On Wed, 2014-11-26 at 16:59 -0800, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Peter Geoghegan <p...@heroku.com> wrote:
> > Looks like the consensus is that we should have RETURNING project
> > updated tuples too, then.
> Attached revision, v1.5, establishes this behavior (as always, there
> is a variant for each approach to value locking). There is a new
> commit with a commit message describing the new RETURNING/command tag
> behavior in detail, so no need to repeat it here. The documentation
> has been updated in these areas, too.

It seems there isn't any way to distinguish between insert and update of
given row. Maybe a pseudo-column can be added so that it can be used in
the returning statement:

  insert into foobar(id, other_col) values(2, '2') on conflict (id) update set 
other_col=excluded.other_col returning id, pseudo.was_updated;

This would ensure that users could check for each primary key value if
the row was updated or inserted.

Of course, the pseudo.was_updated name should be replaced by something

It would be nice to be able to skip updates of rows that were not

   insert into foobar values(2, '2') on conflict (id) update set 
other_col=excluded.other_col where target is distinct from excluded;

 - Anssi Kääriäinen

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