Apologies if this is a double-post.

Enclosed is a patch that creates a two-arg current_setting() function.  From 
the commit message:

The two-arg form of the current_setting() function will allow a
fallback value to be returned instead of throwing an error when an
unknown GUC is provided.  This would come in most useful when using
custom GUCs; e.g.:

  -- errors out if the 'foo.bar' setting is unset
  SELECT current_setting('foo.bar');

  -- returns current setting of foo.bar, or 'default' if not set
  SELECT current_setting('foo.bar', 'default')

This would save you having to wrap the use of the function in an
exception block just to catch and utilize a default setting value
within a function.

Attachment: 0001-Add-two-arg-for-of-current_setting-NAME-FALLBACK.patch
Description: Binary data

David Christensen
End Point Corporation

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