On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 9:12 AM, Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 4:55 PM, John Gorman <johngorm...@gmail.com> > wrote: > > > > > > > > On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 6:00 PM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> > wrote: > >> > >> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 6:01 AM, Stephen Frost <sfr...@snowman.net> > wrote: > >> > So, for my 2c, I've long expected us to parallelize at the > relation-file > >> > level for these kinds of operations. This goes back to my other > >> > thoughts on how we should be thinking about parallelizing inbound data > >> > for bulk data loads but it seems appropriate to consider it here also. > >> > One of the issues there is that 1G still feels like an awful lot for a > >> > minimum work size for each worker and it would mean we don't > parallelize > >> > for relations less than that size. > >> > >> Yes, I think that's a killer objection. > > > > > > One approach that I has worked well for me is to break big jobs into > much smaller bite size tasks. Each task is small enough to complete quickly. > > > > Here we have to decide what should be the strategy and how much > each worker should scan. As an example one of the the strategy > could be if the table size is X MB and there are 8 workers, then > divide the work as X/8 MB for each worker (which I have currently > used in patch) and another could be each worker does scan > 1 block at a time and then check some global structure to see which > next block it needs to scan, according to me this could lead to random > scan. I have read that some other databases also divide the work > based on partitions or segments (size of segment is not very clear). > A block can contain useful tuples, i.e tuples which are visible and fulfil the quals + useless tuples i.e. tuples which are dead, invisible or that do not fulfil the quals. Depending upon the contents of these blocks, esp. the ratio of (useful tuples)/(unuseful tuples), even though we divide the relation into equal sized runs, each worker may take different time. So, instead of dividing the relation into number of run = number of workers, it might be better to divide them into fixed sized runs with size < (total number of blocks/ number of workers), and let a worker pick up a run after it finishes with the previous one. The smaller the size of runs the better load balancing but higher cost of starting with the run. So, we have to strike a balance. > > > > We add the tasks to a task queue and spawn a generic worker pool which > eats through the task queue items. > > > > This solves a lot of problems. > > > > - Small to medium jobs can be parallelized efficiently. > > - No need to split big jobs perfectly. > > - We don't get into a situation where we are waiting around for a worker > to finish chugging through a huge task while the other workers sit idle. > > - Worker memory footprint is tiny so we can afford many of them. > > - Worker pool management is a well known problem. > > - Worker spawn time disappears as a cost factor. > > - The worker pool becomes a shared resource that can be managed and > reported on and becomes considerably more predictable. > > > > Yeah, it is good idea to maintain shared worker pool, but it seems > to me that for initial version even if the workers are not shared, > then also it is meaningful to make parallel sequential scan work. > > > With Regards, > Amit Kapila. > EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com > -- Best Wishes, Ashutosh Bapat EnterpriseDB Corporation The Postgres Database Company