On 20/03/2015 00:33, Andreas Karlsson wrote:
> On 03/19/2015 04:55 PM, Julien Tachoires wrote:
>> On 18/03/2015 19:54, Andreas Karlsson wrote:
>>> Looks good but I think one minor improvement could be to set the table
>>> space of the toast entires to the same as the tablespace of the table to
>>> reduce the amount of "SET default_tablespace". What do you think?
>> Yes, you're right, some useless "SET default_tablespace" were added for
>> each ALTER TABLE SET TOAST TABLESPACE statement. It's now fixed with
>> this new patch. Thanks.
> I am confused by your fix. Wouldn't cleaner fix be to use 
> tbinfo->reltablespace rather than tbinfo->reltoasttablespace when 
> calling ArchiveEntry()?

Yes, doing this that way is cleaner. Here is a new version including
your fix. Thanks.


Attachment: set_toast_tablespace_v0.17.patch.gz
Description: application/gzip

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