I want to see:

i) proper resource management a-la Oracle. This would allow a DBA to
limited the amount of time any given user spends in the parser, planner or
executor. It would be limited with a more sophisticated user system,
including things like CREATE USER PROFILE ...

ii) Auditing. Who accessed what, how, when and for how long with the
ability to store queries, planner stats, executor stats and what ever else
we can tie to a query. Very useful for debugging and security. You can get
this from the logs but it is non trivial to perform adhoc reporting and
statistical analysis. Why not store it.. in a database? :-)

iii) SQL99 error code

iv) Updatable and insertable-into views (per SQL99). Perhaps a two stage
implementation: i) rules ii) have the planner/executor handle it, instead
of the rewriter. The latter will take more coding, and might touch too
much of the code, considering the other significant changes planned for

v) Better PL/PgSQL parser and memory handling

vi) A larger number of case studies on the advocacy site, with a larger
degree of financial and ROI analysis, all that jazz

vii) Collections of information about migrating from other significant
platforms: oracle, db2, sybase, interbase, SQL server -- a very popular
request on irc.openprojects.net

viii) General advocacy, particularly in pushing mainstream IT media
coverage, conferences and university usage -- both for teaching SQL and
for teach database engineering concepts for senior undergrads.

I've no idea how much time I can put into these, but they're on my TODO


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