Jeevan Chalke wrote:

> Regarding Directory Error:
> ===
> I strongly against the proposal. This patch changing error message to
> something like this:
> "psql:blah:0: Input path is a directory. Use pg_restore to restore
> directory-format database dumps."
> So even though I accidentally provide a directory instead of a sql script
> file when I have NO intention of restoring a dump, above message looks
> weired. Instead current message looks perfectly fine here. i.e.
> "could not read from input file: Is a directory"
> psql always expect a file and NOT directory. Also it is not necessarily
> working on restoring a dump.

Yeah, this patch is a lot more debatable than the other one.  I have
pushed the first one without changing the error message.

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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