Heikki Linnakangas <hlinnakan...@vmware.com> writes:
> On 02/01/2015 04:56 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Hm.  My understanding of the situation was that the "norwegian-bokmal"
>> solution worked on some Windows versions but not others.

> I'm no Windows expert, but believe that it's not the Windows version 
> you're running on that matters, but the CRT library used when building 
> the binaries.

I see.  Still, it's not too hard to credit that one might switch to a new
set of binaries built with a different library version.

>> So it seems like the risk for 9.4 users is that they installed on a
>> version where "norwegian-bokmal" works and then someday want to
>> migrate the database to one where it doesn't.  Maybe we don't need to
>> address that, but I'm strongly tempted to keep the same instructions
>> but phrase them as "change norwegian-bokmal to Norwegian_Norway if
>> it's there".

> That's fine by me, that advice is correct, although I believe that you 
> only encounter that situation if you had built the binaries yourself 
> with an older MSVC version.

OK, I'll make it so.

                        regards, tom lane

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