On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 06:37:38AM +0100, Andrew Gierth wrote:
> >>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Gierth <and...@tao11.riddles.org.uk> writes:
>  Andrew> I was holding off on posting a recut patch with the latest
>  Andrew> EXPLAIN formatting changes (which are basically cosmetic)
>  Andrew> until it became clear whether RLS was likely to be reverted
>  Andrew> or kept (we have a tiny but irritating conflict with it, in
>  Andrew> the regression test schedule file where we both add to the
>  Andrew> same list of tests).
> And here is that recut patch set.
> Changes since last posting (other than conflict removal):
>   - gsp1.patch: clearer EXPLAIN output as per discussion
> Recut patches:
> gsp1.patch         - phase 1 code patch (full syntax, limited functionality)
> gsp2.patch         - phase 2 code patch (adds full functionality using the
>                      new chained aggregate mechanism)
> gsp-doc.patch      - docs
> gsp-contrib.patch  - quote "cube" in contrib/cube and contrib/earthdistance,
>                      intended primarily for testing pending a decision on
>                      renaming contrib/cube or unreserving keywords
> gsp-u.patch        - proposed method to unreserve CUBE and ROLLUP
> (the contrib patch is not necessary if the -u patch is used; the
> contrib/pg_stat_statements fixes are in the phase1 patch)
> -- 
> Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

Tom, any word on this?

David Fetter <da...@fetter.org> http://fetter.org/
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