2015/03/25 18:53、Ashutosh Bapat <ashutosh.ba...@enterprisedb.com> のメール:

> On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 3:14 PM, Shigeru HANADA <shigeru.han...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Or bottom of make_join_rel().  IMO build_join_rel() is responsible for just 
> building (or searching from a list) a RelOptInfo for given relids.  After 
> that make_join_rel() calls add_paths_to_joinrel() with appropriate arguments 
> per join type to generate actual Paths implements the join.  make_join_rel() 
> is called only once for particular relid combination, and there 
> SpecialJoinInfo and restrictlist (conditions specified in JOIN-ON and WHERE), 
> so it seems promising for FDW cases.
> I like that idea, but I think we will have complex hook signature, it won't 
> remain as simple as hook (root, joinrel). 

Signature of the hook (or the FDW API handler) would be like this:

typedef void (*GetForeignJoinPaths_function ) (PlannerInfo *root,
                                               RelOptInfo *joinrel,
                                               RelOptInfo *outerrel,
                                               RelOptInfo *innerrel,
                                               JoinType jointype,
                                               SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo,
                                               List *restrictlist);

This is very similar to add_paths_to_joinrel(), but lacks semifactors and 
extra_lateral_rels.  semifactors can be obtained with 
compute_semi_anti_join_factors(), and extra_lateral_rels can be constructed 
from root->placeholder_list as add_paths_to_joinrel() does.

>From the viewpoint of postgres_fdw, jointype and restrictlist is necessary to 
>generate SELECT statement, so it would require most work done in make_join_rel 
>again if the signature was hook(root, joinrel).  sjinfo will be necessary for 
>supporting SEMI/ANTI joins, but currently it is not in the scope of 

I guess that other FDWs require at least jointype and restrictlist.

Shigeru HANADA

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