
Thanks for the review.

Jeevan Chalke wrote:

> I think, there are few open questions here and thus marking it back to 
> "Waiting on Author".
> Please have your views on the review comments already posted.
> Also make changes as Tom suggested about placing pstate at the beginning.

Pushed with that one change.

> postgres=# create or replace function
> f1(a returns int as
> $$ select 1; $$
> language sql;
> ERROR:  schema "abc" does not exist
> Is that expected?

We can leave this for a future patch.

> 2.
> Also what about pushing setup_parser_errposition_callback() inside 
> func_get_detail() as well, just to limit it for namespace lookup?

Seemed messy enough that I left this as-is; and as Tom said elsewhere, I
think it's okay to have cursor position in other errors too.  At the
very least, the user will know for certain what's the function being
processed that caused whatever failure.

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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