On 23 March 2015 21:39, Robert Haas
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 6:01 AM, Rajeev rastogi
> <rajeev.rast...@huawei.com> wrote:
> > The cost of re-scan of SeqScan node is considered to be same scan of
> > SeqScan node, which always assumes that the records is fetched from
> > disk and hence disk access cost is added (As we don’t know really how
> > much memory will be available to cache during execution).
> That's a general problem not limited to materialize nodes.  We might
> choose to do a heap-sort rather than a quick-sort, but it may turn out
> that the "tapes" we create end up in the OS buffer cache instead of on
> physical storage; in fact, it's probably the common case.  Scans are
> costed using seq_page_cost and random_page_cost, but most of the time
> the "random" page cost will not be the cost of a head seek, because
> we'll find the data in the OS page cache.  Some of the time it really
> will be a head seek, but we have no idea whether that will happen in
> any given case.  The autovacuum cost delays have this problem too: a
> "miss" in shared buffers may really be a hit in the OS page cache, but
> we don't know.

Yes, I agree.

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Sorry for this. Generally we delete this legal message before sending mails to
community but somehow missed to do the same this time.

Thanks and Regards,
Kumar Rajeev Rastogi.

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