On 3/11/15 4:37 PM, Pavel Stehule wrote:
+ /*
+ * array_offset - returns the offset of a value in an array
(array_offset and
+ * array_offset_start are wrappers for safe call (look on opr_sanity
test) a
+ * array_offset_common function.
+ *
+ * Returns NULL when value is not found. It uses a "NOT DISTINCT FROM"
+ * for comparation to be safe against NULL.
+ */
would be better as...
+ /*
+ * array_offset - returns the offset of a value in an array.
array_offset and
+ * array_offset_start are wrappers for the sake of the opr_sanity test.
+ *
+ * Returns NULL when value is not found. It uses a "NOT DISTINCT FROM"
+ * for comparation to be safe against NULL.
+ */
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
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