Dear Tom,
        Here's the result of your queries:

template1=# set TimeZone TO 'PST8PDT';
template1=# select abstime 'May 10, 1947 23:59:12';
 1947-05-10 22:59:12-08
(1 row)

template1=# select (abstime 'May 10, 1947 23:59:12')::int4;
(1 row)

> "Robert E. Bruccoleri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >     There are differences in the regression tests for PostgreSQL
> > 7.3b2 with handling of times before 1970. I recently sent out a set of
> > diffs for the changes. I've looked through the datetime.c code, but
> > it's not obvious to me what the cause of the change is. PostgreSQL 7.2
> > works fine on Irix for these cases.
> I have a feeling that it's got something to do with the workaround for
> broken mktime() that I recently put in.  Could you try this experiment
> and see what you get?  (This should at least tell us whether the
> variance from common behavior is on the input side or the output side.)
> regression=# set TimeZone TO 'PST8PDT';
> regression=# select abstime 'May 10, 1947 23:59:12';
>         abstime
> ------------------------
>  1947-05-10 23:59:12-08
> (1 row)
> regression=# select (abstime 'May 10, 1947 23:59:12')::int4;
>     int4
> ------------
>  -714585648
> (1 row)
>                       regards, tom lane

| Robert E. Bruccoleri, Ph.D. | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                |
| P.O. Box 314                | URL: |
| Pennington, NJ 08534        |                                    |

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