> -1.  I find it very useful to be able to go back through all the
> release notes using grep, and have done so on multiple occasions.  It
> sounds like this policy would make that harder, and I don't see what
> we get out of of it.  It doesn't bother me that the SGML documentation
> of the release notes is big; disk space is cheap.

Put the full release notes in a tarball on the website, distribute
the relevant portions with the distro?

A single wget "ftp://foo/bar-current.tar.gz"; will pull the whole thing
for full history; through if you're grepping it having a set of files
with version-speicific changes works equaly well. 

Steven Lembark                                             3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing                                   St Louis, MO 63110
lemb...@wrkhors.com                                      +1 888 359 3508

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