to start a job. Otherwise, the top has no clue what the
> bottom has actually attempted.


> To be clear, I don't think these need to be done in a first pass. I am
> concerned about not painting ourselves into a corner though.

I understand



> --
> Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
> Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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