
> > I'm wondering here if it's better to keep partition values per partition
> > wherein we have two catalogs, say, pg_partitioned_rel and pg_partition_def.
> >
> > pg_partitioned_rel stores information like partition kind, key (attribute
> > number(s)?), key opclass(es). Optionally, we could also say here if a given
> > record (in pg_partitioned_rel) represents an actual top-level partitioned 
> > table
> > or a partition that is sub-partitioned (wherein this record is just a dummy 
> > for
> > keys of sub-partitioning and such); something like partisdummy...
> >
> > pg_partition_def stores information of individual partitions 
> > (/sub-partitions,
> > too?) such as its parent (either an actual top level partitioned table or a 
> > sub-
> > partitioning template), whether this is an overflow/default partition, and
> > partition values.
> Yeah, you could do something like this.  There's a certain overhead to
> adding additional system catalogs, though.  It means more inodes on
> disk, probably more syscaches, and more runtime spent probing those
> additional syscache entries to assemble a relcache entry.  On the
> other hand, it's got a certain conceptual cleanliness to it.

Hmm, this could be a concern.
> I do think at a very minimum it's important to have a Boolean flag in
> pg_class so that we need not probe what you're calling
> pg_partitioned_rel if no partitioning information is present there.  I
> might be tempted to go further and add the information you are
> proposing to put in pg_partitioned_rel in pg_class instead, and just
> add one new catalog.  But it depends on how many columns we end up
> with.

I think something like pg_class.relispartitioned would be good as a minimum 
like you said.

> Before going too much further with this I'd mock up schemas for your
> proposed catalogs and a list of DDL operations to be supported, with
> the corresponding syntax, and float that here for comment.

I came up with something like the following:

* Catalog schema:

CREATE TABLE pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_rel
   partrelid                oid    NOT NULL,
   partkind                oid    NOT NULL,
   partissub              bool  NOT NULL,
   partkey                 int2vector NOT NULL, -- partitioning attributes
   partopclass         oidvector,

   PRIMARY KEY (partrelid, partissub),
   FOREIGN KEY (partrelid)   REFERENCES pg_class (oid),
   FOREIGN KEY (partopclass) REFERENCES pg_opclass (oid)

CREATE TABLE pg_catalog.pg_partition_def
   partitionid                      oid     NOT NULL,
   partitionparentrel       oid    NOT NULL,
   partitionisoverflow     bool  NOT NULL,
   partitionvalues             anyarray,

   PRIMARY KEY (partitionid),
   FOREIGN KEY (partitionid) REFERENCES pg_class(oid)

ALTER TABLE pg_catalog.pg_class ADD COLUMN relispartitioned;

pg_partitioned_rel stores the partitioning information for a partitioned 
relation. A pg_class relation has pg_partitioned_rel entry if 
pg_class.relispartitioned is 'true'. Though this can be challenged by saying we 
will want to store sub-partitioning key here too. Do we want a partition 
relation to be called partitioned itself for the purpose of underlying 
subpartitions? 'partissub' would be true in that case.

pg_partition_def has a row for each relation that has defined restrictions on 
the data that partkey column can take, aka a partition. The data is known to be 
within the bounds defined by partitionvalues. Perhaps we could divide this into 
two viz. rangeupperbound and listvalues for two partition types. When we will 
get to multi-level partitioning (sub-partitioning), the partitions described 
here would actually be either data containing relations (lowest level) or 
placeholder relations (upper-level). The parentrel is supposed to make it 
easier to scan for all partitions of a given partitioned relation. The 
partitioning hierarchy also stays in the form of inheritance stored elsewhere 

The main reasoning behind two separate catalogs (or at least keeping partition 
definitions separate) is to make life easier during future enhancements like 

* DDL syntax (no multi-column partitioning, sub-partitioning support as yet):

-- create partitioned table and child partitions at once.
CREATE TABLE parent (...)
PARTITION BY [ RANGE | LIST ] (key_column) [ opclass ]
[ (
     PARTITION child
           VALUES LESS THAN { ... | MAXVALUE } -- for RANGE
         | VALUES [ IN ] ( { ... | DEFAULT } ) -- for LIST
       [ WITH ( ... ) ] [ TABLESPACE tbs ]
     [, ...]
  ) ] ;

-- define partitioning key on a table
ALTER TABLE parent PARTITION BY  [ RANGE | LIST ] ( key_column ) [ opclass ] [ 
(...) ] ;

-- create a new partition on a partitioned table with specified values

-- drop a partition of a partitioned table with specified values
DROP PARTITION child  ON parent VALUES ...;

-- attach table as a partition to a partitioned table

-- detach a partition (child continues to exist as a regular table)


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